Rise Of The Unlikely Hero/C12 I Want to Update!!
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Rise Of The Unlikely Hero/C12 I Want to Update!!
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C12 I Want to Update!!

"To give the leads a chance to turn the tables, the writers are really pushing the envelope," Chiang Chen said, massaging his temples as he waited for Xiaobai's response.

Xiaobai, lacking confidence, hesitated before replying, "The way the plot's been set up is a bit much. Just because Su Li is the protagonist doesn't mean he gets to do whatever he wants!


Our job is to carry out the tasks assigned by the main system and be the best male supporting character we can be. In theory, we shouldn't interfere with anything the protagonist does.

Here's what you do: go try to stop him.

I'll look the other way—turn a blind eye, if you will!

It's all up to that servant's luck now. If we manage to intervene in time, we might just save him; if not, there's nothing I can do."

Seeing Xiaobai nervously fidgeting and avoiding eye contact, Chiang Chen chuckled and said, "Then let's just do our part and leave the rest to fate."

Su Ziqing was clearly not ready to leave her cozy bed, asking drowsily, "Chen, did you wake me up this early just to check on that servant?

Why all of a sudden... think of this..."

"I just remembered how he stood up the other night, calling out Du Xinyu's lies, directly crossing Du Xinyu and Su Li.

Given Su Li's lack of scruples, he might seek revenge.

Wouldn't it be on me if the servant suffered just for speaking the truth?"

Her words prompted Su Ziqing to sit up quickly, wrapping herself in the blanket, her skepticism clear. "Su Li wouldn't stoop that low, would he?

Even as an illegitimate son, he's recognized by the Su family.

With his standing, why would he stoop to quarreling with a servant?

But... if Su Li would stop at nothing to reclaim his place in the Su family, to the point of manipulating his own mother, it's not beyond him to seek retribution!

I'll check it out first!"

Her pale, delicate arms emerged from the blankets as she grabbed her phone and opened an internal app. After a quick search, her eyebrows lifted. "According to our family's management software, the attendant named Zhang Mingming requested time off last night at eight."

The reason for the leave was an unexpected illness requiring an off-site medical consultation.

It's just too coincidental.

No, the people I trust aren't in town right now. I need to make a trip back!"

Frustrated, she slammed her phone down, flung off the covers, and began to change her clothes.

"It looks like they may have already been taken," Chiang Chen gently pushed her back down onto the bed. "Since Su Li is involved, you can't get involved anymore.

If your father discovers this, he'll take his anger out on you, even if you're in the right."

Flushed with frustration, Su Ziqing protested, "So we're just supposed to do nothing?

The Su family has always been kind to others.

My grandparents even helped our long-time servants with their retirement. And our loyal attendants, who've never done wrong, haven't heard a harsh word from us!

We pay them for their work; it's an employment relationship. There's no room for class distinctions. Why should Su Li whisk them away without a word?

Who knows what could happen to them in his hands?

No, I must have someone look for them immediately!

If that fails, I'll call the police!

Let my father think what he wants; I can't stand by and let someone get dragged into this over something trivial."

"Don't panic just yet. We don't know if he's genuinely ill or if Su Li took him," Chiang Chen said, preventing her from grabbing her phone and speaking softly. "I'll handle it. You won't be disappointed."

Feeling the warmth and strength of his hands, Su Ziqing's ears tinged red, and she whispered, "I... trust you."

"Then get some more rest," Chiang Chen said as he tucked her in and left the bedroom.

Xiaobai, conflicted and lacking confidence, hugged his fluffy tail and asked quietly, "Is it too late?"

"Yeah, it likely happened last night," Chiang Chen replied with a shrug.

With a sigh, Xiaobai mumbled, "It's the new storyline; it was bound to happen... How can the protagonist act like this?

Such a rotten character, treating lives like they're nothing, yet still gets our secret support because of the protagonist's status. The main system is just too unfair!"

Chiang Chen couldn't help but chuckle. "So, tell me, oh virtuous assistant system—Xiaobai, what's your grand plan? Why not just report to the main system and boost me up to the main character role?"

"That's out of the question," Xiaobai retorted with an eye roll, grooming his fur absentmindedly. "The main system is nothing but an emotionless program. Reporting to it would be pointless.

I can totally relate to the Host next door now.

Who wouldn't feel stifled by such a storyline?

Ha... From the hero's perspective, Su Li's actions are decisive and ruthless.

But look at it another way, and he's nothing but a villainous big bad wolf!"

Having let off steam, Xiaobai perched on Chiang Chen's shoulder and whispered, "So, are we just throwing in the towel?"

"What do you expect me to do?" Chiang Chen found the little creature rather adorable and quipped, "Should I dash back to the city, confront Su Li, and give him a thrashing to rescue Zhang Mingming?"

Xiaobai grimaced. "That's definitely not an option... Host, don't you have any strategies? Something that could save Zhang Mingming without directly opposing the male lead..."

As he spoke, doubt crept into his voice. He rubbed his plump cheeks with his paws and let out a sigh, then fished out a hefty tablet from beneath his snowy belly. "I guess gaming is still more my speed."

Before he could finish, Xiaobai hoisted the tablet and scampered upstairs.

"A cat avoiding reality... Such a chicken!" Chiang Chen shook his head in amusement and headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

In a sumptuous Su family villa in Silk City, Su Minghe glanced up from his newspaper at the Old Housekeeper, a sharp gleam reflecting off his glasses. "Qingqing went out with that Chu family kid and hasn't returned all night? Girls are hard to keep at home once they're grown. Just one sweet word from a boy, and off they go.

Do you really think I can entrust the empire I've painstakingly built to her?

In her hands, Su's Group would inevitably end up as someone else's asset!

No, the family business should be passed on to my son."

The Old Housekeeper remained silent for a moment before responding, "Miss is looking into the leak of Young Master Su Li's information. It appears she may be onto something."

"Yes," Su Minghe affirmed, flipping to the next page of the newspaper. "Qingqing has briefed me on the situation. She suspects there's someone behind the scenes fanning the flames. And I agree—the person who leaked the news deserves punishment!

Initially, I wanted to assess Su Li's character and potential. If he showed promise, I was prepared to invest the time to cleanse his past and formally acknowledge him. That's why I discreetly enrolled him in a prestigious institution without offering much financial support. My concern was that a sudden influx of money might distract him with frivolous pursuits and derail his future.

But the scandal of the illegitimate child broke out before I could even sanitize his records. Now, everything's out in the open—the hostess, the illegitimate child... they've even raked up every minor misdeed from Su Li's childhood. My reputation is in tatters, and unless Su Li secures a position beyond reproach, he'll be subjected to gossip for life.

If Qingqing uncovers anything, I want to know immediately. She's capable, though it's a pity... If only she were a boy. Then Su Li wouldn't be an issue.

It's quite peculiar, isn't it? Despite my efforts and numerous liaisons, I haven't been able to father a legitimate heir. A man of my stature, blessed with a son—that's fortune smiling upon my ancestors."

The Old Housekeeper inquired with a slight bow, "And what of Young Master Su Li's mother...?"

"Her information has long been exposed online; she has no chance of claiming any status," Su Minghe replied, his tone nonchalant as he arched an eyebrow. "Give her a sum of money and send her abroad. If she's still delusional and unwilling to let go, then we'll have to arrange an 'accident' to prevent any future complications."

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