Rise Of The Simp/C7 Look at My Mad Bull Fist!
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Rise Of The Simp/C7 Look at My Mad Bull Fist!
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C7 Look at My Mad Bull Fist!

As the top athlete among his peers, Zhang Xiaolong's punches were nothing short of ferocious, aiming straight for Mo Fanchen's face with a viciousness that was unmistakable!

As the punch closed in, Mo Fanchen swiftly retreated, channeling the meager Raging Bull Force within his elixir field and launched a counterattack at Zhang Xiaolong's midsection with a powerful punch!

This technique wasn't from the Mad Bull Fist repertoire but rather a countermeasure Mo Fanchen had picked up from boxing videos.

After all, Su Muyan was the undisputed campus crush, with a legion of admirers. The competition was cutthroat, and without some muscle to back him up, Mo Fanchen would have been pummeled by the other suitors long ago.

Zhang Xiaolong was caught off guard by Mo Fanchen's audacity to strike back despite being outnumbered. The impact of Mo Fanchen's punch, coupled with the searing pain, forced Zhang Xiaolong to stagger back several steps.

Regaining his balance, Zhang Xiaolong clutched his stomach and vomited a mouthful of bile!

"Frick! Take him down!" he bellowed, his eyes blazing with fury. The students around him responded instantly, swarming Mo Fanchen with a barrage of punches.

Outnumbered and outmatched, Mo Fanchen knew he had to make a run for it.

He had hoped to pick off his pursuers one by one, employing a hit-and-run strategy. However, he hadn't counted on the fact that these were not just any students, but athletes with a penchant for running—probably the best in the whole school!

It wasn't long before Mo Fanchen felt a tug at his clothes from a student who had caught up to him, causing him to stumble.

"Encircle him and block his retreat!" Zhang Xiaolong commanded, thinking quickly on his feet.

Two students accelerated past Mo Fanchen, effectively blocking his way forward.

"Screw this! I'm taking them on!" Mo Fanchen resolved, summoning the Raging Bull Force once more. He pivoted on his elbow and spun around with a fierce cry, "Yah!"

A scream pierced the air as the student who had grabbed Mo Fanchen was struck by a sudden elbow, sending several of his teeth flying!

Before Mo Fanchen could savor his triumph, two students who had previously overtaken him fearlessly pounced, tackling him to the ground and pinning his arms down firmly.

Undeterred, Mo Fanchen channeled the Raging Bull Force within him, instantly unleashing all his strength!

With his arms restrained, he managed a powerful twist, flinging one of the students to the ground!

The other student, seeing this, pressed his entire body onto Mo Fanchen's arms. Despite his efforts, he felt his nearly 160-pound frame being tossed about as if he were on a roller coaster by the sheer force of Mo Fanchen's arms!

"Xiaolong! This kid's strength is insane! We need more people here, quick!"


No sooner had he spoken than Mo Fanchen delivered another full-force punch, knocking the student to the ground!

Yet, before Mo Fanchen could rise, a dozen more students swarmed him, pinning him down, leaving him unable to move.

"Damn it! Lift this fool up!"

Zhang Xiaolong snarled, then landed a heavy punch in the abdomen of Mo Fanchen, who was restrained by four people.

Despite the protection of his genuine energy, Mo Fanchen's soft belly couldn't withstand Zhang Xiaolong's blow, and he doubled over in pain like a shrimp.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! That's for what you owed me just now! And now, we'll settle the full account for your entanglement with Su Muyan!"

Zhang Xiaolong growled menacingly, yanking Mo Fanchen's hair to lift his head before delivering an unrestrained left hook to his cheek.

Struck hard, Mo Fanchen felt a searing pain on his face, and a warm liquid trickled from his nose. His ears rang, and though he saw Zhang Xiaolong's lips moving, he couldn't make out the words.

But Mo Fanchen guessed they weren't pleasantries.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Mo Fanchen, you were acting all tough just a moment ago! Let's see you try that now!"

Zhang Xiaolong spewed venomous curses as he relentlessly delivered a flurry of punches, knocking Mo Fanchen to the ground.

Without giving Zhang Xiaolong a chance to speak, the other students quickly closed in and began to mercilessly kick Mo Fanchen's body.

