Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C2 He Was Proposed!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C2 He Was Proposed!
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C2 He Was Proposed!

Upon hearing those words, everyone in the private room was stunned, and the mood shifted to an awkward tension.

Lin's father and mother couldn't believe their eyes as they stared at their eldest daughter. Had they really just heard Lin Yuer, their eldest, express her intention to marry Chen Fann, the boyfriend of their younger daughter?

Lin Keer's friends were speechless with shock.

If they weren't mistaken, had Lin Keer's sister just proposed to Chen Fann?

"Sis, do you realize what you're saying?" Lin Keer exclaimed, her voice laced with astonishment. She must have misunderstood. It was inconceivable that her sister would propose to her former boyfriend.

Not only were they struggling to believe it, but Chen Fann, on the receiving end of the unexpected proposal, was equally perplexed.

What in the world was happening?

A rejected proposal followed by an unforeseen opportunity?

Chen Fann remained silent, prompting Lin Yuer to gather her courage and take a deep breath before saying, "Chen Fann, I said I want to marry you. Would you be willing?"

Chen Fann wasn't silent by choice; his mind was a complete blank.

Although Lin Yuer was more accomplished than Lin Keer, he had never entertained any romantic thoughts about her. A wonderful girl like her deserved a better match. And if he did agree, how would he navigate his relationship with the Lin family and Lin Keer going forward?

"Ms. Yuer..."

As Chen Fann was about to voice his refusal, a sudden voice echoed in his head.


Host's conditions met.

System injection initiated.

Injection complete.

Host is faced with a critical decision. The system has devised two options:

One, decline Lin Yuer's proposal and receive an unknown reward (minimum of five million yuan in cash).

Two, accept Lin Yuer's proposal and secure a marriage certificate within the next 24 hours, guaranteeing a reward chosen by the system (official system binding and a starter gift pack included).

The choice was clear.

With the system at his disposal, the world was his oyster.

Why hesitate over the options?

As Chen Fann's expression fluctuated, Lin Yuer, still uncertain of what had transpired, finally bowed her head and managed a bittersweet smile, "Alright, I understand your decision. I wish you all the best in the future..."

At this juncture, Lin Yuer couldn't help but pause, her emotions getting the better of her.

She had assumed that Chen Fann might hesitate, but ultimately, she thought he would accept her proposal. It came as a surprise when he declined, albeit indirectly, to spare her feelings.

Yet, despite the rejection, Lin Yuer harbored no regrets.

Her intent was clear: to show Chen Fann his worth, that even if Keer let him go, plenty of exceptional women would be eager to stand by his side. She also hoped to make her sister, Lin Keer, realize that a man as remarkable as Chen Fann wasn't obligated to choose her.

As Lin Yuer's myriad thoughts coalesced into a wistful smile, and she was on the verge of wishing him happiness, Chen Fann's voice cut through the silence.

"Ms. Yuer, are you certain of your decision? Is it just for me, not for anyone else?"

"Absolutely, though you've already given me your answer," Lin Yuer replied with a strained smile.

"No, I haven't. Listen, Ms. Yuer, I... I am willing to marry you," Chen Fann declared, his gaze locked on hers.

"What did you say?" Lin Yuer asked, astonishment etched across her face.

"I said, I am willing to marry Lin Yuer." With those words, Chen Fann approached the dining table, opened a can, and slid the pull tab onto Lin Yuer's finger. He spoke earnestly, "Ms. Yuer, the ring I gave to my ex-girlfriend, I can't use it for you. I owe you a diamond ring and a proper proposal. But for now, I want to ask you formally: Lin Yuer, will you marry me?"

"Without a doubt," Lin Yuer replied, her face alight with happiness, playfully batting her eyelashes. "Just don't forget to make good on that engagement ring."

"Without question, I will."

Chen Fann gazed at the radiant Lin Yuer, filled with admiration. He realized he had never truly seen her before; she was even more vibrant and lovely than her sister, Lin Keer.

In the midst of their tender, hand-in-hand exchange, Lin Keer suddenly rose to her feet.

"Do you realize what you're doing? How can you two be together?" Lin Keer cried out, her voice piercing the air.

"Why can't we be together?" Lin Yuer asked, her gaze fixed. "I asked you over and over if you were sure about breaking up with Chen Fann. You made the decision. Chen Fann is single, I'm single—so what's stopping us?"

"Keer, do you realize you've let go of the person who was most worth your love and care?"

"Still, I owe you my thanks. If you had stayed with Chen Fann, I would've kept my true feelings hidden forever, probably settling for someone I didn't love and living a life filled with regret. But because you two split, I now have the chance to be with the man I love. So, for that, I'm grateful to you for making this possible."

"Chen Fann, I forbid you to be with my sister!" Lin Keer declared, her voice fierce and commanding.

"We may have broken up, but that doesn't mean you can be with my sister. Anyone but her, or I'll never forgive you!"

Over the years, Chen Fann had always indulged her, big or small. Lin Keer believed that if she just spoke to him with that commanding tone, he would surely comply without a second thought.

But what Lin Keer didn't expect was a response devoid of the usual warmth from Chen Fann; instead, she was met with an unfamiliar coldness.

"We're done. Whether or not you forgive me doesn't matter to me anymore."

"Dad, Mom, what are you doing? Speak up! My ex-boyfriend is about to marry my sister. Don't you care?" Lin Keer cried out in desperation to her parents.

"Keer, you've got it wrong. Chen Fann isn't just marrying me; I'm choosing to marry him," Lin Yuer corrected her.

"Exactly. You're both our daughters, and your mother and I want nothing more than for you to marry someone you truly love. Fann is a fine young man, and since he and Yuer are in agreement, we see no reason to object," Lin's father explained.

"Mom?" Lin Keer turned to her mother, the one who cherished her most, for support.

"Your sister is right. You and Fann are no longer together, and it was your choice to end things. Throughout your relationship, Fann was nothing but respectful to you, never overstepping any boundaries. Now that he's with your sister, there's no moral wrongdoing. Your father and I feel the same way. Fann is such a wonderful young man, and the thought of him marrying into another family would be hard for us to accept," Lin's mother shared.

Has the world gone mad?

Lin Keer gazed at her parents and sister, Lin Yuer, in utter disbelief. Regret was already seeping in.

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