Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C3 He Got the Marriage Certificate on the Spot!!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C3 He Got the Marriage Certificate on the Spot!!
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C3 He Got the Marriage Certificate on the Spot!!

"Dad, Mom, why wait for another day when today is already here? I want to get the marriage certificate with Chen Fann today," Lin Yuer said, looking at her parents. She had been handling some insurance matters earlier and had her household register in her bag. With her decision to be with Chen Fann already made, it was time to complete the first step and avoid any complications.

"Today? To get the certificate?"

Lin's father and mother were struggling to keep up with their eldest daughter's swift pace.

Was this meal feeling surreal to them?

"Yuer, you're moving so fast! We thought after Keer and Chen Fann broke up, the rest of us might have a chance. But you, Yuer, you're so decisive."

"Pfft, Yuer just cut off everyone's plan B. Looks like our chances are gone."

"But it's actually great. Yuer, you're truly exceptional. We didn't see it before, but now it's clear that you and Chen Fann are a perfect match."

Lin Keer's close friends, who were also well-acquainted with Yuer, were a bit overwhelmed by the pace but still offered their jokes and blessings.

Chen Fann, standing next to Lin Yuer, was completely bewildered.

The system had alerted him that he needed to get the marriage certificate with Lin Yuer within 24 hours to officially bind the system. He had been trying to think of a way to persuade Yuer to agree, but to his surprise, she was even more eager than he was.

Was she secretly longing for his charms all this time?

"Chen Fann, I know you have your household register on you. Let's go get our marriage certificate now. Do you have any objections?" Lin Yuer asked with a smile.

"No, no objections at all. As long as you're okay with the rush, I'm all ears," Chen Fann replied.

Watching her sister Yuer and Chen Fann in such agreement, Lin Keer's emotions intensified. Her face flushed with emotion, she pointed at them and exclaimed, "You two, how coincidental that you both happen to have your household registers with you. Have you been secretly together behind my back all this time?"

"Dad, Mom, you've been tricked by my sister. You see, they've been together behind my back for ages!"

"Even if I hadn't broken up with Chen Fann, he's already betrayed me. And yet, you all still side with him and my sister. How is that fair to me, or to any of you?"

Lin Keer unleashed her grievances in a hysterical outburst, tears streaming down like pearls slipping off a string.

The sight deeply pained Lin Yuer.

"Keer, Chen Fann didn't carry the household registration book for me. If you had accepted that ring, if you had said 'yes' to his proposal, you'd be the one going with him to register your marriage right now."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Keer froze.

"I'm telling you, the household registration book Chen Fann had was meant for you. Can't you see that?" Lin Yuer said, shaking her head in frustration.

"So... he wanted to succeed in proposing and then go with me to register our marriage. It was me... I was the one who rejected him, who handed this chance to someone else," Lin Keer murmured, closing her eyes in despair.

"We should go." Despite the ache in her heart for her sister, Lin Yuer was resolute not to surrender her own love.

Watching Chen Fann and Lin Yuer walk away, Lin Keer felt her heart being torn apart.

The man who had loved her for years, who had cherished her as if she were his first love, who had given her endless tenderness and a sense of security, was leaving her. From today on, would this man truly no longer be hers?

"No, I'm right. Chen Fann is wonderful, but he can't offer me the life I desire. I made the right choice. As long as I strive for excellence, as long as I'm outstanding, better people will come into my life. I have no regrets about my decision!" Lin Keer affirmed to herself amidst her tears.

Outside the clubhouse.

Chen Fann, now outside, withdrew his hand from Lin Yuer's slim waist, apologizing with an awkward expression, "Ms. Yuer, I'm sorry, I just... I got carried away. I didn't mean any disrespect."

"Pfft, I'm officially your girlfriend now. Holding my waist is perfectly normal," Lin Yuer said, even as her cheeks flushed a deep red.

Chen Fann facepalmed at her words.


Lin Yuer is officially his girlfriend now, so wrapping an arm around her waist should be perfectly normal, right?

Despite thinking this, Chen Fann remained cautious. If not, he wouldn't have been with Lin Keer for all those years without even sharing a kiss.

"We're on our way to get our marriage license; we should be a little sweeter," Lin Yuer said, sensing his shyness and proactively slipping her hand through Chen Fann's arm.

"Uh," Chen Fann blushed, escorting Lin Yuer into the car.

Over the years, Chen Fann had diligently saved his salary for his family, allocating what was left to Lin Keer and purchasing gifts for Lin's father and Lin's mother. Consequently, after all this time working, he still commuted by the crowded subway daily. He hadn't even considered buying a car, let alone an electric scooter. The car they were currently in was, in fact, purchased by Lin Yuer.

"Ms. Yuer, we're almost at the Civil Affairs Bureau. I need to ask you one more time—are you absolutely certain this isn't a spur-of-the-moment decision?"

Binding the system was crucial, but Chen Fann didn't want to compromise Lin Yuer's lifelong happiness for it.

He hadn't spoken much with Lin Yuer during his time with the Lin family, but he had gleaned enough from Lin's father and mother to know that she was a kind and diligent girl who had always treated him well. He didn't want her to make a rash decision.

He knew they could always divorce if they regretted it later.

But society views unmarried women and divorcees differently.

"I meant every word I said before. This isn't a whim or a moment of madness. You can be sure of that. I wouldn't foolishly rush into a decision I might regret. So, Chen Fann, remember this—I'm marrying you after careful consideration, and I won't have any regrets," Lin Yuer said while driving, her voice not only devoid of regret but filled with joy.

"Ms. Yuer, does it not bother you?"

Chen Fann gave a wry smile, "I mean, I've only just ended things with Keer. Most girls would take issue with that, wouldn't they?"

"Your willingness to join me in obtaining our marriage license already shows that we have a future together. I'm aware that you're still healing from your breakup with Keer, but that's okay. I'll give us both the time we need, and with my love, I'll help you leave those unpleasant memories behind."

"Besides, I'm confident that if you entrust yourself to me, you'll eventually fall deeply in love with me," Lin Yuer declared with assurance.

As they conversed, the car pulled up to the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Lin Yuer stepped out, beckoning Chen Fann with a playful wink and a welcoming gesture. "Welcome to the first milestone of our marriage journey. My soon-to-be husband, now please join me as we step into the sanctity of matrimony..."

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