Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C9 It Was a Coincidence!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C9 It Was a Coincidence!
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C9 It Was a Coincidence!

"Hospitable Coming?"

Lin Yuer was taken aback at the mention of the name. As a true local of the capital, she knew the city like the back of her hand. Hospitable Coming was situated not too far from the Riverbank Commercial Street. Though not in the city center, the storefronts there commanded a high price.

From what she knew, Hospitable Coming spanned at least 200 square meters, which implied that the initial investment would be no less than a million. Chen Fann was diving in headfirst. Wasn't he scared of the risks? And even more pressing, where had he gotten all that money?

"Honey, are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely, let's go check it out now."

With that, Chen Fann began to gather his things, prompting Lin Yuer to do the same.

Half an hour later, they reached Riverbank Commercial Street and saw Hospitable Coming's doors were firmly closed, with a prominent "For Transfer" sign. Despite the bustling street, this shop just didn't draw in customers, which likely led to its closure in under six months.

Directly across from Hospitable Coming, about a hundred meters from the three-way intersection, stood an 18-story building emblazoned with "Hanwu Hotel."

The hotel's presence had cast a shadow over the businesses of nearby restaurants.

But Chen Fann wasn't dwelling on these issues. His focus was on making his own small restaurant a success.

"Hubby, are you really set on taking over this shop?"

Lin Yuer asked for confirmation, to which Chen Fann responded with a decisive nod.

"I'm done working for others. Yuer, quit your job and let's start a business together!"

"Okay! Sure, but... Hubby, do you realize how much this shop will cost? I mean, to take it over, it seems like it'll take a considerable amount of money..."

Lin Yuer's concern was clear, but to her surprise, Chen Fann just chuckled and pulled out a bank card, flashing it before her.

"Yuer, see this card? I was saving this money for a house, but now I've got a new plan. I'm going to use it as my startup capital. I'm determined to make a big splash in the business world!"

As Chen Fann uttered those words, his gaze drifted to the horizon, his spirit brimming with determination.

"Hubby, I'll support you in whatever you do!"

Lin Yuer's eyes shone with admiration as she spoke.

"Hubby, please don't!"

Just then, a coquettish voice interrupted the moment. Chen Fann's eyebrows lifted slightly as he caught sight of a man in his twenties strolling by a few meters away.

The man was decked out in designer wear, his style screaming high fashion. He was followed by a small entourage, one of whom sported dyed yellow hair and a flamboyant demeanor.

Normally, their fashion choices would be of no consequence to Chen Fann, but it was the girlish, sweet-talking companion that caught his attention and furrowed his brow.

She was dressed in a revealing outfit that accentuated her shapely figure. The man's hand was casually draped over her slender waist, occasionally giving her a playful pinch.

"Ah, Hubby, stop that, it tickles!"

Her voice, sugary and soft, drew the glances of passersby, though the man seemed unfazed, clearly relishing the attention.

Chen Fann's gaze lingered on the girl, but Lin Yuer's reaction was far more visceral. Her fists clenched tightly, a fiery anger bubbling within her.

"Lin Keer!"

Lin Yuer called out. The girl paused, shuddered, then turned to face Lin Yuer. Their eyes locked for a moment before the girl let out a cold huff, as if a realization had dawned on her.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise!"

The stylishly dressed man, upon hearing Lin Yuer, approached Chen Fann and the others. He was Xu Yuan, Chen Fann's former classmate, and the woman with him was none other than Chen Fann's ex-girlfriend, Lin Keer.

"Old classmate, I heard you tied the knot just yesterday? Congrats!"

Xu Yuan's tone shifted as he remembered something, "Oh, and when you're free, drop by my place. See that? Hanwu Restaurant across the street, my dad just took it over last month."

With a hearty laugh and a lingering glance at Lin Yuer, Xu Yuan sauntered off.

"Hey, Hubby, wait for me!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Keer quickly picked up her pace to follow.


Lin Yuer reached out to grab her sister, but Chen Fann intervened. Though Lin Keer was Lin Yuer's sister, Chen felt he understood Keer better than Yuer did.

She was fiercely competitive, and his reluctance to accept her stemmed from a feeling that she looked down on him. She dreamed of a wealthy suitor, a carefree life where she'd be treated like royalty. Yet, despite his humble beginnings, Chen Fann had always cherished her like a princess.

And what had that yielded? Chen Fann now saw the truth of the matter and was determined to carve out his own success with his own two hands.

"Chen Fann, why are you holding me back? That guy's no good, I can tell. I'm sure Keer won't find happiness with him; he's just a novelty to her!"

Lin Yuer's frustration grew with every word, but the mocking laughter in the distance stopped her in her tracks.

"Yuer, don't you know your sister at all? She's trying to outdo you, aiming to snag a man who surpasses me!"

"No one could ever compare to you in my eyes," Lin Yuer suddenly declared, locking eyes with Chen Fann. He smiled and tenderly stroked her forehead.

"My dear, regardless of why you said that, I'll prove to you with actions and facts that you're absolutely right."

With that, Chen Fann dialed the number listed for the lease.

The call was answered by a middle-aged woman, who despite her failed restaurant, quoted an exorbitant price of 1.5 million yuan. After some negotiation, Chen Fann secured a two-year lease for 1.2 million yuan.

Chen Fann had 2.5 million yuan in his account, but parting with nearly half of it was a significant challenge, not to mention the upcoming costs for renovations and ingredients—a hefty financial undertaking.

In three days, Chen Fann's restaurant was set to open its doors. It would be called Yu Fan's Little Store.

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