Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C2 Gods Teach the Dao
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Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C2 Gods Teach the Dao
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C2 Gods Teach the Dao

Yuan Liu seemed to be seeing Chen Dutian for the first time, recognizing a temperament that he had only previously observed in Chen Dou, Chen Dutian's father.

"Young Master, aren't you going out to have fun anymore?" Yuan Liu asked with a smile, despite his concern, after hearing Chen Dutian's response and knowing that he was well aware of his own intentions.

"No, I'm off to cultivate," Chen Dutian replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. Based on his past life's memories, he would have been out causing havoc in several shops today. But now, with the threat of annihilation looming, he naturally couldn't consider causing trouble for anyone else.

"Old Yuan, fetch me all the Awakening Pills from the mansion; I need them," Chen Dutian continued.

"Young Master!" Yuan Liu exclaimed, startled. He had just been thinking that his young master had turned over a new leaf, becoming more like his father, only to see him revert to his old ways in an instant.

At Chen Dutian's birth, it was determined that he lacked a Martial Aperture, which meant he could never cultivate. This was the very reason his parents had indulged his reckless behavior.

The initial step for a martial artist's cultivation is to open their Martial Aperture. Only when the Martial Aperture is opened and the Martial Spirit gathers can one be considered a true martial artist, capable of drawing upon the Spiritual Qi from all directions to strengthen their body and soul, and possessing the power to battle hundreds or even thousands, or to wield the elemental forces of wind, fire, thunder, and lightning.

One cannot become a true martial artist without a Martial Aperture.

Chen Dutian was tested at birth by Chen Dou's order. The absence of a Martial Aperture meant he was destined to be an ordinary person, unable to become a true martial cultivator.

"Rest assured, Old Yuan, I have a plan," Chen Dutian declared confidently. The notion that a Martial Aperture is innate is just ignorance on the part of the Phethia Dynasty, situated on the fringes of the myriad realms.

Everyone possesses a Martial Aperture and the potential to become a martial artist; the key is having the capability to unlock it.

Chen Dutian was indeed blessed with a Martial Gate; otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to ascend to the pinnacle of the myriad realms and claim the title of emperor.

"Young Master, Awakening Pills must not be taken recklessly," Yuan Liu said with a helpless, wry smile. Chen Dutian's sudden desire to open his Martial Gate and pursue the martial path filled him with pride, but without a Martial Gate, how could one be opened?

Yuan Liu left unsaid that Awakening Pills were concocted specifically to shatter the restraints of the Martial Gate. The potency of these pills was fierce, and overconsumption could indeed be fatal.

"Old Yuan, I'm well aware of what I'm doing. I'm also fully cognizant of our family's current predicament. I suspect many are watching us with envious eyes, wishing our downfall. Until my father returns, as the sole male heir, it's my duty to hold the fort," Chen Dutian declared.

"You truly have changed, Young Master," Yuan Liu said, his face lighting up with relief. The old Chen Dutian was preoccupied with frivolity, squandering time on cockfights and dog walking, occasionally flirting with respectable young women, never sparing a thought for the plight of the Lord Protector's Mansion.

"Last night, I dreamt that a deity taught me the secrets of opening my Martial Gate and harnessing my Martial Spirit," Chen Dutian casually mentioned. "Confronting Qin Fan at the doorstep today was also divinely inspired."

"May the heavens be praised, for they have bestowed their favor upon the Young Master," Yuan Liu exclaimed, his demeanor turning to one of deep reverence as he knelt, tears streaming down his face.

The notion of a deity imparting martial knowledge in a dream, leading to sudden fame and ascension, was no mere myth or baseless tale; it was a tangible reality.

Take Chen Dou, Chen Dutian's father, for instance. Once a mere warrior, he was transformed by the teachings of a dreamt deity, his prowess magnified. Ultimately, he expanded the Phethia Dynasty's territory and was honored as the Lord Protector.

Chen Dutian was well aware of the nature of these divine encounters. He needed a plausible explanation for his abrupt Awakening, unlike his previous life, where the devastation of his family and the ensuing trauma had spurred the breakthrough.

Divine instruction came in two forms: one where the physical form of a martial expert perished, but their Martial Spirit lingered, roaming the cosmos. Should it encounter a compatible individual, it would merge with them. By a stroke of fate, the Martial Spirit could be awakened, and the person would dream of its former master, learning their martial techniques and potentially reaping other unforeseen benefits.

To put it plainly, this lucky individual had already merged with the Martial Spirit.

This was the case with Chen Dou.

Another scenario involved a martial arts master who, while passing through a place, took a fancy to a commoner and decided to bestow some benefits or found a promising talent to take on as a disciple. However, before doing so, the master would test the individual's character, often imparting martial arts knowledge through dreams.

Chen Dutian was known for such acts in his past life.

Of course, Chen Dutian hadn't actually received any divine teachings; he simply needed an excuse for his sudden foray into martial arts training. Should anyone investigate later, they would find no evidence.

Yuan Liu promptly delivered the Awakening Pills that Chen Dutian required.

These pills were crucial for martial artists to successfully open their Martial Apertures, enhancing the likelihood of success.

The Lord Protector's Mansion always kept a stock of Awakening Pills.

Yuan Liu brought over a hundred of them, enough to ensure that over fifty martial artists could successfully open their Martial Apertures.

"Young Master," Yuan Liu began, looking at Chen Dutian with a mix of concern and hesitation. Despite Chen Dutian's claim of divine instruction, Yuan Liu had his doubts, given the young master's history of unreliability. He hoped this wouldn't lead to disaster.

"Relax, Old Yuan. I've got a whole life ahead of me and plenty of noble ladies in Phethia to woo," Chen Dutian said with a sly grin, taking the Awakening Pills into the cultivation room and leaving Yuan Liu outside with a resigned smile.

"Regardless, I must inform the Madam when she returns. Hopefully, it's not too late," Yuan Liu murmured to himself.

Chen Dutian, indifferent to Yuan Liu's concerns, locked himself in the cultivation room. The door could only be opened from the outside by someone with enough strength to break it down.

"In my previous life, I ascended to the throne, but my cultivation was flawed. I wouldn't have been overthrown by the will of the people otherwise. This new life offers me a chance to make different choices," Chen Dutian mused as he poured all the Awakening Pills into the bathtub.

He allowed the hundred-plus Awakening Pills to dissolve.

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