Rise Of The Simp/C2 The Evil Warrior Feng Qingliu
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Rise Of The Simp/C2 The Evil Warrior Feng Qingliu
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C2 The Evil Warrior Feng Qingliu

Mo Fanchen cautiously turned to look behind him and spotted a slender, strikingly handsome man standing just a meter away. The palpable pressure he felt was emanating from this man.

What astonished Mo Fanchen even more was the man's sudden appearance; he had not sensed him at all. The man was like a ghost, seemingly not of this world.

Sensing the dangerous aura radiating from the handsome man, Mo Fanchen instinctively leapt back three meters and took up a defensive stance.

"Who are you? What do you want?!" he demanded.

The handsome man paid no heed to Mo Fanchen's threatening inquiry, his focus remained on Su Muyan in the alley.

"Eh? I'm curious which family you belong to. You're quite stunning, and you even know my name, Mr. Feng! Impressive," he remarked.

His voice was a stark contrast to his looks, raspy as if his throat had been scraped with sandpaper, and particularly grating to the ear.

"Hmph! A despicable traitor like you doesn't deserve to know our family's name!" Su Muyan retorted, her voice filled with fury as she faced Feng Qingliu. She swiftly drew a golden chain from her silver waist ornament. With a quick flick of her wrist, the chain straightened, gleaming with a golden brilliance under the alley's dim light.

"Whip-Sword, Golden Viper!" Feng Qingliu raised his eyebrows in surprise. "So you're a lady from the Su family of Zouver! To wield a Golden Viper, you must be a direct descendant. What relation is the old fossil Su Qinghe to you? Your grandfather?"

"It's none of your concern! Today, I'm here to seek justice for the girls you've wronged!" Su Muyan declared, her toes tapping the ground as she surged forward.

The Whip-Sword, held aloft, vibrated intensely, emitting a sibilant sound reminiscent of a deadly Golden Viper poised to strike its victim.

Su Muyan was swift, but Feng Qingliu was swifter.

Yet, instead of engaging directly with Su Muyan, Feng Qingliu suddenly sprang forward, enveloping the somewhat stunned Mo Fanchen in his arms, while a delicate pink petal came to rest against Mo Fanchen's throat.

"Tsk tsk! Who would have thought the little lady from the Su family could be such a fiery spitfire! Seeking revenge? Why don't you test whether your Su family's Storm Sword is quicker, or if my Rosefang is?"

Upon hearing Feng Qingliu's words, Mo Fanchen realized that the pink petal pressed against his throat was no mere flower petal, but a lethally sharp blade resembling one!

The chilling aura emanating from the Rosefang had already raised a rash of goosebumps on Mo Fanchen's neck, making it clear that the deceptively delicate Rosefang could easily slice through his throat!

The thought of his imminent demise made Mo Fanchen's legs shake uncontrollably. Yet, he didn't want to appear weak in front of Su Muyan and risk her disdain!

Struggling to maintain his composure, Mo Fanchen took a deep breath and managed a smile more pained than any cry, asking, "Su Muyan, if I admit I'm terrified right now, would you think less of me?"

Su Muyan lowered the Golden Viper, shook her head, and responded with a tinge of sorrow, "Mo Fanchen, you should never have been dragged into this mess. I've told you before, we come from different worlds. Why won't you ever listen?"

"I used to think that was just an excuse to push me away, but I see now you were serious," Mo Fanchen said with a wry twist of his mouth. "So what world do you belong to? A world of martial heroes? How come I've never heard of it?"

"Our world is complicated, more complex than you could ever imagine..."

"Enough! I don't have time for your rambling! If we delay any longer, the others will arrive!"

Feng Qingliu cut off their conversation and, with a swift motion, the hand wielding the Rosefang made a swift cut through the air, trailing a striking streak of crimson!

Mo Fanchen felt an icy sensation at his throat as his strength rapidly drained away, and he collapsed to the ground, utterly powerless.

"Mo Fanchen! Feng Qingliu, I will kill you!"

As his consciousness faded, Mo Fanchen's dimming vision caught sight of Su Muyan, overcome with rage, brandishing her Whip-Sword and furiously lunging at Feng Qingliu.

"She must care about me, right? Maybe..."

That was Mo Fanchen's final thought, possibly a form of self-consolation.

"Kill me?! You, a girl barely initiated into Blood Forging, dare to utter such words to me?!"

