Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C20 Not Crying Until Seeing the Coffin!
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Return Of The Celestial Monarch/C20 Not Crying Until Seeing the Coffin!
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C20 Not Crying Until Seeing the Coffin!

Moreover, Crown Prince Yan Nantian had already given strict orders to secure the command of the Tiger Army. With Jiang Daichen defeated, all eyes were now on Ling Zechuan to deliver victory.

Despite being acutely aware that he was no match for Chen Dutian, Ling Zechuan couldn't afford to concede defeat publicly. Such an act would disgrace the entire Ling Family, and the Crown Prince would not let him off lightly.

"Really? Jiang Daichen couldn't withstand a single move from me. How long do you think you'll last?" Chen Dutian said with a sneer, as spiritual energy surged through his meridians, his right hand glowing with a luminescent white light.

Ling Zechuan, taking no chances, thrust his sword forward in a preemptive strike. His martial skill, although low-grade and even inferior to Jiang Daichen's, was all he had.

As the sword pierced the air, a buzzing sound filled the space, and waves of spiritual energy rippled towards Chen Dutian...

With a "ding," Chen Dutian, without employing any martial skill, stood calmly, showing no intent to dodge. As the ripples reached him, he simply lifted his right hand and gently swatted the air in front of him.

The next moment, Ling Zechuan was stunned to see his sword caught between Chen Dutian's two fingers, and the pulsating spiritual energy vanished into thin air.

"Ling Zechuan truly overestimates himself. Jiang Daichen fell to Chen Dutian, and now he's just making a fool of himself," one spectator remarked.

"With the strength of the fifth level of the Spirit Convergence Realm, and still not a scratch on Chen Dutian despite striking first. Ling Zechuan is far too weak," another added.

"When did Chen Dutian, that nobody, get so powerful? Has he been concealing his true strength all along?"

"Watch your words. Just a few days ago, Li Huaien insulted Master Chen and ended up impaled at the entrance of the Crimson Moon. Not even Young Master Wang could save him. Do you also fancy a short life?"

The crowd was dumbfounded as they watched the two combatants on the stage. Ling Zechuan, with eyes red with fury, tried desperately to retrieve his sword, then suddenly, with his left hand, he lashed out with a fierce palm strike towards Chen Dutian.

Unexpectedly, Chen Dutian was already on guard. With a phantom-like sidestep, he evaded just in time, causing Ling Zechuan to feel his sword quiver uncontrollably in his grip.


The sword shattered into pieces, and Ling Zechuan was sent flying back several meters by a surge of Spiritual Qi emanating from Chen Dutian's body. A sweet taste filled his throat before he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

"Still not ready to concede?" Chen Dutian swayed and, in an instant, was standing before Ling Zechuan.

"Never!" Ling Zechuan growled through clenched teeth, his fists glowing with a pearly white light as he hurled them fiercely at Chen Dutian.

"You won't cry until you see your own grave, will you?" A cold smile played on Chen Dutian's lips as he caught Ling Zechuan's wrist with a raised hand.

With a slight squeeze of his fingers, Chen Dutian leaped up, his knee crashing heavily into Ling Zechuan's chest.

The disparity in their strength was vast; Chen Dutian could easily defeat Ling Zechuan without even employing martial techniques.

Following a stifled grunt, Ling Zechuan was sent flying, crashing down off the stage. He coughed up more blood and then fell unconscious.

Chen Dutian dusted off his clothes and turned slowly, his piercing gaze sweeping over the gathered officials and their progeny. He declared loudly, "If anyone else disputes this, step up to the stage!"

Silence enveloped the expansive Cloudwatch Palace Square. The officials and their scions bowed their heads, unwilling to meet Chen Dutian's daunting stare. Wang Yuntian, standing at the foot of the stage, was visibly pale and shaking.

On the dragon throne, Yan Chen maintained a serene facade, but inside, his desire for vengeance was raging. Wang Xuanyang gave a subtle cough, catching the attention of the stunned Minister of Rites. Xu Hansheng, trembling, hastily announced, "The Martial Competition is concluded. The victor is the Crown Prince of the Lord Protector, Chen Dutian. He is awarded a thousand gold coins, the Universe Saber Technique, and the title of Commander of the Tiger Army!"

A eunuch clad in silk garments descended the jade staircase, bearing a sandalwood tray. With great reverence, he presented a time-worn ancient tome to Chen Dutian.

Chen Dutian merely glanced at the book and refrained from bowing in gratitude. He addressed Yan Chen, who was atop the jade stairs, with a clear voice, "Your Majesty, as my father leads his troops into battle, I have been graced with Your Majesty's favor to reside within the Imperial City. Now that I have been appointed commander of the Tiger Army, I cannot in good conscience accept this martial arts tome. I humbly request Your Majesty's permission to return daily to the Lord Protector's Mansion."

In the presence of so many, Chen Dutian was unprecedented in the Phethia Dynasty for making a request directly to the Emperor.

As a royal prince, one could not simply leave the Imperial City without the Emperor's consent. Yet, having secured first place in the martial competition, Chen Dutian sought to exchange his victory for the privilege of using the Qiankun Saber Technique.

"How presumptuous, Chen Dutian! To make demands of the Emperor – do not assume that winning the martial contest entitles you to act with impunity!" Wang Xuanyang, observing Yan Chen's prolonged silence, slammed his hand on the table and rose to his feet in indignation.

"Esteemed Tutor, I am not imposing conditions upon His Majesty. As a dutiful son, it is my obligation to serve my parents. Moreover, as the commander of the Tiger Army, is it not impractical to conduct their training within the city walls?" Chen Dutian stood firm, making his case.

Wang Xuanyang was poised to further challenge Chen Dutian, but Yan Chen gestured for silence and turned to his second son, Yan Beichen, inquiring, "What say you to Chen Dutian's request?"

"Father, with the Lord Protector engaged in campaign, it is only right that Young Master Chen wishes to fulfill his filial duties at home. I wholeheartedly consent," Yan Beichen declared, bowing respectfully.

Yan Chen regarded his son with a profound gaze before giving a slight nod. He addressed Chen Dutian, "In recognition of your devotion to family, I grant your request. However, should you return to the Lord Protector's Mansion, you must relinquish your command of the Tiger Army."

Chen Dutian's father commanded the mighty Red Banner Army, so the role of leading the Tiger Army seemed insignificant to him.

"Your Majesty, I am deeply grateful for your generous favor. I willingly relinquish my command of the Tiger Army."

"Very well! As a token of my esteem, accept this jade medallion. Though you will no longer command the Tiger Army, this will grant you unfettered access to the Imperial City. Consider it a token of my compensation to you."

A silk-clad eunuch gracefully accepted the jade medallion from Yan Chen and descended the jade steps with haste, presenting it to Chen Dutian with the utmost reverence.

Chen Dutian paused, puzzled by Yan Chen's gesture, but nonetheless accepted the medallion with heartfelt appreciation.

As dusk fell at the close of the martial contest, palace eunuchs brought tables to the square, arranging them and lighting lanterns for all to see. With the moon ascending, an assembly of elegantly attired maids arrived to serve the evening meal in the square.

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