Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C6 I'm Not Going to Talk to You Anymore!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C6 I'm Not Going to Talk to You Anymore!
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C6 I'm Not Going to Talk to You Anymore!

After the photo was shared, the chat group fell eerily silent for a good ten seconds before being bombarded with a deluge of messages.

"What in the world? Isn't that Lin Yuer walking hand in hand with Chen Fann? That's Lin Keer's sister, right?"

"Goodness, Xu Yuan, where did you snap this picture?"

"Seriously? Sneaking around with his girlfriend's aunt? That's way out of line!"

"Ugh, men are all the same—nothing but jerks!"

As the group lit up with message after message, Chen Fann quickly became public enemy number one, with numerous girls voicing their criticism and outrage at his behavior.

Inside the villa, Xu Yuan watched the flurry of texts with a sly grin. He promptly tagged Lin Keer in the group chat.

"Keer, you deserve better than this guy. Sorry, I really shouldn't have posted that photo. I can tell you're upset. How about I come pick you up and we grab a drink together?" Xu Yuan played the role of the caring friend, hoping to get closer to Lin Keer.

But long after the message was sent, there was no reply from Lin Keer.

Just as several people were considering giving Lin Keer a call, a notification popped up—it was Lin Keer herself responding.

"You're all overthinking it. Chen Fann and I are no longer together; I just hadn't told anyone. He started seeing my sister after we split. I'm fully aware of their situation, so no, Chen Fann hasn't wronged me."

Xu Yuan was floored by her response!

Meanwhile, Chen Fann, lounging on the couch, pondered for a moment before typing out his own message: "Thanks for your concern, everyone. We've definitely called it quits. Plus, I'm married now. Let's drop this topic, shall we? I don't want my wife getting upset."

A devastating blow!

Lin Keer's heart sank as she read the message, her sadness welling up like never before.

"He used to avoid talking to other girls, just to spare me any jealousy. All his kindness... it's no longer mine to cherish..."

"Do you have any regrets?"

Lin Keer had pondered this question all afternoon.

"No, I refuse to concede defeat. Chen Fann just can't provide the life I desire. His salary is a mere few thousand yuan a month. How come girls less accomplished than me end up with wealthy boyfriends?"

Tears blurred Lin Keer's vision as she grappled with a mix of pain and resentment.

Just then, she received a text message.

It was from Xu Yuan.

"Keer, now that you and Chen Fann have split, may I pursue you once more?"

Before Lin Keer could finish reading the message, another alert popped up—a transfer of fifty-two thousand yuan from Xu Yuan: This is a token of my love for you. Accept this generous red envelope, and you'll be mine.

Lin Keer stared at the glowing red notification, her hesitation fleeting before she finally tapped 'accept'...

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

Chen Fann, having sent a message in the group chat, logged off the messaging app and began looking up nearby restaurants.

"Hubby, I'm all washed up." Lin Yuer emerged from the bathroom shortly after, draped in a black lace nightgown, her damp hair resting on her shoulders, her cheeks flushed with warmth. Chen Fann was momentarily spellbound.

"Ahem, Yuer, I, uh, need to shower," he stammered as Lin Yuer approached, rising to his feet in a rush.

"You go ahead. I'm going to try on the new stockings I bought today."

At her words, Chen Fann's heart raced even more.

This was it, wasn't it? Shower first, then stockings—what was to follow seemed inevitable.

Watching Chen Fann's awkward, hurried movements as he fumbled with the door, Lin Yuer couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. "You're such a goof. I wonder how long you'll last."

In the bathroom.

Chen Fann stripped down and stepped under the showerhead, clutching a small, thumb-sized, oval bottle.

This was the mysterious potion gifted by the system.

"Is this stuff safe to drink?" Chen Fann questioned, eyeing the bright red liquid warily. The system had instructed him to drink it, but it looked alarmingly toxic.

The potion's function was a mystery.

What if it made him keel over after drinking it?

The most critical aspect was that this enigmatic elixir had an expiration: a mere eight hours. If not used within that window, it would vanish from the system.

"I hope it's not toxic." Chen Fann was itching to try it, and with a gulp, he downed it.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

No bizarre incident occurred. Chen Fann furrowed his brow. What the heck did that mean?

It was as if he'd merely sipped water; no bodily changes, no sensations whatsoever.

Then, Lin Yuer's voice, urging him from beyond the door, snapped him out of it. Chen Fann shook his head: "Screw it, I need a shower."

Half an hour later, Chen Fann dried off, dressed, and stepped out.

"Yu... *cough*..."

The instant he opened the bathroom door, he froze. There stood a stunning woman with a svelte figure, donning a miniskirt paired with black stockings, her curves sculpted to perfection. Her face was beyond reproach—she was breathtaking.

"Dear, do I look beautiful?"

Lin Yuer asked, her eyes demurely downcast, a hint of shyness in her voice.


Chen Fann's throat was dry, his mouth parched, a fire seemed to ignite within him.

He had always known Lin Yuer was a match for Lin Keer's beauty, but today's vision had left him utterly dazzled.

Under Chen Fann's intense gaze, Lin Yuer blushed.

"Come on, let's go back to the room and rest. What are you doing standing there, looking so dazed?"

With a foolish nod, Chen Fann, his face flushed, followed Lin Yuer back to the room.

The night slipped away.

To the gentle sound of running water, Chen Fann's eyes fluttered open. He was in bed, alone.

Through the slightly ajar door, he saw a figure moving. A delicate scent wafted in.

"My head... so dizzy..."

Rubbing his temple, Chen Fann glanced at the clock—it was seven in the morning. Recalling the previous night's events, irritation bubbled up inside him. He'd dropped the ball at the crucial moment, but thankfully, Lin Yuer hadn't held it against him. She had embraced him, offering comfort and understanding.

Chen Fann leapt out of bed only to realize he was stark naked, which made him cough awkwardly in embarrassment.

"I thought I had at least one piece of clothing on when I fell asleep... Could it be..."

"Husband, dinner's ready."

As Chen Fann's mind wandered to less than pure thoughts, the door swung open, revealing Lin Yuer in a light blue loungewear, sweetly gazing at him.

"Ah, ah, I know, I know! Just... don't come in yet. I need to get dressed," he stammered, suddenly aware of his nudity and starting to panic.

"Oh, stop pretending. You have no idea what you did to me last night..." Lin Yuer's face was flushed with a coy shyness, the very picture of a blushing bride, which left Chen Fann completely dumbstruck.

"Me? Yuer, what are you talking about? Wasn't I just exhausted and fell asleep?"

"Husband, you... oh, you're terrible. Come and eat, I won't say another word." With that, Lin Yuer turned and walked away, leaving Chen Fann bewildered and lost in thought.

What the hell? It seems there's a chapter of the story I'm missing.

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