As Su Muyan unleashed her attacks like a tempest, Feng Qingliu remained effortlessly in control. His enigmatic steps flowed seamlessly, easily deflecting Su Muyan's frenzied onslaught.

"The Storm Sword Technique is utterly sloppy!" Feng Qingliu shook his head, clearly disappointed, and chuckled with a hint of mockery, "It seems that aside from your looks, you're utterly useless! The Su family of Zouver must be ashamed to have a failure like you. I wonder if Su Qinghe would keel over in frustration! Haha!"

"Shut up!"

Su Muyan bellowed, quickly applying a red medicinal powder to Mo Fanchen's throat and stuffing a pill into his mouth.

"Blood Forging Powder? Essence Renewal Core? That's quite the gesture! You must be the cherished granddaughter of that decrepit elder from the Su family. To bed the Su family's young miss just once—it's a fair trade!"

No sooner had Feng Qingliu finished speaking than he stepped swiftly, ghosting behind Su Muyan. Before she could react, his hand came down in a sharp chop!

Su Muyan fell to the ground, rendered unconscious by Feng Qingliu's strike, without putting up any fight.

However, Feng Qingliu, driven by his desires, didn't immediately turn his attention to Su Muyan on the ground. Instead, he crouched down and pried open Mo Fanchen's mouth, intent on retrieving the Essence Renewal Core.

"Damn it! Did the kid swallow it?" Feng Qingliu fumbled in Mo Fanchen's mouth but found no trace of the Essence Renewal Core, cursing in frustration, "To think a treasure like the Essence Renewal Core was wasted on this good-for-nothing! It's an outrage! I'll tear it out of his stomach if I have to!"

With that, Feng Qingliu lifted Mo Fanchen's shirt to expose his abdomen, brandishing the Rosefang, ready to strike.


A slender concealed weapon suddenly shot through the air!

The attack was swift and sudden, driving straight into the back of Feng Qingliu's hand!

In response to the sharp pain, Feng Qingliu leaped aside, quickly adopting a defensive stance.

"Hey! Enough already! Didn't you notice I'm enjoying my kebab here? You're nothing but a common thief, and now you're ready to dissect a body? Where's your sense of public decency and professional conduct?"

A crisp female voice grumbled from the alley's mouth, clearly annoyed.

It was then that Feng Qingliu noticed the slender concealed weapon embedded in his hand was actually a skewer!

"Look, the kind of scum I despise most is someone like you who defiles women! It's a terrible experience for both parties! If you're that desperate, why not visit the ladies at the hair salon or massage parlor? They're professionals, skilled, and offer a variety of services. I'm sure they can meet all your needs!"

The sound of tearing fabric whooshed through the air as a tall man wearing a bareheaded mask suddenly appeared at the opposite end of the alley, flanking Feng Qingliu together with the woman donning a bear mask at the alley's entrance.

"Inciting others to engage in illegal acts! Aren't you worried the boss will dock your cultivation resources for the month?"

A man with a bear mask called out from the rooftops on either side of the alley, his voice icy as he confronted the bareheaded man.

"Crime, Crime and Punishment?!"

Feng Qingliu's voice quivered as he eyed the three enigmatic figures who had appeared out of nowhere.

Despite their lack of distinguishing features beyond the cartoon masks on their faces, Feng Qingliu was able to discern the identities of the trio from the surge of cultivation base that erupted from them in an instant.

Realizing he was outmatched, Feng Qingliu stealthily shifted his stance before suddenly springing upwards, hoping to find an escape route above.

"Think you can flee? Heh, is your Shadow Waltz really a match for my footwork?"

Feng Qingliu had barely ascended four or five meters when the bareheaded man appeared right above him, closing in fast!

After his jest, the bareheaded strongman brought his hands together and delivered a crushing hammer blow to Feng Qingliu!

"In the face of absolute power, all your resistance is in vain!"

Feng Qingliu, who had been so imposing just moments before in front of Su Muyan, was unable to withstand the bareheaded man's strike and was sent crashing back to the ground!

Without giving Feng Qingliu a chance to rise and flee, the man who had been observing from the sidelines descended like lightning and planted his foot on Feng Qingliu's back, declaring emotionlessly, "To punish the wicked and condemn the guilty without mercy!"

"Feng Qingliu, you have abused your status as a warrior to violate an innocent young woman, and for that, you are beyond redemption! Prepare to spend the remainder of your days in Scourgehold!"

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