Rise Of The Simp/C17 Say Something Flowery!
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Rise Of The Simp/C17 Say Something Flowery!
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C17 Say Something Flowery!

"Alright! I'm curious to see how you're going to spin these two unrelated issues into something coherent!"

Upon hearing Mo Fanchen's clearly fabricated story, Wu Chang couldn't help but huff and stand off to the side with his arms crossed, waiting to see how Mo would talk his way out of this one.

Meanwhile, Wu Sheng remained aggressive, half-threatening Mo Fanchen, "Kid, if you can actually explain this mess, then fine! But if you can't, brace yourself for my slap of death!"

Slap me to death?! Humph! Just wait until I'm stronger than both of you! I'll be the one delivering the slaps!

Despite the harsh words from Wu Chang, Mo Fanchen was seething inside. Yet, outwardly, he was all smiles and flattery, "Brothers, your skills are unparalleled, your insights sharp as an eagle's. Trying to be slick in front of you would be like lighting a lantern in an outhouse – utterly pointless and suicidal, right?"

"Enough with the empty talk. We don't have time to waste on your bootlicking. Get to the point and explain your understanding of the movement technique!"

Mo Fanchen's constant compliments did nothing to lower Wu Chang's guard.

"Alright!" Mo Fanchen stood up, rubbing his still-throbbing chest, and said, "I'm sure both of you have played basketball and soccer before, right? I'm curious, which teams do you support?"

"Of course! I'm a die-hard Lakers fan! And you, Mo, which team do you root for?"

The typically volatile Wu Sheng suddenly shifted his demeanor, eagerly engaging with Mo Fanchen's topic. However, before he could delve further, Wu Chang silenced him with a stern look.

"We don't have time to chat about sports. Focus on the essentials!"

Wu Chang's voice remained frosty, but Mo Fanchen could tell their wariness had slightly eased.

Seeing a glimmer of success, Mo Fanchen silently cheered himself on, offered a sheepish grin, and steered the conversation back on track, "When we play basketball or soccer, we inevitably have to defend against the opposing players. To score, we must outmaneuver their defense and get the ball into their goal!"

"After awakening my martial spirit and becoming a warrior, you both know the caliber of martial skills I've obtained. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to acquire other martial skills, nor do I have a sect to support me. If things continue as they are, I'll be stuck in the Body Tempering Realm for the rest of my life."

"You know what they say, necessity is the mother of invention! In my free time, I've pondered whether I could create new martial skills by combining them with physical skills from everyday life."

"With this idea, I've drawn inspiration from skills like the snake-shaped hand, Tiger Crane Double Form, and Drunken Fist that we see in movies. Aren't these skills also born from real-life experiences?"

"Alas, I'm just an ordinary law-abiding citizen with no access to martial skills or foundational training. Thankfully, I'm decent at basketball and soccer, which led me to wonder: could I incorporate the force and techniques used in these sports to evade enemy attacks and find opportunities to counterattack? I've dedicated a lot of time to this concept, imagining various angles of enemy attacks and how I could respond!"

"Hey, I didn't expect the strategies I've been working on to show some effectiveness during my bout with Sheng! But I certainly didn't anticipate that my humble idea would cause such a misunderstanding with you brothers. I sincerely apologize for that..."

Upon hearing Mo Fanchen's coherent analysis, Wu Chang and his brother exchanged glances and couldn't help but partially believe him.

In the Muskoagua warrior world, it's not uncommon for a warrior to create new skills through their unique understanding of life and problem-solving.

Mo Fanchen's cultivation talent may be average, but who's to say he doesn't possess a special aptitude for insight in other areas?

"How then do you explain the sudden increase in the speed of your second attack? I believe that after taking two of my palms, your aura should have been disrupted. Yet, contrary to expectations, your genuine energy flowed even more smoothly and fluidly than before! You're not going to tell me you also figured that out from basketball or soccer, are you?" Wu Chang pressed, still somewhat unconvinced.

Mo Fanchen took a moment to reflect and then chose to attribute the improvement to the two skills he possessed, excluding the Grand Forsaken Grapple that Wu Chang and his brother were already familiar with, which clearly didn't include any methods for enhancing speed.

