Rise Of The Unlikely Hero/C10 Date!
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Rise Of The Unlikely Hero/C10 Date!
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C10 Date!

The Su family's celebration for welcoming back their long-lost child had finally drawn to a close.

Upon waking the next morning, Chiang Chen's first order of business was to check the script for any updates to the plot.

With last night's mission wrapped up, he knew the Mission World would be hard at work automatically mending the narrative to ensure the leads' eventual comeback.

"Storyline updating..."

These bold words starkly marked the next section of the script.

Xiaobai blinked away the sleep from his eyes, confirming he wasn't seeing things, before murmuring in bewilderment, "How odd, why is the auto-repair so complicated this time? An entire night has passed, and still no update..."

Chiang Chen quirked an eyebrow, musing that perhaps his mission antics had dealt the protagonists a particularly harsh blow.

For the Mission World to smooth things over, substantial revisions would be needed.

"Xiaobai, how long does it usually take to complete all the missions under normal circumstances?" he inquired, deep in thought.

As Xiaobai wiped his face with his fluffy little paw, he mumbled sleepily, "It varies, depending on the plot. In some worlds, the best male supporting role has to be there till the very end, right up until the main character is on their deathbed. But for our current realm...

Considering the plot, the best male supporting role should wrap up before the protagonist hits their stride.

Every cent you're saving now will eventually go to them.

So don't hold back on spending—treat me to some tasty treats and fun toys.

We might as well live it up while we can!"

I see...

As Chiang Chen freshened up, he mulled over his next move.

'Maybe I should delay the hero's downfall, give myself a chance to have a little romance?'

Especially since Su Ziqing, that stunning woman, hit every mark of his ideal beauty—she was like the woman of his dreams come to life!

With that thought, he didn't hesitate to call Su Ziqing.

"Hey? Is Chen asking me out on a date?" Her voice was a mix of delight and surprise. "I've got some things to handle this morning; would three in the afternoon be too late?"

"Not at all," he assured her, "I'll come by to pick you up later."

Chiang Chen ended the call, humming a tune as he styled his hair before selecting an outfit perfect for a date.

Having transmigrated into the life of a Tall Rich Handsome Guy, he found that the object of his affection was now even more smitten with him. Could there be a more thrilling plot twist? The only downside was dealing with the male and female leads who seemed determined to stir up drama. He couldn't help but wonder what twists the self-repairing script would take next...

At precisely three o'clock in the afternoon, Chiang Chen, dressed in casual attire, pulled up to the Su Family Manor in his modest car.

"Chen, why this car?" Su Ziqing asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. She was a vision, having taken great care with her appearance for their first date. Her fiery figure was impeccably framed by a long dress in alternating shades of black and red, and her swan-like neck, accentuated by her sleek black hair, was the stuff of fantasies. The hem of her dress fluttered, offering teasing glimpses of her pale ankles. Clutching a luxury brand shell bag and donning striking red heels, she stepped out of the manor with an air of elegance.

Upon noticing his unassuming vehicle, she couldn't hide her bewilderment.

"I'm taking you somewhere special," Chiang Chen replied, sidestepping her question as he opened the car door for her, gesturing for her to climb in.

They left the clamor of the city behind, venturing toward the tranquility of the suburbs.

"This is the first car I ever bought on my own," Chiang Chen shared, his hands steady on the wheel. "I didn't use family money for it; I earned it by live streaming during my hikes. It might not be expensive, but it holds great sentimental value to me. I wanted to drive it today because our first date is something I want to remember."

Hearing Chen's words, Su Ziqing felt a rush of pride. She turned to his earnest profile as he drove, her heart racing. The man she'd longed for was right there beside her, making for a blissfully sweet moment. His hands, pale and slender, gripped the steering wheel; his nose was straight, his profile flawless, and even the light that bathed him seemed to glow more beautifully.

She rested her chin in her hand, unabashedly admiring him, a tender smile playing on her lips.

