Romancing Three Goddesses/C10 Specialty Design Inspiration
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Romancing Three Goddesses/C10 Specialty Design Inspiration
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C10 Specialty Design Inspiration

Throughout the journey, Su Chen seemed to carry the weight of a mistake, while Tang Ziye and Tang Zilu both simmered with irritation. They cast stern glances in his direction.

"No need for explanations, little brother. But rest assured, we'll get to the bottom of this!" Tang Zilu declared with a fiery edge to her voice before storming upstairs upon their return to the Tang household.

"Uh..." Su Chen winced at his sisters' words, scratching his head in a mix of embarrassment and resignation.

Retreating to the sanctuary of his room, Su Chen conceded defeat on the matter of explanation. "Just need to sleep it off. Tomorrow's another workday," he reassured himself internally.

And with that, he drifted into a deep slumber.

As dawn broke, Su Chen's eyes fluttered open to the familiar voice of the system in his mind. "Ready to check in for the day?"

"Check in!" he responded without hesitation.

With the check-in complete, the system's voice persisted. "Congratulations, host. You've acquired the skill 'Top-grade Design Inspiration,' with ten uses available!"

"Design Inspiration?" Su Chen pondered, feeling out of place. His company specialized in design, and he'd even been recognized with an international award. Yet, none of that seemed to connect with him, a mere marketing intern.

"This design inspiration seems pretty useless to me," Su Chen mused.

Suddenly, the jarring sound of the alarm snapped him to attention. "Crap, I'm running late!" It was Monday, and he was on the brink of tardiness—a potential disaster for an intern like him. A misstep now could tarnish his master's reputation.

Truth be told, Su Chen had no real need to continue his internship; his newfound wealth made it redundant. But his sense of loyalty ran deep, and the thought of abandoning his mentor, Zhang Heng, was unbearable. Zhang Heng had been nothing but supportive since Su Chen's arrival at the company, fostering a bond that had quickly grown profound.

Under the circumstances, Su Chen found it difficult to part ways with Zhang Heng. Even if resigning from the company was inevitable, he was determined to find a way to bring Zhang Heng into the fold at Cloud Corporation.

Zhang Heng, after all, was a person of supreme dignity, so Su Chen had to keep his own identity under wraps.

In a rush, Su Chen threw on his clothes and headed to the living room, only to discover that his sisters, Tang Ziye and Tang Zilu, were absent. Only Sister Li was there, waiting for him.

"Young Master, the young ladies have already left for the company. Breakfast is ready, and they've left you the car keys," Sister Li said, handing him the keys.

It was a Rolls-Royce key, the latest Phantom model, no less—a vehicle of considerable value.

"Uh..." Su Chen was taken aback, pleasantly surprised by his sisters' generosity.

After breakfast, Su Chen grabbed the keys and made up his mind to depart. He was ready for what lay ahead.

Outside, he was greeted by the sight of the Rolls-Royce—a vehicle of not just considerable cost but also impressive style.

Su Chen slid behind the wheel. Though he wasn't a frequent driver, his skills were more than adequate.

He found his rhythm with the car, his breathing steady as he turned the ignition. The car's acceleration was intense, a hallmark of its luxury status.

Su Chen couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as the car surged forward like a bolt of lightning.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, startled by the car's power.

He hadn't anticipated such a response, but the thrill was undeniable, and Su Chen's adept handling of the vehicle was evident.

Before long, he reached the company. Opting for discretion, Su Chen parked outside rather than in the company lot, mindful of Zhang Heng's preference for a low profile.

With a quiet confidence, Su Chen entered the company building. As a mere intern, he held no significant position there, often going unnoticed—a stark contrast to the grandeur of his arrival.

Su Chen was unfazed. His naturally detached demeanor meant that such treatment rolled off him without leaving a mark.

He made his way into the marketing department.


With a joyful push, he swung open the door to his master's office. Greeting Zhang Heng was part of his daily routine upon arriving at work.

Today, however, he was met with an unexpected scene.

Zhang Heng was visibly distressed, seated with a furrowed brow and a sheen of cold sweat on his forehead.

He looked extremely anxious.

"What's wrong?" Su Chen inquired, his concern evident.

He sensed that Zhang Heng was in trouble, which cast a shadow of gloom over him.

Zhang Heng responded with a helpless gesture.

"I might be in big trouble this time," he said, gesturing towards his computer.

Zhang Heng was typically a genial man, and technical issues were rarely a problem for him. But now, he was clearly troubled, which took Su Chen by surprise.

He turned his full attention to Zhang Heng.

"It's about the design. Director Liu handed me a design plan that's really putting me in a tough spot, and Liu Dagang has had a hand in it as well," Zhang Heng explained, emphasizing each word.

Su Chen realized the gravity of the situation. Even as an intern, he was well-versed in the company's dynamics.

Director Liu, whose full name was Liu Hongwei, held the esteemed position of marketing department director. His influence was significant within the company, where he wielded considerable power in the marketing department.

Zhang Heng, Su Chen's master, served as the project supervisor within the same department, holding a position of middle management.

Liu Dagang, on the other hand, was another design supervisor and also Liu Hongwei's cousin.

Currently, Liu Dagang and Zhang Heng were vying for the coveted role of deputy director of the marketing department. The company's policy dictated that there could only be one deputy director.

Given the circumstances, it was only natural for Liu Hongwei to back his cousin, Liu Dagang.

The situation appeared to be unfolding just as Su Chen had surmised.

His gaze sharpened.

He understood all too well the implications of what was at stake.

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