Rise-to-heaven Cultivator/C6 Go too Far
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Rise-to-heaven Cultivator/C6 Go too Far
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C6 Go too Far

As if he had already expected Yan Yidao to have an overreaction, Geh Huang was surprisingly quiet, unlike his usual arrogant attitude.

"Lord Yan, the imperial edict cannot be false. If you accept it, then you are a subject of Wind Country. If you do not, then the king will not force you."

Under Geh Huang's instructions, the two young eunuchs refolded the imperial edict.

Yan Yidao clenched his fists tightly as his face alternated between flushed and green. He suddenly recalled the matter of Wind King taking in his foster son a few days ago.

Damn it!

Kaiyang County, Chu Hai. These two things did not make him happy, it was clearly a perfunctory act.

Little brat Xuan Jing had gone too far!

In this instant, he thought of the many disciples who had died in the Yan Family Fortress. He thought of his own son's arm.

Accept it or not?

Looking around, everyone was watching his reaction. He could see the ridicule, schadenfreude, pity, and sympathy in their eyes …

Upon receiving the decree, he and the King were kin, so it was equivalent to having a name but no reality. From then on, he became a subject of Wind Country, dragging his family along with him as he left his hometown for Nanmo Province.

If he did not accept the decree, he would publicly defy it. Even if Wind King did not bother with him, it would be very difficult for him to survive in the capital.

At that time, the big figures in the capital would have plenty of ways to make things difficult for Yan Family.

Yan Yidao's expression was clearly a bit twisted as his chest rose and fell violently.

"Hahaha, this humble subject thanks Your Majesty for his love."

Closing his eyes in shame and anger, Yan Yidao kneeled heavily on the ground. From the beginning to the end, it was just wishful thinking on his part.

His laughter was filled with self-mockery.

Looking at Yan Yidao receiving the edict, the corner of Geh Huang's mouth formed a sneer. Royal authority was not something that was easy to obtain.

If they really did not receive the decree, the one in the palace had a hundred ways to destroy their Yan Family.

After leaving behind the imperial edict, Geh Huang turned around and left without a second thought.

Some of the guests who were kneeling or standing looked at each other in dismay. Why was the situation so different from what they had expected?

Chu Hai, isn't that the only son of the former vice commander of the imperial guards, Chu Jian?

Although he was accepted as a prince, anyone with a discerning eye would know that this was Wind King's way of controlling people, using the time to tempt the masses.

This fake prince did not have any background, did not have any strength, and did not have any money. In other words, his name was resounding throughout the world.

"This fake prince, other than having a prince's salary, he can't bring any other help to the Yan Family, what kind of marriage is this?"

Originally, they thought that coming in contact with Yan Family in advance would leave a good impression for them so that they could have something to request for in the future. It was clear that Wind King didn't think much of Yan Family and staying here to cause trouble.

"Also, that Kaiyang County is the lowest paid tax every year. Not a single official in the imperial government would dare to take it over, and those who are sent to the government are said to all resign in less than half a year."

"That's not all, I heard that the security of Kaiyang County is chaotic, because they are close to the Nanwu Beast Forest, there are often mercenary groups stationed there, adventurers are killing people there to steal their goods, thieves and robbers, and swindlers and swindlers often happen."

Just a few days ago, I heard that one of the camps that was originally stationed there had begun to shrink its manpower. It was said that the security was too chaotic, and they were dispatched frequently.

"It can't be, it was already chaotic to begin with. If we were to withdraw the officers who were guarding it, then the Kaiyang County would be lawless."

"Then once the Yan Family passes, can just these few people control it?"

… ….

There were many hanger-ons of court officials present, and the things that they knew were far from what anyone expected. As they discussed privately, they cast sympathetic gazes at Yan Yidao.

They were originally a group of people who were in possession of the flame. After understanding the cause and effect, they all knew that something had happened to the Yan Family, so continuing to stay was tantamount to wading into muddy water.

"Congratulations, Lord Yan. We still have some matters to attend to in the family, so we'll take our leave first."

"Brother Yan, a new batch of goods has arrived at my shop. I have to go back and take a look."

"Lord Yan, we were presumptuous to disturb you today. Please come back another day."

… ….

The guests left the courtyard one after another, leaving behind a table full of leftover dishes. It was as if they were reminding the world that what had just happened was real.

After everyone left, Yan Yidao got up angrily, turned around and kicked the dining table that was hosting the guests.

Bang Bang Bang

The sound of plates and bowls shattering filled the courtyard.

"Patriarch, look, look!" "What did I say before? In this chaotic world, the King's authority is the most shameless. I told you not to choose between life and death, but you just wouldn't listen, hmph!"

Yan Xiao, the number two in Yan Family Castle, had the strength of a Grandmaster. He reached that level a few years later than Yan Yidao and was also the strongest competitor for the position of Patriarch of Yan Family.

"Chu Hai? A famous prince can also be called a prince? This was clearly a trap set up by Xuan Jing's child in advance, and the goal was for a fool like you to fall for it. "Idiot!"

Because Yan Yidao had wrongly judged him, the future of the entire Yan Family was bleak, and thus, curses and insults followed suit.

"And that Kaiyang County, can it be f * * king county? There were around a million people in a normal county. The Kaiyang County was close to the Nanwu Beast Forest, and under the attacks of beasts, a large number of people disappeared. The farmland was barren, and with just a glance, one could estimate that there were not even 200,000 people. "Humph!

