Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C5 The Explosive News!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C5 The Explosive News!
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C5 The Explosive News!

"Truth be told, I'm not that particular about food, but I did visit that place once before. I'm surprised you remember," Lin Yuer said, feeling moved. It had been a long time since she had mentioned the Tian City restaurant to Chen Fann, and she hadn't expected him to remember. It gave her a little emotional stir.

"Don't worry about it. What matters most is that my wife is happy," Chen Fann said with a smile.

"Food aside, honestly, coming to Tian City was a great choice. Even if you hadn't suggested it, I would have insisted we come. Look at the shirt you're wearing; I recall you've had it for years and haven't wanted to part with it. Let's get you a new shirt first," Lin Yuer suggested, linking her arm through Chen Fann's as they walked away from the parked car.

Over the years, she had been quietly observing Chen Fann.

Chen Fann, a year senior to Lin Keer, had quickly landed a job at a reputable company after graduation, thanks to his hard work. He was always too frugal to spend his earnings on himself, which not only concerned Lin Yuer but also tugged at the heartstrings of Lin's father and Lin's mother.

Now that they were legally married, Lin Yuer felt it was both her responsibility and duty to take good care of him.

She hadn't dared to before, but now things were different.

"Okay, my wife's wishes come first. I'm all ears," Chen Fann chuckled, and they headed toward the men's clothing section.

Engrossed in their conversation, neither of them noticed a few familiar figures nearby, gesturing towards them.

"Isn't that our class valedictorian, the handsome Chen Fann?" Xu Yuan remarked, his brow furrowed in recognition.

Xu Yuan was a former classmate of Chen Fann's, and they had never really seen eye to eye. The reason was simple: Xu Yuan had been fervently pursuing the school's beauty, Lin Keer, since their freshman year. He was one of her most ardent admirers. However, Lin Keer had chosen Chen Fann, which irked Xu Yuan, a wealthy heir, to no end. He had repeatedly sought to make trouble for Chen Fann back in their school days. After graduation, they had lost touch, and Xu Yuan never expected to run into him here.

"Wow, is that really Chen Fann?" The girl accompanying Xu Yuan exclaimed in astonishment.

Like Lin Keer, Chen Fann was a heartthrob on campus, attracting a bevy of admirers. Even years after graduation, many girls still harbored feelings for him.

After all, a man as dashing and sunny as he was simply irresistible.

"I can't believe we're running into him after all these years."

Xu Yuan squinted his eyes jealously, "Looks like he and Lin Keer are still going strong. They've been together this long and haven't split up yet."

"Hold on, wait a second..."

Someone interrupted with a gasp of surprise, then continued, visibly shocked, "That's not Lin Keer with him. It looks like... it looks like Lin Keer's sister, Lin Yuer!"

Lin Yuer, though not from the same school as Lin Keer and Chen Fann, was familiar to most students since she often visited her sister.

Her presence was even more striking than her sister's, leaving a lasting impression on everyone.

"Seriously, oh my God, Chen Fann is with Lin Keer's sister?" someone blurted out in disbelief.

"Pfft, I've always said Chen Fann was nothing but a sanctimonious phony. It looks like Lin Keer has been duped by him. I bet she's still clueless," Xu Yuan said, barely concealing his glee at the prospect of revenge, a cold smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

"Betrayed by the two people she's closest to, poor Keer."

"Yeah, no way we can let that jerk Chen Fann off the hook. We need to figure out how to break it to Keer."

"Hey, we have our class group chat, right? Should we..."

As the speaker gave a cunning look, the rest caught on quickly. They whipped out their phones and began snapping photos of Chen Fann and Lin Yuer, unbeknownst to the pair.

The two had spent the afternoon browsing the men's section, picking out a couple of shirts for Chen Fann, and Lin Yuer had even selected two pairs of stockings for the evening.

"Why are you getting these? Honey, you don't usually wear stockings," Chen Fann questioned, puzzled.

"I'm not usually one for stockings, but today is our first day as newlyweds—it's special," Lin Yuer said, her cheeks blushing, her clear, bright eyes sparkling with an allure she'd never shown before.

Chen Fann couldn't help but give a wry smile at her words.

Tonight, it seemed, he was destined to fall under this enchanting woman's spell.

They got home at nine o'clock after dinner in Tian City. Chen Fann had chosen his apartment for its proximity to Lin River Park, close to the Lin family home. He wanted to be near, just in case they needed him quickly.

"The place isn't much, but don't worry, honey. I promise to get us our own house as fast as I can," Chen Fann assured her.

He felt fortunate to have a system that promised quick riches. According to the system's hints, his first big payday was just around the corner.

But Lin Yuer wasn't concerned with material things.

Being with the one she loved, even in the humblest of homes, was enough to fill her heart with warmth.

"Do we have a suitcase here?" Lin Yuer asked, setting down her shopping bag.

Chen Fann didn't know what she was up to but fetched his suitcase nonetheless.

As Lin Yuer methodically packed away Lin Keer's belongings, it dawned on Chen Fann that she was staking her claim, purging any trace of other women from their home.

"All set. You just relax, I'm off to shower," Lin Yuer said, fixing him with a flirtatious glance after placing a cup of goji berry tea in front of him. She then breezed into the bathroom.

Once the door clicked shut, Chen Fann's smile slowly disappeared.

Surveying the room, now devoid of any sign of Lin Keer, he was struck by a wave of sentiment.

Indeed, some people just drift out of your life.

Lin Keer, his love of many years, would now be forever erased from his world. And from this day forward, it would be Lin Yuer's hand he held, for a lifetime.

As Chen Fann was reflecting on life's unpredictability, his phone suddenly sprang to life with a ring. Glancing at the screen, he was surprised to see the long-dormant college group chat buzzing with activity. But as he looked closer, a frown creased his brow.

Xu Yuan, his old college rival and a wealthy second-generation kid, had kicked off the conversation.

"Is Keer around? I heard she's still with Chen Fann. Can that be true?"

No sooner had Xu Yuan spoken than the chat erupted with chatter.

"Yeah, I actually saw Chen Fann and Keer together recently. They looked really happy, totally enviable. So, when's the wedding?"

"Wedding? I'd say hold your horses on that one. I've got some juicy gossip, complete with photos for proof. Anyone interested?"

With a sly grin emoji, Xu Yuan followed up his tease by posting a picture...

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