Rise Of The Simp/C18 A Clever Ghost!
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Rise Of The Simp/C18 A Clever Ghost!
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C18 A Clever Ghost!

In Wu Chang's hands was an ancient-looking booklet, clearly another skill. Mo Fanchen, however, couldn't quite make out the words on it just yet.

Wu Sheng, on the other hand, held not only a bottle of pills but also a booklet.

After their recent exchange, Wu Sheng seemed ready to show some generosity, aiming to soothe Mo Fanchen's bruised spirit and demonstrate his goodwill.

The sight of the two brothers with their offerings lifted Mo Fanchen's spirits considerably, and the pain in his chest where Wu Sheng had struck him eased somewhat.

"Brother Mo," Wu Chang began, "this 'Dance of a Thousand Raindrops' skill was gifted to me by an old friend during my time at the Divine Martial Academy. While it's not an advanced skill, it's quite beneficial for a beginner warrior in the Body Tempering Realm like yourself."

As Wu Chang offered the skill to Mo Fanchen, a flicker of longing and pain in his eyes didn't escape Mo's perceptive gaze.

Mo Fanchen felt a surge of pleasure, realizing Wu Chang's modesty. The evident reluctance in Wu Chang's demeanor suggested to him that the skill was far from ordinary.

Wu Sheng cast a peculiar glance at Wu Chang, then exhaled a sigh, "Brother, after all this time, you've finally let go."

"There's no need to dredge up the past. What's done is done! Keeping that skill only adds to my sorrow. Better to pass it on to you, Brother Mo, and spare myself the discomfort of seeing it again."

Wu Chang's voice was tinged with sadness, and his gaze shifted away, lost in memories.

Without further attempts to console Wu Chang, Wu Sheng presented the items in his possession to Mo Fanchen, "This pill is for treating both internal and external injuries, consider it an apology for my earlier harshness. And this 'Titan's Fall' skill, also acquired during my studies at the Divine Martial Academy, may not be of a high level, but it was my first reward in the class ranking battles. I trust you'll value and learn it well."

Wu Sheng's demeanor was considerably more relaxed than Wu Chang's, showing no signs of regret over the items he had given away. Mo Fanchen, for his part, wasn't concerned with whether they were reluctant to part with their gifts or not; he simply accepted everything with a gracious smile.

"Sheng, you mentioned earlier that skills are categorized into different levels?" Mo Fanchen inquired, tucking the two skills and pills into his pocket with a hint of curiosity.

"Absolutely," Sheng replied. "Just as warriors vary in their levels of prowess, the skills we practice are similarly ranked."

"Still, it's not unheard of for an exceptionally gifted warrior to make a name for themselves using a lower-level skill. Such individuals are exceedingly rare, though! Moreover, those with the talent of a prodigy are invariably nurtured by sects and noble families, with access to advanced skills, high-grade pills, and Divine Weapons."

"The standard skills we warriors study span nine levels, from one to nine, with one cycle being the most basic and nine cycles the most advanced. Skills from one to three cycles are typically passed down within sects and families to their disciples and kin. Then there are wanderers like us, who might come across such skills by chance, using them as the cornerstone for our place in the world. Take the Dance of a Thousand Raindrops and Titan's Fall, which are between the first and second cycles. The origins of these skills, not cataloged by sects or noble families, and how they end up in the martial world, is a topic for another time."

"Skills from four to six cycles are considered precious gems in the martial world. Those who possess them have the power to found their own sects and gather a following. Notable examples include Hua Mountain's Purple Cloud Divine Technique and the Quan Zhen Sect's Innate Celestial Method, both of which are six-cycle skills."

Mo Fanchen was taken aback. "The Purple Cloud Divine Technique and the Innate Celestial Method are as high as six cycles?" he asked, finding it hard to believe.

"You seem to be caught up in the hearsay," Sheng observed. "The Purple Cloud Divine Technique, a revered treasure reserved for the sect leader's cultivation, is known for its formidable resilience and overwhelming force. When unleashed, it dominates the battlefield, an unstoppable force."

"Moreover, it possesses a remarkable ability to merge and neutralize different types of genuine energy. When the Purple Cloud Divine Technique is used against a warrior whose skill inherently carries a certain attribute, the results are simply astounding! How could a skill that offers both defense and internal harmony fail to reach the six cycles level?"

"Now, let's discuss the Innate Celestial Method. This enigmatic skill, rooted in Taoist tradition and treasured by the Quanzhen Sect, is said to unlock the utmost potential of one's consciousness, propelling one's cultivation realm to soar to immeasurable heights. The Innate Celestial Qi, in its ceaseless circulation through the body's meridians, nurtures the foundation, clearing all toxins, harmonizing meridians, fortifying bones, refining the spirit, and even healing severe internal injuries!"

