Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C13 Using Me as a Hostage
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Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C13 Using Me as a Hostage
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C13 Using Me as a Hostage

Chen Dutian's words were so cutting that Li You's face turned beet red, unable to utter a single word. Wang Xuanyang's brow was deeply furrowed; he had never expected that Chen Dutian, notorious as the capital's leading wastrel, would possess such verbal acuity.

Had anyone else executed the Marquis of Deer Cauldron and a scholar from the Scribes' Hall in broad daylight, they would have been put to death without delay.

Yan Chen had summoned Chen Dutian ostensibly to issue a warning and to curb Chen Dou's influence. Yet, in the brief span of a tea break, Chen Dutian had deftly deflected all blame and left his accusers without a leg to stand on.

"You've got quite the nerve! Your father may be the Lord Protector, and his contributions to the Phethia Dynasty are indeed timeless, but you, a mere boy, have the audacity to slay a high-ranking official. You may escape the death penalty, but you won't avoid punishment!" Yan Feng stepped forward to defend Li You.

The Li family, being royal kin, deserved some respect. Chen Dutian's brazen threats to Li You in the grand hall were more than Yan Feng could stomach.

"Oh, really? It was the Emperor who granted my father those privileges. Commander Yan Feng, are you familiar with the concept of an imperial edict?" Chen Dutian sneered, clearly unimpressed by Yan Feng.

"Enough! I did indeed make that promise: anyone who dares to offend the Chen family may be executed on the spot. Chen Dutian is young; I will not hold him accountable this time."

Yan Chen, seated on the dragon throne, finally intervened. Chen Dutian was not the complete waste everyone made him out to be. He had invoked the special privilege Yan Chen had once granted to Chen Dou. To press the issue further would be tantamount to Yan Chen contradicting himself.

With the death of his son, Yan Chen was slightly appeased. Offering some concessions to the Li family would suffice to silence them.

But to openly break with the Chen family was another matter entirely. The Tiger Tally, which could command the five hundred thousand-strong Red Banner Army, was in Chen Dou's possession. Yan Chen could not afford to take such a gamble.

Upon the Emperor's command, Li You and Yan Feng naturally refrained from further comment. Wang Xuan Yang gave Chen Dutian a cold glance before turning away without another word.

Seated upon the Dragon Throne, Yan Chen cleared his throat, a hint of a smile on his face as he spoke deliberately, "Lord Protector Chen Dou has yet to return from his campaign, having earned great merit on my behalf. Chen Dutian, henceforth, you are appointed as the Second Prince's study companion and shall reside permanently within the Imperial City!"

Chen Dutian was taken aback. Not only had Yan Chen refrained from punishing the Chen family, but he had also elevated his status. What exactly was he plotting?

Chen Dutian wasn't the only one filled with questions; the other ministers in the hall also displayed looks of astonishment.

In the entire capital, who wasn't aware that Chen Dutian was a notorious wastrel? He spent his days in idleness and mischief, and he had just slain the newly appointed Marquis of Deer Mourn and the son of the Minister of Personnel. Yet, the Emperor had not only spared him from punishment but had also appointed him as the Prince's study companion. The reversal of fortunes seemed almost too abrupt.

Aside from Yan Chen, only Wang Xuan Yang maintained a composed demeanor in the hall, a flicker of malicious glee passing through his eyes.

After some time, Chen Dutian bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I humbly accept your gracious favor."

"Could it be that Yan Chen has rewarded me solely on account of my father's influence?" Chen Dutian pondered with a furrowed brow as he left the Crystal Palace.

From what Chen Dutian recalled, Yan Chen's second prince lived an inconsequential life, devoid of any ambition for the throne. Among the many princes, his talents were unremarkable, hardly endearing him to Yan Chen.

What could Yan Chen's true intentions be in assigning him, Chen Dutian, as the prince's study companion?

