Rise Of The Simp/C16 Money Is Not Revealed
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Rise Of The Simp/C16 Money Is Not Revealed
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C16 Money Is Not Revealed

Mo Fanchen feigned great reluctance, standing opposite Wu Sheng in the center of the arena, looking as though he had no other choice.

With a look of fear, Mo Fanchen pleaded with Wu Sheng, "Sheng, could you go easy on me when you strike? I'm really not good with pain!"

This wasn't a sign of Mo Fanchen being timid; he was well aware that his earlier compliments to Wu Chang had inadvertently offended the small-minded Wu Sheng.

Consequently, Wu Sheng was bound to take out his anger on Mo Fanchen without any restraint.

Sigh, I've blundered! I've inadvertently dug my own grave! All I can hope for now is that Wu Sheng will have a lighter touch when he strikes.

"Hey, hey! A man's got to have some backbone! The fight hasn't even started, and here you are, shrinking away like a scaredy-cat. What kind of image is that?" Wu Sheng said to Mo Fanchen with contempt.

"Here's what we'll do: as your senior, I'll let you make the first move! Show me what you've got!" Wu Sheng declared, spreading his legs into a defensive stance and beckoning Mo Fanchen with a crooked finger.

With no further words, Mo Fanchen summoned his Raging Bull Force, channeling the genuine energy throughout his limbs, and with a fierce roar, he launched a powerful punch at Wu Sheng!

"Such a reckless attack! You're full of openings!" Wu Sheng taunted, smirking with disdain.

As Mo Fanchen's punch neared, Wu Sheng smoothly stepped back, his palms shooting forward like dragons, striking Mo Fanchen's chest with an unapologetic force that sent him flying several meters!

Struggling to stay upright on one knee, Mo Fanchen felt Wu Sheng's overwhelming palm force churn the blood in his chest and abdomen, warm blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

'Damn it! I asked for mercy, and this kid shows none! What did I ever do to him?'

Mo Fanchen's gaze towards Wu Sheng was icy with barely contained fury. Fortunately, the Raging Bull Force within him surged faster after the blow, promising that the Mad Bull Fist would be even more formidable than before.

Without giving it much thought, he launched another punch. Mo Fanchen's vastly improved speed caught Wu Sheng off guard for a brief moment. But that was all it was—a fleeting surprise. The gap in their levels of cultivation rendered Mo Fanchen's actions in Wu Sheng's eyes as awkward and laughable.

"Humph, some people never learn! Time for a lesson!"

Wu Sheng snorted with contempt and reached out to grab Mo Fanchen, who was closing in on him.

"Shadow Waltz!"

Mo Fanchen silently invoked the technique, and a light, elusive force lifted from beneath his feet. His footwork, once seemingly reckless, now became enigmatic and unpredictable.

"What in the world is that?"

Wu Sheng's confident strike missed its mark, and before he could regain his composure, Mo Fanchen had already reappeared at his left side.

"Mad Bull Fist!"

Mo Fanchen's bellow echoed as a punch infused with frenzied strength hurtled towards Wu Sheng.

Wu Sheng awkwardly tried to block with his elbows but was still forced back several steps by the sheer force of Mo Fanchen's sudden outburst.

"What was that movement technique?"

Before Wu Sheng could even voice his amazement, Mo Fanchen was once again before him, delivering a barrage of powerful, albeit unstructured, punches.

Wu Sheng, a practitioner of the Inner Strength Realm, found himself overwhelmed by Mo Fanchen's relentless assault!

From the sidelines, Wu Chang was stunned. He had anticipated a lopsided fight and had been inwardly lamenting Mo Fanchen's impending misfortune. To his astonishment, after taking a hit, Mo Fanchen had turned the tables and was now dominating Wu Sheng.

"Heh, is this a case of the student besting the master with wild punches? But with Mo Fanchen's haphazard offense, he likely won't last long."

Just as Wu Chang had this thought, Mo Fanchen's onslaught began to falter.

Wu Sheng, weary from defending, capitalized on a gap Mo Fanchen left open. With no mercy, he delivered a Breath-Sealing Kick, infused with genuine energy, straight into Mo Fanchen's chest.

Another strike landed!

Mo Fanchen was sent flying two meters away, crashing heavily onto the ground. The force of the Breath-Sealing Kick penetrated his chest, halting his breathing for a terrifying moment and nearly causing him to pass out from the lack of oxygen to his brain!

He lay there for some time, waiting for the effects of the Breath-Sealing Kick to subside. Clutching his chest, he gasped for air and slowly sat up, coughing.

Seeing Wu Sheng preparing to strike again, Mo Fanchen's eyes lost their fury, and he conceded, "Sheng, I give up! Isn't it enough that I'm admitting defeat?"