"What are you looking at?" Chiang Chen asked, catching her gaze and turning to glance at her.

Their eyes locked, and a hint of ambiguity filled the air inside the carriage.

"Admiring the handsome guy?" Su Ziqing's eyes twinkled with mirth as she playfully inquired, "I'm wondering if Young Master Chu might whisk me away and sell me off in the mountains."

Chiang Chen flashed a sunny grin and teased, "How could I ever do such a thing? In fact, I've been thinking of taking you to the mountains for a couple of days of tranquility. You're always so busy with the company, and now with Su Li in the picture, you must be exhausted."

Su Ziqing let out a soft sigh, her gaze brimming with helplessness and a touch of melancholy.

"I'll help you," Chiang Chen said, his smile fading as he looked at her with earnest intensity. "I won't let what's yours fall into the wrong hands, nor will I allow anyone the chance to harm you. Trust me."

When was the last time someone had made such a promise to her?

Since her grandparents and mother passed away, and the news of the illegitimate child broke, her father had done a complete about-face. She hadn't allowed herself to relax since.

No one had offered to protect or help her.

The Aristocratic Family Disciples who flocked around her were all eyeing the vast wealth she controlled.

And the countless boys at school who showered her with attention were only looking to follow in her father's successful footsteps.

Who had truly considered her perspective?

After a moment of silence, Su Ziqing shook her head and whispered, "How can you help me?

My father is still in his prime, and now with Su Li, the illegitimate son, he'll stop at nothing to wrest Su's Group from my grasp.

The Chu Family... pales in comparison to his resources."

"The Chu Family may not wield much influence, but that's beside the point," Chiang Chen countered.

"What matters is that your father isn't ready to relinquish control yet. He has to select and groom his successor. Your competitive edge lies in your capabilities and the wealth you currently hold.

Su Li's only advantage is his gender.

Considering your father has built his empire with Su's Group, it's clear he's driven. A man who places such high value on his life's work wouldn't dare entrust his legacy to an unworthy successor.

"In other words, if he believes you're the sole heir worthy of the role, Su Li will naturally be defeated," Chiang Chen concluded.

Su Ziqing's brow furrowed as she processed this. "But how can I convince him that I'm the only one fit to succeed? Abilities can be nurtured, after all. He and Su Li have plenty of time; he could mentor him gradually. Give it a decade or so, and even if Su Li is incompetent, with his extensive network, he's bound to achieve something. My father has always favored sons over daughters. He won't abandon Su Li as long as there's the slightest hope."

"Distance," Chiang Chen said, handing her his phone. "They share blood, but they've never shared a life. Your father's preference for sons is matched only by his deep-seated suspicions. By subtly reinforcing the notion that 'Su Li is unreliable,' a rift will inevitably form. No matter how much favor Su Li gains, if your father perceives him as unfit, he won't entrust him with any real authority."

With a mix of skepticism and curiosity, Su Ziqing took the phone and scrutinized the screenshots saved in the album.

"Did you ever wonder why Su Li's status as an illegitimate son was revealed two years ago, yet it caused hardly a ripple? But in the last six months, the issue has resurfaced with a vengeance, thrusting him into the limelight and compelling the Su family to acknowledge him," Chiang Chen pressed on.

Her expression grew more intense as she listened.

"These screenshots came from a classmate. An anonymous ID on the school forum spilled the beans about Su Li's illegitimacy. The post was quickly deleted, but not before it sparked the first explosion of gossip about Su Li's paternity. The rumors spread like wildfire through the school and beyond, catching the attention of the media. Digging into that anonymous post could yield some leads."

"Someone's definitely stirring the pot behind the scenes," Su Ziqing concluded, sending the photo to her own phone and then to her team for investigation. "Who could it be, and what's their angle?"

"It's undoubtedly Su Li. His objective is straightforward: he's angling to reclaim his place in the Su family and usurp power."

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