Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C8 He Tried His Hand at It!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C8 He Tried His Hand at It!
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C8 He Tried His Hand at It!

Chen Fann mumbled under his breath and quickly scanned the room. But aside from Lin Yuer and himself, there was no one else present.

"Honey, what are you searching for?" Lin Yuer asked, noticing Chen Fann's distracted gaze. She assumed he was struggling with cooking and offered her help warmly, "Honey, let me take over. I can teach you how to cook step by step later on."

"My love, I've made a promise, and I intend to keep it. Today, I'm going to make you a special donkey-hide gelatin and red date black chicken soup."

"Donkey-hide gelatin and red date black chicken soup?" Lin Yuer paused, her eyes welling up with tears. The complexity of this dish was on par with the ginseng and lamb ball tonic soup he had just prepared. Moreover, this soup was known for its health benefits, particularly for women, being excellent for nourishing yin, enriching blood, and supporting the liver. The fact that Chen Fann had thought to make it for her was a clear sign of his deep love.

"Hubby, I'll go get the ingredients right now—Ah!" Lin Yuer exclaimed.

Chen Fann was about to reassure her when her sudden scream caught him off guard. "What's the matter?"

"Hubby, when did you manage to get all the ingredients ready?" Lin Yuer asked in surprise.

Following her gaze, Chen Fann saw an array of items laid out on the kitchen counter—black chicken, donkey-hide gelatin, dates, goji berries...

"Holy smokes!" Even Chen Fann was astounded, let alone Lin Yuer. He couldn't believe the system was so incredible; not only did it provide detailed recipe instructions, but it also thoughtfully prepared all the ingredients. But how did these items appear out of nowhere in the blink of an eye?

Despite the surreal experience, Chen Fann felt that after yesterday's events, he should be accustomed to the extraordinary. After all, if his bank account could suddenly grow by two and a half million yuan, what couldn't happen?

"Oh, right, I better get started. There's still a big task ahead of me today." Chen Fann whispered to himself before getting busy. He double-checked the ingredients on the counter, finding them to be an exact match with the system's recipe, down to the last detail.

Now it was time to really get started. Chen Fann had been concerned that the soup might turn out like those recipes Lin Yuer followed on her phone—clear in writing but far from the actual result. However, as he began cooking, Chen Fann found his worries were unfounded. His timing and rhythm were spot-on, as if he had been practicing for ages. With the first step done, the next one seamlessly transitioned in his mind, each move deeply ingrained as though he'd made this dish a thousand times before.


Chen Fann, having just finished the final touches and ready to serve, smiled and called out towards the bedroom. Lin Yuer came running out in response.

"Hubby, is it ready?"

As she spoke, Lin Yuer saw the steaming soup Chen Fann had ladled out, its aroma wafting through the room.

She was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Initially skeptical of Xiao Gao's words, she was now utterly convinced.

The taste aside, the rich scent alone was testament to Chen Fann's undeniable skill.

"Hubby, you've been concealing your talents all these years!"

"Hehe, not really concealing," Chen Fann chuckled. "I just wanted to save the best for the person I love most."

Chen Fann's message was clear: he hadn't shown his true capabilities before not because he lacked the skill, but because he hadn't found someone worthy of his full effort. And now, with Lin Yuer, he had found the one he'd been waiting for.

"Hubby, you're wonderful!"

Lin Yuer was deeply moved and about to express more when Chen Fann gestured towards the soup and interrupted, "Alright, alright, let's try the soup first!"

Lin Yuer nodded, picked up a spoon, and gently tasted it. A delicate fragrance filled his senses.


Watching Lin Yuer close her eyes slightly, Chen Fann felt a twinge of nervousness, fearing the soup might not be up to par. But soon enough, he saw Lin Yuer's expression of sheer satisfaction.

"Hubby, it's truly fantastic. I've never had soup this good in my entire life!"

Lin Yuer's words were heartfelt, free of any flattery or personal bias. Honestly, before tasting the soup, he couldn't have imagined Chen Fann possessed such remarkable culinary talent. It seemed a far cry from the Chen Fann he'd previously known.

"If you like it, that's all that matters, Yuer. I've got an idea. Could you help me think it through?"

"What is it?"

"I'm considering opening a restaurant!"

"That sounds great!"

In the past, Lin Yuer would have been the first to object to such a plan from Chen Fann. But now, his confidence in Chen Fann was unwavering. Naturally, starting a restaurant wasn't as straightforward as one might think. It wasn't just about having exceptional cooking skills; ample funding, solid management, and a lot of energy were also essential.

"Honey, did this idea just come to you? If you go through with it, you'll have to quit your current job. It may not pay much, but it's enough to get by. Starting a restaurant now means uncertain future earnings, plus the immediate need to cover some hefty expenses..."

Chen Fann understood that by 'expenses,' Lin Yuer meant the restaurant's rent. Securing a location was the first step, and choosing the right spot was crucial. A secluded area might offer cheap rent but fewer customers, while a bustling location meant high rent but more foot traffic.

In a mid-sized city like Tian City, a 100-square-meter restaurant in a prime area could cost upwards of 300,000 yuan a year in rent alone, not to mention the initial outlay for labor, ingredients, and decor. To launch a serious restaurant venture, an investment of at least seven or eight hundred thousand yuan was necessary—a daunting sum for most.

This was the crux of Lin Yuer's hesitation. He was well aware of Chen Fann's financial situation. While he could offer some economic support, it would only be the bare minimum. With just over two hundred thousand yuan to his name, his contribution would be a mere drop in the ocean for such a venture.

"Honey, I've got some savings. Maybe we could start by looking at a more out-of-the-way spot..."

"No, I'm taking over Hospitable Coming!"

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