Rogue Pharmacist/C36 Punching fatty li kangyong(1)
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Rogue Pharmacist/C36 Punching fatty li kangyong(1)
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C36 Punching fatty li kangyong(1)

After the two of them played around for a while, the small tent that Ling Xiaotian had set up finally came down. It seemed like the《 Adamantine Scripture》 was still effective, Helian Xiyue whispered into his ear: "Brother Tian, is it alright for Yue'er to marry you?"

"Ugh!" Ling Xiaotian was shocked, he thought to himself, "Little girl, do you know what it means to marry someone? Just say that you want to marry me."

His big eyes blinked as he looked at Ling Xiaotian, waiting for his reply.

"About this, little sister Yue'er, you're still young, so you can talk about this after you've grown up. I want to ask you about Dou Qi." Ling Xiaotian wanted to change the topic.

"You don't want to?" It was obvious that the little girl didn't give Ling Xiaotian the chance to change the topic.

"It's not really because you're too young!" After Ling Xiaotian said this, seeing that Helian Xiyue's tears were about to fall, he hurriedly said, "It's not that I don't want to, but when you grow up, you will definitely be a great beauty. I'm a trash and have no way of protecting you, so I want to properly cultivate my battle spirit. Think about it, a person who can't even protect his own woman, can't even be considered a man? "

"Phew —" Helian Xiyue let out a long breath, pressed her face sweetly against Ling Xiaotian's chest, and laughed: "I knew Brother Tian wouldn't dislike Yue'er. Hehe, just ask whatever questions you have!"

"Phew —" Ling Xiaotian also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He never thought that such a little girl would be so hard to deal with, but it seemed like he was the one who got the upper hand. After Helian Xiyue grew up, he was definitely not simple.

When Li Kangyong heard that Ling Xiaotian had appeared in the Ling Residence without a problem, his shock could not be described.

"Mouse, are we all mistaken about what happened that day?" Li Kangyong called Mouse over and asked: "Why isn't Ling Xiaotian dead?"

"That's impossible!" Mouse didn't forget to kiss his master's ass no matter what, and said: "Even if I misjudged you, you were still there, and you couldn't possibly have been with us! Besides, why did young mistress Biao leave this place in such a hurry? I want to have a great deal to do with this matter! "

Li Kangyong nodded his head and said: "I heard that Ling Xiaotian did not know where he went to during this week. What happened, is there really such a thing, it is truly inconceivable!"

Mouse laughed and said: "Actually, I don't feel that there is anything wrong with that. Think about it, without Ling Xiaotian making trouble for the past few days, your life would have been very comfortable, but as time goes by, without any opponents, it would make people feel bored! He's just a piece of trash. Even if he doesn't die, he will only be bullied by us, right? "

Li Kangyong laughed and said: "You are right, I am not used to not bullying people these few days, it is better that Ling Xiaotian did not die!"

In the morning of the second day, Helian Xiyue came to find Ling Xiaotian again.

Woo woo, why does everyone in this world like to wake up early? What time is it? Ling Xiaotian opened his sleepy eyes.

Maybe it was because the people living in the small town didn't have any nightlife, so they slept early at night, and naturally woke up early in the morning.

In fact, Ling Xiaotian had always been thinking whether he should turn all the scientific and technological knowledge he had mastered into reality and create something like a television set or a computer, but he decided to forget about it after thinking about it. Firstly, the scientific and technological content was indeed a little high, and how long would he have to wait until all of these things became reality.

Ling Xiaotian was not used to getting up so early in the morning anyways. He liked to read books until very late in the night when he slept, so reading books might be the only entertainment here. Furthermore, his understanding of the world was still very little.

"Little Sister Yue Er, you wake up so early every day. Don't you sleep during the day?" Ling Xiaotian mumbled as he put on his clothes.

Helian Xiyue had her back facing Ling Xiaotian as she sat on the chair, casually flipped open a book, and said: "I have to nap every day. Big Brother Tian, I remember that you had already read these books a few years ago.

"Warmth brings new knowledge!" Ling Xiaotian said a famous saying of Sage Kong, but this was also the best explanation.

"Big Brother Tian, I feel that you are a completely different person. You couldn't say such philosophical words in the past!" Helian Xiyue looked at Ling Xiaotian's back with admiration.

This is plagiarism, borrowing the words of the ancients!

After eating breakfast, Ling Xiaotian accompanied Helian Xiyue out to the streets. Actually, there wasn't much to visit in the small town, it was mainly because he couldn't reject her "good intentions"!

Unfortunately, Li Kangyong brought a bunch of servants and also went out on the streets.

"Brat, it's good to be on the streets!" The old man said in Ling Xiaotian's mind: "By the way, let's see if there is any medicine cauldron for sale. It doesn't matter if the quality is lower, you are still not a drug refiner, even if you practice till you are an alchemist, you can only use it, but you can't use a good medicine cauldron!"

"Alright!" He was very happy to hear that the old man was willing to teach him to be a pharmacist.

Seeing the happiness on Ling Xiaotian's face, Helian Xiyue pouted and said, "Big Brother Tian, you were reluctant to go out on the streets just now, why did you change your appearance now?"

"Is that so?" Towards this cute little sister of Helian Xiyue, there were times when Ling Xiaotian was helpless as she smiled and said, "When have I not been willing to accompany little sister Yue Er onto the streets? I am very willing!"

There were only two busy streets in the town, the two main roads that intersected, and every single shop on these two streets had more than one percent full of shops. In these two streets, there were also quite a few stores that the Ling Family belonged to, and when the shopkeepers and shop assistants saw him and Helian Xiyue, they all came out to greet them.

The biggest weapons and equipment shop in the town was an old name one. In each of the three empires, there were branches of shops in each city, and there were also more prosperous cities. Qilin Town was a famous town, so there was naturally such a shop.

The name of the store — Everlasting Magnificent, the weapons and equipment here are very well-regarded.

It was a pity that the equipment shop had all sorts of weapons and armors, and all of them were of decent quality. There were also a few high quality items, but there was no sign of the Cauldron.

As the son of a noble, the shopkeeper knew Ling Xiaotian. Seeing him walk in with Helian Xiyue, he laughed and said: "Isn't this Viscount Ling's young master? Is there anything you need?"

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