Rising From The Technology System/C2 Survival
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Rising From The Technology System/C2 Survival
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C2 Survival

"Wait, what are you talking about? What am I supposed to transform? Upgrading what? What's the use of this system? "

"The Life Growth System is the newest generation of the life form upgrading system developed by the Universal Federation Research Bureau's director, Mr. Hoss, in the Outer Star Calendar. It can help a low level intelligent life form to complete their level upgrade. Within 5 years, the host must reach the lowest level of the average intelligent life form in the universe, which is the super humans. Once the quest is completed, the Host will receive the system reward. If the quest fails, the Host will rot into a pile of mud. "

"Host completed the mission, after which his attributes increased by 1, he is rewarded 100 universe dollars!" "The mission reward has already been entered …"

Guo Zhenyu was still in shock over the system's so-called rewards and punishments. He was thinking about what the so-called 'universe currency' was and the horrifying result of him failing the mission rotting into minced meat when he heard a burst of noise from the crowd.

"Heavens! Look! He moved! He really moved!"

"I've opened my eyes, I've opened my eyes, my god. We were already smashed into such a state, yet we can still live. Hurry and call an ambulance and take him to the hospital, hurry! "

"Damn it, I feel pain all over my body, it's so f * cking unbearable …" No, I didn't die, I really didn't die! " Guo Zhenyu got up from the ground while trembling and wiping away the blood on his face. He saw the shocked faces of the spectators that surrounded the road.

He shook his head a few times, and made a 'gabeng' sound. In his heart, he was glad that he had survived a disaster and survived a disaster. Very quickly, his brain flashed as he realized something and angrily said: "Damn, it was that bastard who drove the car, and he didn't even open his eyes?"

The one that almost killed him was a bright red Ferrari. It was a double-seater, not a sports car. Its design was exquisite and luxurious. Its value was over 3 million and it was an extremely luxurious car.

Guo Zhenyu was furious and was about to rush over to grab the driver and give him a good beating, but he saw a girl wearing a yellow dress getting out of the car and walked towards him nervously.

"You … Are you okay? " A melodious voice filled with concern and nervousness sounded, sounding as pleasant to listen to as a skylark.

The beauty in front of him wore a long skirt with bright eyes and white teeth. Her long black hair was tied behind her head. She wasn't that old, only around twenty years old.

"No …." "It's fine, beauty." Guo Zhenyu's eyes were fixed on the beauty's soft breasts. He straightened his back and was only concerned with admiring the beauty. All of his previous anger was swept away.

"What are you looking at?" The beauty followed Guo Zhenyu's gaze and naturally saw him staring at her collar. He was staring at her with his white eyes, causing her to blush and straighten her waist. She said, "How can you be alright? "You're still not being honest at this time."

Guo Zhenyu choked on his words from the beauty and embarrassedly said: "Hehe, about that …" I'm sorry. "

Seeing Guo Zhenyu apologize, the girl was also stunned for a moment, and said: "You don't need to apologize, the one who should apologize is me, I just took the driving test, so …. Driving alone was not enough. But are you really okay? "

"I'm fine... "Don't worry, I'm used to idling around in the city. It's good enough for me to get hit by a car once in a while." Guo Zhenyu giggled and suddenly thought of something. He slapped his thigh and said, "Fuck, something really is going to happen this time. We definitely won't make it to the annual meeting of the company... "Beauty, we will meet up due to fate. This is my phone number, let's talk when you're free."

Guo Zhenfei swiftly took out a pen and a piece of scrap paper from his official bag. After writing down his number, he handed it to the girl and ran off.

Looking at Guo Zhenyu, who was running faster than a rabbit, the girl and the bystanders were all stunned. Was this a person that was hit by a car just now covered in blood? Could it be that he was the legendary Superman and wouldn't die at all?

Guo Zhenyu ran a block, then crossed a crossroads and headed for the company building. Suddenly, his phone rang. He ran out to take a look and saw that there was 30 thousand yuan in his bank card. "F * ck, why did I get the money all of a sudden?

Immediately after, a mechanical voice resounded in his mind, "System prompt, the gold coin reward of 100 universe dollars has been converted into RMB and transferred into the host card. Strength: 21; gold coin reward: 0.0015."

"What the f * ck!" Guo Zhenyu felt that his brain couldn't process his thoughts at the moment and was so shocked that his eyes were wide open.

This was actually real! If so, it wasn't an illusion, and it wasn't a dream! Did the aliens really set their eyes on me and I became a tragic experimental subject? You dead bastard! Am I only allowed to live another five years? F * ck, what a pit!

He stood at the corner of the street in a daze, only recovering after a long while. "What does' gold value 'mean by' 0.0015 '?" I remember it was 0.0012 just now. Did $30,000 grow to $0.0003? Isn't this way too darned! If I want to reach the maximum level, shouldn't I rob a bank? Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve that in my entire life! "

Guo Zhenyu was not a pessimistic person. Although this result shocked him and made him even more worried, it was still a good thing without a doubt: "At least, I can do missions to earn money, this kind of good thing doesn't happen often. As long as I can do a few more missions, then I'll be able to enjoy myself in the future.

Guo Zhenyu had just thought of this idea, but before he could even laugh, he heard a mechanical voice in his head reminding him: "Host is still a poor loser, his charm is too low, I hope you will be able to do what you want."

"Holy shit, this is red blood!"

It's a complete blow to me! " Guo Zhenyu cursed loudly and walked forward, thinking, "Then what do you think I should do next?"

"Completing the low level mission, you will receive 500 points of fraternity within 3 days. If you succeed in the mission, you will receive 1 attribute point of increase and you will be rewarded with 30 thousand yuan in human life coins. If you fail, you will be deducted 60 thousand yuan from your bank account."

"What …?" What right do you have to deduct sixty thousand lifespan coins from me? That thirty thousand is my hard-earned money! " Guo Zhenyu was really at a loss and cursed, "F * ck, are you trying to give laozi a beating? Where do you want laozi to get you friendliness? Are you trying to help laozi across the street all the time?"

The System calmly replied, "Host, this idea of yours is the most effective method. You can try it."

"Try your mom. Look at the streets, are there any old grandpas or grandpas who need support?"

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