"For a young man in his prime like yourself, the benefits are clear, but consider an older individual who has missed the prime time for cultivation. Even they, through the Innate Celestial Method, can rejuvenate their bodies and rebuild their cultivation foundation. In terms of progression, they are on par with any other skill. Can you honestly say such an extraordinary skill doesn't deserve the six cycles ranking?"

"Perhaps, it's only when you meet the sect masters of Hua Mountain and the Quanzhen Sect that you'll truly comprehend the formidable power of these skills."

"Skills of the third cycle, however, are primarily held by some of the most powerful sects, rarely found in the hands of individuals. These third cycle skills are reserved for the renowned warriors of the martial world, leaving the average warrior to merely look on with envy."

"Above the nine cycles, there is yet another tier: the supreme skills. These are divided into the orthodox Supreme Sacred Skills and the unorthodox dark arts. Setting aside the debate of right and wrong, mastery of any one of these supreme skills allows one to effortlessly dominate the martial world and become a revered figure among warriors."

"Beyond the levels I've mentioned, the martial world is home to a variety of unique and peculiar skills. These skills, with their strange and varied effects, cannot be judged solely on their power. Take, for instance, your recent confinement in Scourgehold. There's a dedicated department that handles the mundane affairs of the outside world. The operatives in this department possess special skills that enable them to alter their appearance, physique, and voice, thus assisting you in managing your real-world affairs."

Mo Fanchen, who had been captivated by the conversation, was taken aback when he heard that someone in real life was impersonating him. He felt an inexplicable annoyance and couldn't help but say with a hint of irritation, "So, if I were to get intimate with my girlfriend, they'd step in for that too?"

"You really don't need to worry about that. They all adhere to a code of professional ethics and wouldn't do anything too inappropriate," Wu Chang, now fully emerged from his reverie, reassured him, patting Mo Fanchen's shoulder before bursting into laughter. "Besides, as far as we know, you're still flying solo—you don't even have a girlfriend, haha!"

You're the single one! Your whole family is single!

A guy like me, with both looks and talent, will surely be the envy of many girls in the future.

You two, on the other hand, can only huddle in Scourgehold and take your time with those little videos!

Mo Fanchen silently fumed at Wu Chang, but outwardly, he forced a dry chuckle and said, "Brothers, are you still interested in the Raging Bull Force skill? I can bring it to you shortly!"

Upon hearing that Mo Fanchen was only offering one skill, Wu Chang asked in surprise, "Just the Raging Bull Force? What about the Mad Bull Fist?"

"The Mad Bull Fist isn't anything special; it's just a basic Outer Sect martial technique. If you two are interested, I'll happily give it to you as well."

Mo Fanchen put on a show of sincerity, all the while secretly hoping that Wu Chang and Wu Sheng would be dissuaded from practicing the Mad Bull Fist once they saw it. If they ended up weakening their minds, it would serve as sweet revenge for the beatings he had endured.

Mo Fanchen didn't consider himself a paragon of virtue, but he believed in the principle of not initiating conflict with others. Despite the fact that the Wu brothers had shared so much about the martial world with him and had generously provided him with pills and skills, he had no desire to repay their kindness with malice.

Yet, during his recent sparring with Wu Sheng, Wu Sheng's merciless Eternal Breath kick had nearly knocked him out cold! Even if it was to vent his frustration, there was no need for such excessive force. Didn't he see him as a fellow human being?

It was precisely because of that devastating kick and the murderous aura they exuded when they doubted his identity that Mo Fanchen decided to keep the synergy between the Mad Bull Fist and the Raging Bull Force a secret. He relished the thought of them experiencing a taste of their own vulnerability.

With this in mind, Mo Fanchen addressed the Wu brothers, "Gentlemen, if you could kindly wait a moment, I'll retrieve the skill books for you from my room."

As Mo Fanchen left the training field, Wu Chang pondered for a moment before turning to Wu Sheng, "Do you really believe what Mo Fanchen claimed earlier?"

"What are you referring to?" Wu Sheng slowly shifted his gaze from Mo Fanchen's departing figure and inquired.

"The footwork he used to evade your second strike," Wu Chang mused.

"Heh, I'm not entirely convinced," Wu Sheng replied with a hint of skepticism.

"Oh? How so?" Wu Chang's eyes sparkled with curiosity, silently awaiting Wu Sheng's elaboration.

Upon entering his room, Mo Fanchen quickly located the two skill books, letting out a sigh of relief. "It's a good thing I had these skill books on me when I was captured! If I had to transcribe or recite them, those two would've definitely been suspicious. Mo Fanchen, you're quite the sly one, aren't you?" he chuckled to himself.

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