Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C21 One Fist Superman Card!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C21 One Fist Superman Card!
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C21 One Fist Superman Card!

The burning question is, how can a simple bowl of osmanthus cakes possibly command such a steep price? A mere trinket worth a couple of bucks on the street is being sold for $9,999—looks like Chen Fann is making a killing off this deal.

At that moment, Yellow Hair finally caught on. Grinding his teeth, he pointed at Liu Mengyu and feigned nonchalance, "You've got a point, kid. A real man doesn't quarrel with a lady. If you're so eager for this osmanthus cake, it's all yours!"

Liu Mengyu let out a cold snort, paying no mind to Yellow Hair. The guy was quite the self-promoter. Despite clearly being out of cash, he stubbornly clung to the idea that a real man doesn't fight with a woman. If he truly embraced that principle, he wouldn't have been hassling her over and over. His sudden backing down was nothing more than a cover for his embarrassment.

Aware that Liu Mengyu wouldn't buy his act, Yellow Hair shifted his focus back to Chen Fann. There's a saying that you pick the softest persimmon to squeeze. Unable to best this woman, he decided to have it out with Chen Fann instead.

"Kid, I've just realized I almost fell for your trick. I'm here today to run you out of town. If your shop isn't closed within the hour, I'll wreck the place!"

As Yellow Hair became increasingly agitated, Chen Fann's stance hardened as well.

"Yellow Hair, under the clear sky of broad daylight, what gives you the authority to demand I close my shop? Without a valid reason, even if you trash my place, I'll just open it right back up!"

"Scoundrel, you're truly insufferable. You want a reason? I'll give you one. This is the brainchild of our boss, Young Master Xu Yuan. Are you aware of his clout around here, especially in the restaurant business? You think you can take him on? You must have the audacity of a lion! If you know what's good for you, you'll kneel and apologize to Grandpa Yellow Hair. Otherwise, I'll use my fists to teach you some manners!"

"Heh, so it's come to blows, has it? You might outnumber me, but I'm not scared in the slightest!"

With those words, Chen Fann assumed a defensive stance, ready for whatever came next.

On the other side, Lin Yuer and Liu Mengyu watched the unfolding scene with growing apprehension, Lin Yuer in particular. She was deeply concerned that her man, Chen Fann, might get hurt in the impending scuffle. Chen was, by nature, more of a scholar than a fighter. While intellectually superior to the thugs, he was hardly their equal in a brawl. And the wounds from yesterday's altercation were still healing.

"Stop it, you thugs! If you keep bullying like this, I won't hesitate to call the cops and have you all arrested!" Lin Yuer shouted at them. But Yellow Hair, far from being deterred, only grew more brazen, seemingly reveling in the intimidation.

"Sweetheart, are you already worried about your man? Why stick with a loser when you could be with me, Grandpa Yellow Hair? I'll treat you to the finer things in life—delicious meals, spicy drinks, and endless luxury. Plus, I'll even let this little punk off the hook and stop bothering him. How about that?" Yellow Hair persisted with his usual tactics, but neither Lin Yuer nor Liu Mengyu were swayed by such a vile character.

"In your dreams! I wouldn't give you the time of day, even if it were my last breath!" Lin Yuer retorted with icy disdain, her usual gentle demeanor replaced by a fierce resolve that Chen found all the more enchanting.

"Yuer, don't bother arguing with him. Let them come to me if they want something," Chen Fann interjected, his words only serving to incense Yellow Hair further. With a signal to his lackeys, it wasn't long before three of them had Chen surrounded.

"Kid, you've refused a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit. I'm giving you one final chance..." Yellow Hair began.

"Ptui!" Chen Fann spat before Yellow Hair could finish, speckling his face with saliva.

"You little punk, I'm going to beat you to a pulp!" After a brief silence, one of Yellow Hair's cronies swung his fist at Chen Fann's forehead with a vicious blow.

"Chen Fann..."

Lin Yuer's shout was filled with terror, her eyes shut tight in fear. Even Liu Mengyu, who was standing nearby, couldn't help but move to intervene. It was clear to everyone that Chen Fann was about to take a severe beating.


A scream pierced the air, but the unfolding scene left everyone in shock.

Chen Fann remained unscathed and unmoving after the punch was thrown, as if he hadn't been touched. The thug who had thrown the punch, however, was catapulted several meters away, crumpling to the ground like a lifeless ragdoll.

"Oh my god, what just happened?"

The same question echoed in everyone's mind, unable to grasp the events that had just transpired.

Lin Yuer rushed to Chen Fann's side to check on him, only to find not a single mark on him.

Yellow Hair was seething with anger, clueless about what had occurred. He simply assumed his underling was too weak to handle someone like Chen Fann.

"You useless fool! You can't even handle a simple task. When push comes to shove, it looks like I have to step in!"

Yellow Hair spat out the words as he kicked his lackey aside, then turned his attention to Chen Fann, fists swinging. He was convinced that even if Chen Fann had some tricks up his sleeve, he wouldn't stand a chance against him. And even if he couldn't beat him alone, he had a few more men who could join forces with him.

But Chen Fann was far from intimidated. While the others were lost in confusion, he knew exactly what had happened. As the thug had made his move, Chen Fann had instinctively whispered to himself, "One Punch Superman," and felt an immense surge of power in his hands. The next thing he knew, the thug was flung away as if propelled by a spring. Chen Fann had anticipated this, yet he was still taken aback by the sheer force that had sent the man flying three meters from a mere flick of his wrist.

"Kid, I don't know what kind of tricks you're playing, but I'm going to leave you bruised and swollen with ease. I've trained in Taekwondo, you know!"

With that, Yellow Hair launched a kick at Chen Fann's stomach.


He expected Chen Fann to double over in pain, but instead, it was he who cried out, tumbling to the ground just like his underling had before him.

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