Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C7 The Eldest Son He Took the Medicine!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C7 The Eldest Son He Took the Medicine!
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C7 The Eldest Son He Took the Medicine!

Despite feeling downcast, Chen Fann had resolved not to share the secret of the system within him with anyone, Lin Yuer included.

As for the potion's effects on his body, he'd have to monitor them over time. Right now, Chen Fann's priority was to get a handle on the system.

"Hubby, I know you had a tough day yesterday, but it's time to get up and eat, or the food will get cold," Lin Yuer's voice called out from beyond the bedroom door.

After getting dressed and freshening up, Chen Fann joined Lin Yuer in the living room, where she had breakfast waiting on the table.

"Hubby, after working through the night, you should eat something hearty to refuel," Lin Yuer said, punctuating her words with sultry glances that sent shivers down Chen Fann's spine.

To be honest, if it weren't for their legal marital status, he might have wondered if he'd been conned by this woman.

"Come on, eat up!"

Lin Yuer encouraged him, placing a plump morsel into his bowl with her chopsticks.

"What's this?"

"Don't worry about what it is. Just eat it. It's really good for you."

With Lin Yuer looking on eagerly, Chen Fann managed a wry smile, hesitantly biting into the plump item.

"How's it taste? Good, right?"

Her face was a picture of hopefulness as Chen Fann chewed. The robust flavor of lamb filled his mouth, and recognizing the shape, he knew immediately what it was.

"Sweetheart, it's tasty, but who eats kidneys for breakfast?"

Chen Fann was bemused. Was this a case of like cures like?

Lin Yuer, misinterpreting his reaction, quickly apologized, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Hubby. I had no idea you weren't supposed to have this in the morning. I got up at four to go to the market, and the vendor told me it was very nourishing. I just didn't know."

Seeing Lin Yuer's distressed look, Chen Fann felt a mix of heartache and helplessness. "Silly girl, your husband is in the prime of his life and has energy to spare. Why would I need all these bits and bobs? Don't let yourself be fooled again, okay?"

"If you don't like it, I'll just dump out what's in the bowl and whip up something else," Lin Yuer offered, preparing to stand.

"Hold on a second," Chen Fann said, taking her hand.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yuer asked, thinking Chen Fann was concerned about her getting tired. "It's no trouble at all, Hubby."

Trying to rise, Lin Yuer found her hand firmly clasped in Chen Fann's, unable to move. "Hubby, what's going on?"

Without answering, Chen Fann muttered to himself, "Old ginger, white pepper, jujubes, Baizhi Mountain, Eucommia, Horny Goat Weed, ginseng..."

"Hubby! Did you sneak a peek at my phone?" Lin Yuer's eyes widened in disbelief, as Chen Fann was reciting the exact ingredients of the nourishing ginseng and goat meatball soup she had made.

Chen Fann tasted the soup with a spoon and immediately furrowed his brow. "Wife, did you add Veratrum nigrum to this?"

"Veratrum nigrum? Yes, you felt so tired last night, and I read online that it's beneficial to add it to soup—it's a traditional Chinese herb."

"My dear, you can't mix Veratrum nigrum with ginseng," Chen Fann explained with a sigh. Lin Yuer was a powerhouse at work, but he hadn't expected such a capable woman to be so adorably clueless about everyday things.

Chen Fann's mind wandered to a familiar saying, "Da Lang, it's time for your medicine..."

"Ah? Hubby, I had no idea, I swear I didn't do it on purpose," Lin Yuer said, her face awash with regret as she quickly dumped the contents of the bowl into the trash.

"I'll go make you something else..."

"No need. Let me handle it this time. I promise this breakfast will be one you'll never forget," Chen Fann declared, gently pushing Lin Yuer back onto the sofa. He was ready to take matters into his own hands.


Lin Yuer looked somewhat surprised. After all, she had known Chen Fann for several years. Although they had never been close, as Lin Keer's older sister, she was well aware of Chen Fann's near-total ignorance in the kitchen—a fact Keer had often griped about to her.

This time, Chen Fann volunteering to cook surely meant he was terrible at it.

"Honey, are you fed up with my cooking?"

"How could I be, silly? I've struck gold with such an amazing wife. Stop worrying and just wait for your husband to whip up something delicious for you."

Chen Fann said with a smile, "Plus, you haven't even tried my cooking yet. I want to show my dear wife the true culinary prowess of her husband!"


In truth, Lin Yuer was quite excited about the prospect of Chen Fann cooking a meal just for her. Even if his culinary skills might end up being a letdown, for Lin Yuer, the taste was secondary. What counted was that Chen Fann was willing to cook for her.

"Oh, by the way, hubby, do you also know about Chinese medicine?"

Lin Yuer suddenly remembered how Chen Fann had accurately recited the formula of the medicinal soup she was brewing, something she hadn't heard Keer mention Chen Fann knowing about.

"I have some knowledge. I've browsed through a couple of medical texts in my spare time..."

Chen Fann wasn't entirely honest with Lin Yuer. In reality, before today, he knew nothing about traditional medicine or cooking, ranking as a complete novice in both areas.

But since the system upgrade yesterday, not only had his sense of smell become incredibly sharp, but he could also discern recipes just by the taste of the food.

The most pressing matter now was to give it a try and see if his cooking skills had genuinely improved.

With these thoughts, Chen Fann made his way to the kitchen. At the moment, his mind was a blank slate when it came to recipes. The number of times he had cooked in his life could be counted on one hand, and they were all the same dish: Egg Fried Rice.

So, starting now was indeed a bit of a challenge.

"Ah, that's right, the system provided me with a recipe when I was linked to it."

Ding ~ ~

Beginner's Recipe: Donkey-Hide Gelatin and Red Date Black Chicken Soup

Ingredients: 1 black chicken, 5 red dates, a pinch of salt, 2 slices of ginger, a handful of goji berries, and 5 grams of donkey-hide gelatin.

Cooking Steps: Cut the black-boned chicken into chunks, then start with cold water in the pot.

All of these ingredients happened to be on hand, previously prepared by Lin Keer before she left. They hadn't been used yet, but now was the perfect opportunity. With this thought, Chen Fann promptly retrieved the ingredients listed in the recipe and set to work.

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