Romancing Three Goddesses/C12 Firmament
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Romancing Three Goddesses/C12 Firmament
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C12 Firmament

Zhang Heng brimmed with confidence.

This was because Su Chen's design had not only surpassed Zhang Heng's expectations but had also left him utterly astonished.

The design was, after all, truly surreal.

Zhang Heng was at a loss, feeling somewhat disoriented and sporting an incredibly awkward expression. In the midst of this, they had arrived at the chairman's office.

For Su Chen, it was a first-time visit to the chairman's office.

The company's chairman, Lee Wenkang, was a seasoned designer whose expertise led him to establish the company.

The company was, in essence, the fruit of Lee Wenkang's labor.

Lee Wenkang was deeply invested in this design; it was far from a matter of indifference to him.

Assigning the design to Director Liu was a testament to Lee Wenkang's concern.

Inside the chairman's office, three people were engaged in conversation, with Lee Wenkang seated in the executive chair.

He was perusing a set of design plans.

Sitting next to Lee Wenkang were two individuals: Director Liu and his cousin, Liu Dagang, both wearing expressions of humility.

Lee Wenkang nodded with approval.

He was quite pleased with Liu Dagang's design. As a boss with a discerning eye, he recognized the effort that had gone into Liu Dagang's work.

Yet, Lee Wenkang wasn't completely satisfied; the design was crucial to the company's future.

Lee Wenkang sought perfection.

Liu Dagang's design had just scraped by, meeting the bare minimum of Lee Wenkang's standards, and it wasn't the one that truly satisfied him.

Nonetheless, he had to make do.

With that, he shut the design portfolio.

"I believe this design..."

Lee Wenkang was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in," he called out.

The door swung open, and in walked Zhang Heng and Su Chen.


Director Liu's face contorted with displeasure. For him, their arrival was nothing short of a nightmare.

Deep down, he harbored a strong resentment towards Zhang Heng.

His expression said it all. After all, Zhang Heng was in the running for the deputy director position in the marketing department.

The so-called collaborative design this time was actually a ploy by Director Liu, intended to put Zhang Heng in an awkward position.

Upon Zhang Heng's entrance, Director Liu's face was predictably frosty.

Meanwhile, Liu Dagang was visibly elated.

Confident of his impending victory, his joy was unmistakable. It was at this moment that Lee Wenkang looked on with a puzzled expression.

"What's going on?"

Lee Wenkang was not acquainted with Zhang Heng. As the chairman, he was understandably not well-versed in every employee, especially Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng himself was flushed and visibly anxious.

Being his first time in such a setting, his excitement was palpable, and he momentarily lost his composure.

Director Liu let out a cold laugh.

"Chairman, this is Zhang Heng, a member of our marketing department. He has also prepared a design he wishes for you to review," Director Liu said with a sardonic edge.

Lee Wenkang, taken aback by Director Liu's introduction, gave Zhang Heng and Su Chen a curious glance, sizing them up with an odd look.

"Do you have a design as well?" Lee Wenkang inquired, his tone laced with surprise.

In a mocking tone, Liu Dagang chimed in, "Chairman, Zhang Heng has always been quite defiant towards me. Whether he has the talent to back it up, I trust you'll judge for yourself. But if he tries to pass off subpar designs as worthy of your attention, that would be rather problematic."

Liu Dagang's words were ostensibly supportive of Zhang Heng, but in reality, they positioned Zhang Heng as an adversary. His tone was harsh, tinged with scorn.

Director Liu shared the sentiment.

Lee Wenkang, however, seemed unfazed by the undercurrents, his gaze resting solely on Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng turned to Su Chen.

Zhang Heng was well aware that Su Chen deserved the credit for the situation at hand.

Su Chen simply smiled and approached Lee Wenkang.

Despite Lee Wenkang's status as chairman, Su Chen now held the same title at Cloud Corporation, his influence rivaling Lee Wenkang's.

So when Su Chen faced Lee Wenkang, he maintained a composed demeanor.

There was no trace of subservience or timidity in his stance.

Approaching Lee Wenkang with a slight smile, Su Chen confidently handed over his design on a USB drive.

"Here's my design," Su Chen declared plainly.

He exuded an air of quiet confidence.

Director Liu, standing nearby, was momentarily taken aback.

He recognized Su Chen, but to him, Su Chen was merely an intern. How could he be so bold in this setting? Director Liu was clearly displeased.

"Su Chen, what makes you think you have the right to speak here?" Director Liu snapped.

Lee Wenkang, too, gave Su Chen a puzzled look. An intern shouldn't be this poised.

Indeed, such composure was unusual for an intern, and it piqued Lee Wenkang's curiosity about Su Chen.

He scrutinized Su Chen thoroughly.

"Did you complete this design on your own?"

Lee Wenkang inquired, intrigued.

Su Chen simply nodded.

Lee Wenkang, holding the USB, found it quite intriguing. But Director Liu's expression turned icy.

He could tolerate Zhang Heng, but the thought of an intern like Su Chen challenging him was intolerable. Director Liu was clearly irked.

"Chairman, I'd advise against wasting time on this kid's design. He's just an intern. What could he possibly know about design?" Director Liu suggested dismissively.

Liu Dagang chimed in, "Exactly, right?"

Their voices were tinged with agitation.

Su Chen just smiled faintly, the picture of serenity.

At that moment, Lee Wenkang plugged in the USB drive. As the chairman of Cloud Corporation, he had a keen eye for talent. He examined the contents of the drive.

It contained Su Chen's design.

Director Liu and Liu Dagang wore expressions of scorn, unable to believe Su Chen's design could be of any significance.

But then, to their astonishment, they saw Lee Wenkang's expression morph into one of utter amazement. He was completely transfixed.

"This design..."

Lee Wenkang's voice quivered with emotion.

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