The numerous footprints that marked Mo Fanchen's body brought with them waves of excruciating pain. Far from causing him to lose consciousness, the pain only ignited the ferocity within him.

As his inner ferocity grew, a sequence of martial moves and incantations flashed through Mo Fanchen's mind, transforming into fists that slowly etched themselves into his consciousness.

The Mad Bull Fist?

It was the very skill he had once scorned, the neglected Mad Bull Fist. A surge of genuine energy, far more potent than before, burst forth from Mo Fanchen's eight meridians, quickly coalescing into a fiery stream that charged into his elixir field.

With a resounding cry, Mo Fanchen's body, which had been curled up, sprang from the ground with explosive force.

He unleashed a frenzied punch, infused with the Raging Bull Force, propelling it forward with all his might.

One student's nose erupted with blood as he was sent flying out of the crowd, landing unconscious on the ground.

The other students, momentarily stunned, soon erupted in rage and lunged at Mo Fanchen with their fists.

But Mo Fanchen, as if pain was foreign to him at that moment, paid no mind to the onslaught. In a frenzy, he seized a student by the hair and unleashed a rapid succession of punches to the face, the sheer force distorting the student's features, leaving his condition unknown.

The essence of the Mad Bull Fist was encapsulated in the concept of "madness." The more unhinged the practitioner, the more devastating the power of their punches.

And what fueled this "madness"? A myriad of triggers: anger, humiliation, resentment—any negative emotion could be the catalyst for this wild strength.

At that moment, Mo Fanchen exemplified this "madness" to its fullest extent.

The more hits he took, the more his "madness" flourished, and the more formidable his punches became.

The fierce battle raged on. Surrounded by students, Mo Fanchen fought like a wild bull, taking on numerous opponents with a strength that belied his numbers.

Zhang Xiaolong's group was becoming increasingly terrified. As they threw punch after punch at Mo Fanchen, they couldn't shake the desperate hope that he would fall with the next blow. Yet Mo Fanchen, his face smeared with blood, fought with the ferocity of a demon, growing stronger with each exchange. There was no sign of him weakening—instead, it was Zhang Xiaolong's allies who were dropping like flies.

"He's gone mad! Mo Fanchen has gone mad!" someone cried out. That cry shattered the last remnants of resolve in Zhang Xiaolong and his group.

Suddenly, one of them turned tail and fled, with the remaining three or four students scattering in panic, abandoning the forest that had chilled them to the bone.

The fleeing adversaries failed to capture Mo Fanchen's interest. He remained singularly focused on pummeling Zhang Xiaolong, whose nose bridge had been crushed beyond recognition.

"Hey, looks like the guy the Su family picked up isn't so useless after all! But let me give you a heads-up—if you keep this up, he's going to die! Aren't you worried about the repercussions from Crime and Punishment? Don't you care about dragging the Su family, who awakened your martial spirit, into this mess?" a male voice suddenly interjected, halting Mo Fanchen's relentless assault.

Mo Fanchen looked up, dazed, to find a strikingly handsome young man leaning against a tree, watching him with an amused smile.

Still not fully recovered from his frenzy, Mo Fanchen stood up silently, his fist dripping blood, and walked towards the young man without a word.

The young man seemed unconcerned by Mo Fanchen's approach. With a deft flick of his right hand, a bright blue pill materialized.

In a flash, the young man lunged forward, his swift movement creating a whooshing sound as his clothes whipped through the air.

He reached Mo Fanchen in an instant, effortlessly dodging his punch. With a single hand, he pressed Mo Fanchen's face down to the ground.

Overcome by his rage, Mo Fanchen only felt a refreshing coolness slide down his throat and radiate throughout his body. The uncontrollable fury that had consumed him was suddenly, and effectively, quelled.

"Take the Calming Heart Pill; no need to thank me!" The young man grinned at Mo Fanchen, who had just come to, and added, "I'll seek compensation from the Su family."

The Calming Heart Pill truly had remarkable effects. Not only did it quell the "madness," but it also alleviated the pain that Mo Fanchen experienced from pushing his body too hard.

"Who are you? And why are you helping me?"

Mo Fanchen inquired, puzzled.

"I'm Shen Tianyue, the third son of the Shen family from Zouver," the young man replied, maintaining his friendly smile. He then added, "And I'm also engaged to Su Muyan."

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