Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C18 Shocking the Entire Audience
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Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C18 Shocking the Entire Audience
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C18 Shocking the Entire Audience

Yan Chen, seated at the base of the jade stairs, was visibly startled. He recognized Chen Dutian's prowess but had never imagined that he had mastered a martial skill.

Wang Yuntian, perched on his chair, shuddered, his mouth agape in astonishment. He gazed at Chen Dutian, unable to believe his eyes, as the memory of Chen Dutian slaying Chen Huaien at the entrance of the Crimson Moon vividly resurfaced in his mind.

"When did this guy get so strong?"

Wang Yuntian had never considered Chen Dutian a rival. A nobody without even a Martial Gate was surely doomed to live in his shadow forever. However, witnessing Chen Dutian's transformation at the Crimson Moon's entrance, his decisiveness and overwhelming strength, Wang Yuntian felt a flicker of concern. The once scorned and indulgent young master had undergone an incredible transformation overnight.

Shock was also etched on the face of the Imperial Guard at the third level of the Spirit Convergence Stage on the platform. His five subordinates, all at the ninth level of the Awakening Stage, had failed to withstand a single strike from Chen Dutian. A chilling premonition washed over him – he might not survive the day.

"The Imperial Army is reputed to be formidable, but you seem rather average to me!" Chen Dutian taunted, landing gracefully on the stage, his sword still radiating an icy chill. He had only executed the initial stance of the Heavenly Dipper Sword Technique.

The Heavenly Dipper Sword Technique was no ordinary martial skill. At the sixth level of the Spirit Convergence Realm, Chen Dutian was unmatched by anyone below the Astral Wandering Realm. Even when facing an opponent at the first level of the Astral Wandering Realm, he had a fair chance of victory, not to mention the Imperial Guards before him.

"Hmph, today I shall see for myself what you're made of!" The Imperial Guard at the third level of the Spirit Convergence Realm grunted, as the spiritual energy within him began to emanate.

An Awakening Realm martial artist's spirit energy would envelop their body during combat, while a Spirit Convergence Realm martial artist could channel it into their weapon to inflict harm. Their swords glowed brilliantly as a palpable sense of deadly intent filled the arena.

"Overestimating oneself!"

Chen Dutian shook his head with a cold chuckle as the sword in his grasp began to quiver, emitting a series of buzzing sounds.

The Spirit Convergence Realm soldier, poised to strike first, flicked his sword and thrust it violently towards Chen Dutian's chest. The sword, wreathed in spirit energy, reached Chen Dutian in an instant.

"Sword Shattering the Void!"

Chen Dutian leaped over a meter into the air, his sword enveloped in spirit energy, seemingly alive as it pierced through the air three times in quick succession, creating more than ten beams of sword light.

With a "Crack!" the soldier, outmatched by Chen Dutian's overwhelming strength, had no chance to defend. The sword light left him with several gashes, his own sword shattered, and he collapsed to his knees in the arena, spitting out blood.

The remaining four Imperial Guards couldn't evade the deadly sword light either, each one impaled through the chest.

A hush fell over the crowd. The defeated Spirit Convergence Realm soldier looked up at Chen Dutian, disbelief etched on his face, his purple armor stained with blood, realizing he was utterly powerless to retaliate.

"You're too weak," Chen Dutian said, his fierce aura subsiding as he approached the fallen soldier with his sword.

"I... I've lost."

Chen Dutian looked up with a smile, his gaze shifting to the Minister of Rites, Xu Hansheng, who shivered before announcing loudly, "Lord Protector Chen Dutian advances!"

Tossing his sword aside, Chen Dutian descended from the arena. A eunuch brought a chair to the base of the jade stairs, and Chen Dutian nonchalantly took a seat, casting a teasing glance at the anxious Wang Yuntian.

"Young Master Wang, you seemed to have won with even greater ease than I did!"

Wang Yuntian's forehead was slick with sweat, and under Chen Dutian's piercing gaze, he quickly averted his eyes, not daring to engage in conversation.

Subsequent bouts saw Ling Zechuan, the son of the Wenyuan Great General, and Jiang Daochen, the son of the Minister of War, both secure their advancement.

Both individuals were of the Yan Family's direct lineage and ardent supporters of the Crown Prince. For Chen Dutian to emerge victorious, he would have to overcome both contenders.

"The martial contest proceeds. Up next are Ling Zechuan versus Wang Yuntian!"

After a brief intermission, equivalent to the brewing of tea, the Minister of Rites, acting on Yan Chen's cue, loudly announced the names of the competitors.

Ling Zechuan and Wang Yuntian rose simultaneously, yet Ling Zechuan courteously trailed behind Wang Yuntian as they approached the stage. A hint of amusement flickered across Chen Dutian's lips. He turned to Jiang Daichen, whose expression was grave, and inquired, "Who do you reckon will face me next?"

"Mr. Chen, are you so certain of your victory?" Jiang Daichen detected the implication in Chen Dutian's remark and responded with a frosty tone.

"I've never really seen you as a threat," Chen Dutian retorted with a nonchalant shrug, reclining in his chair with narrowed eyes.

Jiang Daichen was undeniably powerful, ranking within the top five of his peers.

Yet, Chen Dutian's sheer might overshadowed him, not to mention when martial techniques came into play.

"Hmph, don't assume you're the only one skilled in martial arts, Chen Dutian. We'll settle this on the stage," Jiang Daichen huffed, turning away to dismiss any further engagement with Chen Dutian.

On the stage, Ling Zechuan and Wang Yuntian had commenced their duel. However, the disparity in their abilities was evident. Wang Yuntian appeared to intentionally yield to Ling Zechuan, and neither combatant resorted to martial techniques. Within a brief span, less than the time it takes to sip half a cup of tea, Wang Yuntian gracefully conceded and stepped down from the stage.

Chen Dutian was not at all taken aback. Wang Yuntian stood no chance against him and would only face disgrace in a direct confrontation.

Ling Zechuan, however, at the fifth tier of the Spirit Convergence Stage, still possessed a fighting chance. If Jiang Daichen could buy him some time, Chen Dutian's path to victory might not be as straightforward as anticipated.

"Step up to the stage, I'll take you down in one move!" Chen Dutian declared, rising before the Minister of Rites even had a chance to speak.

Jiang Daoyun let out a cold snort and spoke with a deep voice, "Big talk for someone so shameless. All I need to do is outlast you until your spiritual energy runs dry. No matter how formidable you are, you won't stand a chance against Ling Zechuan!"

As they ascended the platform, the Second Prince, perched atop the jade stairs, couldn't help but tense up. Jiang Daoyun was the unrivaled top contender among the younger generation, possessing the peak strength of the fifth level of the Spirit Convergence Stage at such a young age. His talent and intelligence were undeniable, and he was destined for greatness.

Ling Zechuan was equally impressive. In his recent bout with Wang Yuntian, he hadn't even resorted to his martial skills, clearly conserving his energy for later challenges.

Chen Dutian, though formidable, would likely struggle in a gauntlet match against these two. The Second Prince, Yan Beichen, furrowed his brow and stood, bowing to Yan Chen, who was seated on the dragon throne, "Father, these men have just fought several matches. Might they be allowed a brief respite?"

Yan Chen regarded Yan Beichen with a cool gaze and remained silent. It was Yan Nantian who responded with a sneer, "Little Brother, Father intends to choose the commander of the Tiger Army from among these contenders. If they can't withstand several consecutive battles, how will they lead troops in the future?"

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