As Chen Dutian prepared to depart from the Imperial City, two golden-armored guards wielding sabers abruptly blocked his path, their expressions stern as they declared, "Master Chen, hold. Without the Emperor's permission, you are henceforth forbidden to leave the Imperial City."

Chen Dutian paused, realization dawning on him. It appeared that Yan Chen's reward and the appointment as the prince's study companion were, in fact, a veiled imprisonment within the Imperial City—a means to leverage his father.

What a clever scheme! It's clear that Yan Chen remains wary of my father, aiming to use me as leverage!" A cold smirk played at the corner of Chen Dutian's mouth as he inwardly scoffed.

Chen Dou, the Lord Protector of the Phethia Dynasty, commanded a formidable military force. His influence was so significant that it could intimidate the sovereign. He also possessed the Tiger Tally, which granted him control over the half-million-strong Red Banner Army. His return to the capital was imminent. If he harbored any rebellious ambitions, Yan Feng's hundred thousand imperial troops would stand no chance against him.

Yan Chen's insistence on keeping Chen Dutian within the Imperial City was clearly a move to coerce Chen Dou.

"Master Chen, the Second Prince requests your presence. Please follow me," a man clad in palace attire approached Chen Dutian with a courteous smile.

Unable to leave the Imperial City at present, Chen Dutian was not pressed for time. He nodded and trailed the man towards the Sunlit Palace, the Second Prince's residence.

The Sunlit Palace, nestled in the northwest corner of the Imperial City, was modest in size, even smaller than the Lord Protector's Mansion. In comparison to the Crown Prince's grand Yongrui Palace, it seemed quite inconsequential.

Upon reaching the entrance of the Sunlit Palace, Chen Dutian surveyed the surroundings. Not a single guard was in sight, only two men in palace attire stood at the gates, their strength merely at the Fifth Level of Spirit Convergence. This was a testament to the Second Prince Yan Beichen's lack of standing in Yan Chen's eyes.

The crimson doors were opened by the two attendants, and Chen Dutian stepped inside. He traversed two corridors and ascended a flight of jade steps to reach the main hall.

Inside the hall, however, there was no sign of Yan Beichen. The palace attendant who had led the way paused and spoke with polite deference, "Master Chen, if you would kindly wait here, I will summon the Second Prince."

After what felt like the time it takes to brew half a cup of tea, Chen Dutian was finally greeted by Yan Beichen. The Second Prince, lacking the imperial presence one might expect, was attired in a simple long robe with a three-foot sword at his waist and a green jade crown atop his head. His demeanor was calm, exuding an air of scholarly elegance.

Chen Dutian bowed respectfully, and the Second Prince approached with a smile, helping him to his feet. He turned to the man in palace attire beside him and commanded, "You may leave now. Without my permission, no one is to approach this main hall."

The man in palace attire gave a slight nod and exited the main hall. Yan Beichen guided Chen Dutian to sit beside him on an oak chair, speaking softly, "I've long admired the esteemed name of the Lord Protector's heir. It's truly a privilege to meet you today!"

Chen Dutian was momentarily taken aback; he hadn't anticipated such courtesy from Yan Beichen. In his past life, the two had never crossed paths, and Chen Dutian knew little about the Second Prince. Seeing his amiable demeanor now, Chen Dutian couldn't help but feel somewhat astonished.

Yan Chen and Yan Nantian seemed eager to dispose of his family at the earliest convenience, yet Yan Beichen appeared to harbor no suspicion towards him. Regaining his composure, Chen Dutian offered a slight smile and a respectful gesture, saying, "Your Highness is too kind. I, Chen Dutian, have been honored with the role of the Prince's study companion by His Majesty. I will certainly be looking to you for guidance in the future!"

Yan Beichen gestured dismissively and sighed, shaking his head, "Though I bear the title of prince, I've never won my father's favor. I've never aspired to vie for the crown against my elder brother. Here in the Imperial City, my influence is minimal, and few are inclined to show me respect."

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