Romancing Three Goddesses/C11 Shocking the World with a Single Move!
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Romancing Three Goddesses/C11 Shocking the World with a Single Move!
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C11 Shocking the World with a Single Move!

Zhang Heng, my mentor, is a sales prodigy, yet when it comes to design, he's completely out of his depth. He's certainly not on Liu Dagang's level of professionalism. Right now, Director Liu has assigned this task to both of them, and his intention couldn't be clearer. It seems Director Liu has a singular goal: to utterly outshine Zhang Heng. That way, when it's time for the company to choose the deputy director of the marketing department, Zhang Heng will be overshadowed, paving the way for Liu Dagang's ascent.

"Master, Director Liu is so devious!" Su Chen exclaimed indignantly. He could sense the undercurrents.

Zhang Heng sighed upon hearing this. "There's nothing I can do," he said, his voice quivering.

He was at a loss. Without a suitable design within a day, Liu Hongwei would surely find ways to target him. It was a frustrating predicament for Zhang Heng.

In that moment, Su Chen pondered. "Master, let me handle this," he suggested deliberately.

Zhang Heng was taken aback. "You?" He was incredulous.

He scrutinized Su Chen, his expression growing serious. Zhang Heng was quite fond of Su Chen, seeing him as a person of great integrity. But Su Chen's words today had irked him, his breathing quickened in agitation.

"Su Chen, I've always had faith in you, but how can you say such a thing? One must not boast without merit," Zhang Heng chided, his voice still shaking.

Su Chen simply smiled in response, his demeanor unshaken. He was brimming with confidence. He had acquired a design skill, and although he didn't know the specifics, he was convinced that the system's abilities were genuine. In this small company, he felt unbeatable.

With renewed self-assurance, Su Chen calmly met Zhang Heng's gaze. "Master, please, let me give it a shot," he urged.

Zhang Heng sighed, looking into Su Chen's assured eyes. He was skeptical, yet he knew they were out of options. It was time to take a chance on Su Chen's untested skill.

Su Chen booted up his computer and dove into his design work.

He was crafting a blueprint for a garden project, and as he did, numbers and figures began to coalesce in his mind, miraculously taking shape as a three-dimensional diagram. The phenomenon was downright eerie.

With a steady hand, Su Chen transferred the vivid 3D image onto paper, his own astonishment mirrored in the emerging lines and shapes. "Is my design skill really this incredible?" he wondered, grappling with the implausibility of it all.

He had never been schooled in design, yet the information in his brain had fused together seamlessly, a bewildering occurrence. Su Chen's brow creased with concern, his face etched with a peculiar mix of emotions.

Uncertain of his next move, Su Chen nonetheless found himself putting the finishing touches on the design. A smile broke across his face upon completion, his features awash with surprise. To him, the entire situation defied belief.

Zhang Heng, on the other hand, was utterly gobsmacked. "This..." he managed, despite his lack of design expertise. He recognized the strength of the concept behind Su Chen's work; it was something far beyond the reach of any average person.

The thought that someone could conceive such a design was frightening to Zhang Heng. He could see the brilliance in Su Chen's approach, and it left him in awe. He couldn't fathom Liu Dagang achieving anything close.

Zhang Heng's excitement peaked. He rushed over to Su Chen, eyes wide with enthusiasm. "How did you pull this off?" he inquired.

Su Chen offered a wry smile in response. "Truth be told, it's quite simple. I had a dream about it just last night, and to my surprise, that dream has come to life!" That was the only explanation he could muster.

Zhang Heng was floored, struggling to accept the reality before him. Yet, he had no other explanation for what had transpired.

"You didn't plagiarize this, did you?" Zhang Heng pressed, his voice tinged with a mix of skepticism and hope. He saw Su Chen as an honest and upright young man, unlikely to deceive. But the idea that such a design could originate from Zhang Heng himself was beyond his wildest dreams.

A wave of emotion swept over Su Chen. He was deeply moved by his master's faith in him and spoke with earnest conviction, "Please rest assured, Master. This is absolutely the real deal!"

Su Chen spoke up.

"Haha, it's like heaven is on my side!" Zhang Heng exclaimed with excitement.

At this point, his excitement had peaked, and in the heat of the moment, he couldn't even recall if Su Chen's words were truth or fiction.

Zhang Heng was visibly more thrilled than ever.

Together, they made some revisions to the design. Zhang Heng was extremely pleased with the result. Armed with this design, he was determined to confront Liu Dagang.

"Liu Dagang has been pushing me around for too long. Today, I'm going to get even!" Zhang Heng vowed silently.

Since his arrival at the company, he had endured the Liu brothers' harassment without any chance to retaliate. But now, Zhang Heng finally saw an opportunity to turn the tables, all thanks to Su Chen.

Tears welled up in Zhang Heng's eyes.

Overcome with emotion, he embraced Su Chen, his voice quivering.

In that instant, Zhang Heng seized Su Chen's hand.

"To the boardroom we go!"

They were headed to present their designs to the board of directors, to showcase their work before the company's chairman.

On the surface, the process seemed equitable, but in reality, it was anything but fair for Zhang Heng. His design skills paled in comparison to Liu Dagang's—it was an undeniable fact.

In such a scenario, Zhang Heng was bound to be bested by Liu Dagang. Therefore, Director Liu orchestrated for the chairman himself to assess the merits of their designs, all to ensure his cousin Liu Dagang shone in the chairman's presence.

Initially, Zhang Heng dreaded the thought of being humiliated at the board meeting, but the design Su Chen provided filled him with newfound confidence, and he was visibly elated.

"Let's do this!"

Su Chen packed up the USB drive and walked out alongside Zhang Heng.

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