"For this kind of crappy territory, if I don't take it on as a lord, I really don't know what you're thinking …"

… ….

The expressionless Yan Yidao just stood there quietly. He was already numb to the family's scolding. If the scolding could be forgiven, he would even be grateful.

The loud noise in the courtyard also attracted Yan Muyun's attention.

The young girl leaned against the door as her pair of hands were tangled together. Her eyes were filled with grievance.

He had personally witnessed his father working so hard to join Wind King's faction for the sake of the future of the Yan Family Castle. During this period of time, many families had objected, but his father thought that it was worth a fight, but the rewards were actually so unsatisfactory.

At this moment, the young girl felt extremely wronged for her father.

Wang Quan's perfunctory attitude, his father's lack of manners, the indifference of the family, the estrangement of the guests … all of these things were like a hammer that struck hard onto the young girl's not considered ripe body.

Also at this moment, the girl clenched her fists and silently swore in her heart that one day, she would definitely spread out her Yan Family.

It was exactly like he had said, a tiger father doesn't have a dog daughter! Both father and daughter are ambitious people.

"Puchi puchi."

Letter Owl began to rise from the Yan Family one by one. It was the Yan Family that had issued the summoning order.

Around dusk, all the disciples of Yan Family in different parts of the capital returned to their homes. Even Yan Muann, who was resting quietly in the palace, was called back.

This time, the issue was whether Yan Yidao could continue to be the Patriarch.

Furthermore, who would be the first to move the Yan Family to another location? When will it work?

The imperial edict didn't say how long it would take to move away. If it was a smart person, they wouldn't think about it.

"Everyone, quiet down!"

In the Yan Family Chamber, there were many people gathered. The seat that originally belonged to the Patriarch was now empty, but Yan Yidao was too ashamed to sit. At this moment, the one who spoke was Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao stretched out his hands and suppressed his annoyance as everyone looked at him.

"I believe everyone has heard that the place where my Yan Family will go from here on out is none other than Nanmo Province. No matter how terrible the Kaiyang County is, it is still not a small territory. I hope that everyone can get used to it as soon as possible and put the clan's interests first. "

At this point, there was no point in speaking any further.

The capital's Yan Family had been in operation for many years, and there were shops on every street. How many people had given up too much of their emotions for a single shop, and how many people's hearts were bleeding at this moment?

He left his hometown, giving up the benefits he had in his hands, and went to a desolate place that everyone knew. Many people began to have a desolate expression on their faces.

No matter what you say in private, you are still a layman. At the family meeting, everyone still wanted to hear what Yan Yidao had to say.

"I'm sorry everyone, Wind King insulted my Yan Family, and used his foster son to send me away with his Yan Family. This is my Yan Family's greatest shame and humiliation."

Seeing how the crowd was not buying it, Yan Yidao was sad and furious, a light flashed in his eyes, and he continued: "The Yan Family will still have a chance to grow, as long as we stand firmly in the Kaiyang County, strongly supporting the people, deducting taxes and taxing the landlords and merchants, as long as we have money, my Yan Family will definitely rise up within a few years, and we can even nurture a Spirit General."

The biggest difference between a cultivator and a politician was that if one wanted to think about it, the problem would always be on the surface.

Almost all of them were local serpents.

At this time, everyone in the Yan Family could only grab onto this life-saving straw to comfort themselves.

… ….

In an alley on the capital's East Street, a simple little courtyard stood there. The surrounding walls were so tall that they blocked the prying eyes of the outside world.

This was the small courtyard that Chu Hai bought with the support of his aunt.

In a foreign land, there were many species. A few species made Chu Hai feel extremely familiar.

In the Wind Country, the people eat the staple food, such as pods, beans, broccoli, and manna. Similar to the modern millet, soybean, wheat, sorghum.

Chu Hai's original intention was to hybridize these crops into new varieties and then manure them without seeking to reach the output of his original world. With a portion of 70 to 80%, it could be used to retaliate against the beating of Chu Jian.

He remembered that once, he spat out the rice grains in his mouth in a moment of desperation just because he bit into a stone during lunch. In the end, he was beaten up by Chu Jian, saying that it was not easy to get food on the plate and the grains were all hard to eat, so he was not allowed to waste it.

Chu Hai, who had recovered some of his memory, was furious. He almost slammed the table and cursed, but he didn't dare to do it back then.

Chu Hai pushed open the door and walked into the yard.

The courtyard was a completely different scene.

There were a few small plots of cultivated land in the yard, but they were all small in size. However, they were filled with the plentiful harvest of the Five Grains, and the fragrance of melon and fruit wafted in the air.

Under Chu Hai's meticulous care, the few crops that the Wind Country could bear to survive had once again reached the harvest time.

The highest growth rate was Mushan, similar to sorghum.

Initially, Chu Hai had been exhausted for the sake of crossing Mulan. This kind of crop was like sorghum, both male and female, and they pollinated themselves.

Before crossing, the stamen in the flowers of the mother spike should be removed before flowering, and the pollen of the father plant should be pollinated before the hybrid seeds can grow.

However, this method of crossing was very laborious. Because there were two to three thousand small flowers on each ear of a sorghum, each flower had three stamens, and each spike needed to remove six to nine thousand stamens, so it wasn't a pleasant matter for Chu Hai.

It could make a person die from anxiety!

Tidy up three steps, select the whole spike, male, pollination pollination.

This was a complicated and time-consuming process. It took more than six years before Chu Hai managed to gradually breed a decent seed.

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