Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C4 The System Was Bound!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C4 The System Was Bound!
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C4 The System Was Bound!

Lin Yuer's antics elicited a laugh from Chen Fann as they walked hand in hand toward the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The bureau wasn't crowded that day, so they breezed through the photo and stamping process. In just ten minutes, Lin Yuer and Chen Fann emerged from the building, each clutching a red marriage booklet.

At that moment, Chen Fann heard a system notification in his mind.

"Binding successful?"

He immediately initiated a conversation with the system.

"Congratulations, lucky trial user. You are the third person to trial this system. Once chosen, the system cannot be removed for life. Make the right choice ten times, and you'll earn a chance to draw a prize from a pool with unknown attributes. Please choose wisely."

So, in addition to the reward for making choices, correctly choosing ten times would grant an extra chance at the draw?

Chen Fann was puzzled. What did they mean by unknown prize attributes?

Were there good and bad prizes?

While he pondered, the system chimed in again.

"Your novice gift pack has been dispatched. Please check for it."

That was fast.

Chen Fann was just getting excited about the prospect when he felt Lin Yuer shaking his hand.

She had been chatting nonstop since they left the Civil Affairs Bureau, only to realize she'd been talking to herself. Turning around, she found Chen Fann deep in thought.

"It's nothing, just reflecting on life's unpredictability," Chen Fann quickly said, pulling his attention back to the present.

He had intended to marry Lin Keer, but fate had him wed Lin Yuer instead.

A dinner that included a proposal, a breakup, another proposal, and a switch in marriage certificate candidates—if it hadn't happened to him, Chen Fann would have doubted its reality.

Once they were in the car, Chen Fann asked, "Yuer, where to now?"

"Now that we're legally married, you're still calling me 'Ms. Yuer'?" Lin Yuer teased with a laugh.

"Well... Yuer," Chen Fann finally managed, the name feeling strange after so long calling her 'sister.' The abrupt shift in their relationship was still something he was getting used to.

"Pfft, okay, okay, I won't push you anymore." Lin Yuer could see Chen Fann was struggling and decided not to press the issue. Instead, she leaned in close and gave him a quick, soft kiss on the lips. Before Chen Fann could even savor the moment, Lin Yuer, with a flushed face, said, "Let's head to my place to pack up some things. I took the afternoon off, so I'll move my stuff to where you're staying."

"Ah?" Chen Fann was caught off guard.

"What's with the 'ah'? We're legally married, with a certificate and everything. Isn't it normal for us to live together?" Lin Yuer asked, cocking her head and smiling at him.

Chen Fann couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that smile gave him.

Why did it seem like he had unwittingly boarded Lin Yuer's pirate ship?

"You don't want to live with me?" Lin Yuer's smile faded a bit when she noticed Chen Fann's silence.

"No, it's not that. It's just... this is all so sudden. Up until today, I've always seen you as an older sister. Suddenly getting married and moving in together is a lot to process."

"I get it. But don't worry, I'll help you adjust in no time. For instance, tonight we could share a bed. By morning, I guarantee you'll have forgotten all your reservations. Sound good?" Lin Yuer winked, her flirtatious expression almost too enchanting.

Wasn't this tempting him into mischief?

Looks like married life was going to be more interesting than he'd anticipated.

The Lin family had always lived in the Binhe District. Though the neighborhood was a bit dated, it was fully equipped and the neighbors were friendly. It might not have the prestige of the newer high-end areas, but it was a comfortable place to live.

After parking the car, Lin Yuer and Chen Fann headed straight up to her apartment.

Lin's parents hadn't come back yet. Lin Yuer suggested Chen Fann relax in the living room while she went to her room to gather her belongings.

"Ding! You've successfully opened the novice gift bag."

"Congratulations, you've just doubled the savings in your bank card."

"Congratulations, you've gained a +2 boost in taste."

"Congratulations to the trial user for receiving an unknown potion +1."

"Congratulations to the trial user for receiving a secret recipe +1."

What in the world are these?

A recipe?

An unknown potion?


What's the point of all this stuff!

While Chen Fann was still baffled, his phone buzzed. He checked it to find a bank notification: Your account ending in 0526 has received a deposit, with a new balance of 2.5 million yuan.


Did my deposit just increase by five hundred times?!

Is this for real?

Trying to contain his excitement, Chen Fann quickly examined the unknown potion.

The description read simply "unknown," which meant there was a risk it could be poison. Could he end up dead just by taking a sip?

As Chen Fann debated whether to risk drinking the potion now, the system notification chimed in again: "Lucky system trial user, you've received a letter from the system developer. Would you like to read it?"

A letter from the system developer?

Without a second thought, Chen Fann chose to read it.

"Lucky trial user, if you are reading this letter, it means you have successfully bound yourself to the Lucky Choice System. Please note that while the system is theoretically bound to the host forever, it may deviate based on the individual circumstances of the user. In other words, the system may become unstable under certain special conditions. Therefore, please cherish this opportunity to use it."

"The system has detected an enhancement in the trial user's taste and the gift of a recipe. It is recommended that the trial user embark on a culinary journey."

"Use the system to diligently earn money, lucky trial user. Farewell."

Embark on a culinary journey?

Recipes and taste.

Suddenly, an idea struck Chen Fann. What if he resigned and became a restaurant owner?

He knew of a Chinese restaurant up for sale in the neighborhood. He had previously considered quitting his job to start a business but was deterred by the hefty transfer fee. Now, with the system's multiplied five million, it might just be worth a shot.

Just then, Lin Yuer finished packing and emerged from her room.

"I'm all set. Ready to go," Lin Yuer said, pulling her suitcase and linking arms with Chen Fann.

"Yuer, starting today, we're going to build a wonderful life together. Thank you for choosing me." Chen Fann took Lin Yuer's suitcase, gently holding her hand, his eyes conveying unwavering resolve.

"That's such a silly thing to say. From now on, we're united. Let's give it our all!" Lin Yuer declared with confidence.

"Okay, let's give it our all."

Descending the stairs, Chen Fann stowed the luggage in the trunk. Holding a driver's license himself, he insisted Lin Yuer take the passenger seat while he took the wheel. It was, after all, the first day of their married life. The elaborate proposal could wait, but as a husband, he felt it was only proper to take his wife on a romantic date.

"Yuer, I remember how much you enjoy the restaurants in Tiandu City. My treat today."

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