Reflecting on this, Mo Fanchen began to explain, "The underlying reason stems from the Mad Bull Fist and Raging Bull Force that I've been practicing. While the techniques of these two skills are rather basic, the secret to enhancing their power lies in using injuries as a catalyst to unleash the practitioner's own frenzied strength. With the might of this frenzied energy, one can inflict damage upon the enemy. It was by harnessing these two skills that I was able to tap into all my latent potential and emerge unscathed from a confrontation with over ten people in the outside world."

"Do these two skills truly possess such might?"

The Wu brothers exchanged glances, their eyes betraying a flicker of avarice.

They had initially dismissed the Mad Bull Fist and Raging Bull Force as too rudimentary to warrant their attention. However, now that they were aware of their potent effects, the brothers were keen to master these skills!

In a duel between warriors, injuries are an unavoidable consequence. Such wounds can significantly impair a warrior's bodily functions and drastically reduce their combat effectiveness, tilting the odds of victory in favor of the less injured. But with the Mad Bull Fist and Raging Bull Force, the situation would be entirely transformed! Injuries that would normally sap a warrior's strength could instead act as a catalyst, instantly enhancing their abilities and allowing them to mount a comeback, potentially turning the tide and defeating their foes!

Similar skills to the Mad Bull Fist and Raging Bull Force do exist within the martial world of Muskoagua. However, these skills are typically safeguarded by various sects and noble families, who are not inclined to share them freely. It was unexpected that Niu Daben, whom they had always considered foolish, possessed the talent to create such a unique skill!

With this realization, the Wu brothers quickly shed their adversarial demeanor and spoke to Mo Fanchen with newfound respect, "Mo, please don't take offense at our earlier actions."

"Indeed, Mo! Given the special nature of our work at Scourgehold, we mistook you for an intruder when you exhibited a martial skill we hadn't seen before."

"Exactly. If we don't scrutinize everyone thoroughly, we risk letting someone with ill intentions slip through. They could take advantage of our oversight and release the malevolent warriors imprisoned within the tower, which would escalate into a major crisis!"

"As the appointed supervisors of Scourgehold, we brothers will inevitably become the subjects of scorn within Muskoagua's martial world and among our fellow warriors. We won't be able to maintain our standing in Muskoagua if that happens."

Confronted with Wu Chang and Wu Sheng's reasoning, Mo Fanchen experienced a whirlwind of emotions. There was a sense of relief in deceiving them, dissatisfaction with their previous treatment of him, and anger towards Wu Sheng for repeatedly injuring him.

From the moment Wu Sheng's punch sent him flying upon entering Scourgehold, Mo Fanchen harbored no fondness for the brothers. Yet, given his inferior strength and status, he had no choice but to feign politeness and offer insincere flattery.

With these thoughts, Mo Fanchen forced another smile and casually waved off the Wu brothers, saying, "No worries, it's nothing serious! It's all part of the job, right? Besides, it's a privilege to receive guidance from the two of you! Hehe!"

Seeing that Mo Fanchen wasn't dwelling on the assault, Wu Sheng awkwardly rubbed his hands together and chuckled, "Since Mo isn't holding a grudge about earlier, I have a bold favor to ask. I hope you won't hesitate to grant it."

Sensing the insincerity behind Wu Sheng's smile, Mo Fanchen suppressed the impulse to punch him and replied with a courteous smile, "Sheng, you're too modest! It would be my pleasure to assist you. What seems to be troubling you?"

"Would you mind teaching us the Mad Bull Fist and Raging Bull Force skills?" Wu Chang asked sheepishly, while Wu Sheng looked on with eager anticipation.

Mo Fanchen's mind raced as he quickly concocted a plan to play a prank on the brothers. However, he couldn't agree right away; he needed to devise a way to exchange a skill or two with them first.

After mentally rehearsing his response, Mo Fanchen feigned difficulty and said, "Well... it's not out of the question. But as you both know, I haven't mastered many martial skills. I'm just not sure if I can..."

Seeing Mo Fanchen hemming and hawing, the Wu brothers could easily discern his intent to gain some advantage from them.

Nevertheless, Mo Fanchen's actions were justifiable. Scoring those two skills without cost would be ideal, but if not, the brothers had some items they no longer needed and wouldn't mind trading with Mo Fanchen.

Besides, the unique benefits of Raging Bull Force and Mad Bull Fist were rare opportunities for them—truly a stroke of luck!

Trading items they couldn't use for something that could boost their strength was a no-brainer. It was a deal they couldn't pass up!

With this in mind, the brothers asked Mo Fanchen to wait in the training room.

When they returned, they had two additional items in their possession.

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