"Sheng, your skill is truly unmatched. I concede! We agreed to a friendly sparring session, didn't we? That last move almost killed me!"

"Hehe, Mo, you weren't too shabby yourself! How did a guy at the Body Tempering level manage to hold me off for so long?"

Wu Sheng showed no remorse for his Breath-Sealing Kick, instead, he smiled at Mo Fanchen. Recalling Mo Fanchen's evasive maneuvers, he couldn't help but inquire, "By the way, that technique you used to dodge my second attack, what's it called?"

Upon hearing Wu Sheng bring it up, Mo Fanchen was about to respond but stopped short at the sight of Wu Sheng's all-too-familiar grin. He promptly swallowed his words.

Though not fully versed in Scourgehold's rules, Mo Fanchen understood the wisdom of not flaunting one's assets.

Especially since he had acquired the skill through dubious means from the nefarious warrior, Feng Qingliu.

Using one's position for personal gain was dishonorable, regardless of the time or place.

Moreover, Mo Fanchen's first encounter with Wu Sheng, marked by that same sinister smile, had ended with a harsh punch he couldn't forget.

How could Mo Fanchen dare say more when faced with that smile once again?

And as for Wu Sheng, did he truly not know the origin of the Shadow Waltz technique, or was he feigning ignorance to trick Mo Fanchen into revealing more?

If Wu Sheng was genuinely clueless, Mo Fanchen could easily concoct a lie to throw him off.

If he was intentionally trying to entrap me, then my current predicament must be quite perilous.

Mo Fanchen was at a loss for words, unsure of how to proceed, when Wu Chang stepped into the fray and approached him. Sporting a grin as sinister as Wu Sheng's, Wu Chang pressed him further, "Mo, what's the matter? Is there something you're finding difficult to disclose?"

"Or did you acquire that fancy footwork of yours through some underhanded means?"

Wu Sheng's smile had turned to ice. His tone chilled as an astral aura began to coalesce around him, signaling that any misstep in Mo Fanchen's explanation could lead to his immediate demise.

Wu Sheng's intentions were crystal clear. Even Mo Fanchen, for all his naivety, understood that admitting the technique he'd just used came from Feng Qingliu would be tantamount to signing his own death warrant.

"Brother Mo, if you don't come clean, we won't be so forgiving!" Wu Chang's voice grew colder, his hand resting on Mo Fanchen's shoulder as genuine energy trickled from his palm, the pressure mounting to the brink of overwhelming Mo Fanchen.

Desperate, Mo Fanchen's mind raced. He had to concoct a believable story—and fast.

But what kind of fabrication could possibly convince Wu Chang and his companion?

Since awakening his martial spirit and becoming a warrior, aside from a brief stint of boxing and sanda to avoid getting beaten up, he had no background in martial arts whatsoever.

Should he claim the Su family taught him? But if Wu Chang decided to verify this with the Su family, wouldn't that just expose his lie and cast even more doubt on the origins of his skill?

Mo Fanchen, you need to think fast! What other talents do you have? Swimming, soccer, singing, dancing, rapping, basketball, "chicken, you're so beautiful"...

As Mo Fanchen's thoughts scrambled, a spark of inspiration flashed through his mind. He suddenly knew exactly how to account for the source of his skill!

Causeless Fish! I absolutely adore you! If I manage to pull through this time, I swear I'll never blackmail you again!

Wu Sheng's patience was wearing thin with Mo Fanchen's continued silence. Shooting a frosty glance at Wu Chang, the latter caught on immediately. He lifted his palm, poised to strike down Mo Fanchen in one fell swoop.


Just as Wu Chang's lethal palm was about to descend, Mo Fanchen inexplicably let out a heavy sigh.

Wu Chang's brow furrowed in confusion. "What's the matter? Ready to talk?"

With a look of resignation, Mo Fanchen addressed Wu Sheng somberly, "Sheng, it's not that I'm unwilling to speak; I'm just worried about embarrassing you by revealing the truth."

Wu Sheng's frown deepened, and he asked with a hint of surprise, "Embarrass me? What are you talking about?"

"You both were curious about my movement technique, right? What if I told you it wasn't a technique at all, but something I derived from playing basketball and football? Would you believe that?" Mo Fanchen's eyes conveyed a profound sincerity as he explained to Wu Chang and his brother.

The revelation left the Wu Chang brothers momentarily dumbfounded. Then, feeling as though he had been insulted, Wu Chang barked furiously at Mo Fanchen, "Nonsense! How could that bizarre movement technique come from basketball and football? If what you say is true, does that mean our years of dedicated martial arts training are worth less than those of ordinary athletes?"

"Wu Chang, hold on! I'm about to clarify everything right now!"

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