Romancing Three Goddesses/C2 Three Beautiful Sisters
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Romancing Three Goddesses/C2 Three Beautiful Sisters
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C2 Three Beautiful Sisters

Congratulations, you've successfully checked in and earned a reward of three beautiful sisters.

Three beautiful sisters?

Su Chen's mind was engulfed by a storm of surprise. As a child, he had learned from his mother that he wasn't an only child; he had three sisters who had gone missing during an outing.

"Could this system actually be real? Can it help me find my lost sisters?!"

The reward thrilled Su Chen to no end. He knew his parents back home would be overjoyed to learn that their three missing daughters had been found.

Unable to sleep, Su Chen got ready to leave as dawn was breaking.

The arrival of this system would keep anyone awake.

Ding! Would you like to check in?

After getting dressed and freshening up, Su Chen was about to head out when the system's voice echoed in his mind once more.

Remembering the previous day's check-in reward, his heart pounded with excitement and anticipation for what the system would offer next.

"Check in!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Su Chen chose to check in.

Congratulations, you've successfully checked in and received a Beauty Body Forging Pill.

As the voice faded, a pill materialized before Su Chen. He caught it and examined the pill, but couldn't decipher its purpose.

Considering the system's extraordinary capabilities, Su Chen steeled himself and swallowed the black pill.

The pill made his head spin and his eyelids heavy, and he collapsed onto the couch, passing out.

When he awoke, it was the next day's morning.

Rubbing his head, Su Chen saw it was already past eleven, with over ten missed calls on his phone. He hurriedly returned the calls.

"Hey! Su Chen, what's going on with you? It's already midday, and you're not at work?"

The voice on the other end was fraught with concern.

"Master, I slept in."

Su Chen responded coolly.

"Ah? What happened? Are you okay? Is it the Lin family causing trouble again?"

"Don't get worked up. No matter what, we can't neglect work. I've taken leave for you. If things are really that bad, I'll join you for a drink tonight."

Zhang Heng's voice came through the phone, offering words of comfort.

Su Chen felt a warmth in his heart. Zhang Heng had been his mentor during his internship, a man of honesty and simplicity. Despite over a decade at the company without a single promotion, he had always been genuinely kind to Su Chen, treating him like a younger brother. Their friendship transcended age.

"Don't worry about me, I'm alright. Tell you what, let's grab a drink tonight – my treat!" Su Chen declared with confidence. In the past, pinching pennies for the Lin family's sake, he would have never dreamed of such generosity. This was a first.

After ending the call with Zhang Heng, Su Chen quickly got ready to head out.

"Huh? Is that... me?"

As Su Chen was about to step out, he caught his reflection in the hallway mirror. The striking, well-built man staring back made him do a double-take, half-expecting someone else had materialized in his room.

But upon closer inspection, he realized it was indeed him, only more handsome and charismatic. As he settled into this new reality, Su Chen also noticed a newfound vigor in his body, feeling as though he could face off with Tyson without flinching.

"Is this the system's reward? It's nothing short of miraculous!"

Buoyed by his enhanced looks, Su Chen breezed down seventeen flights of stairs without losing his breath.

"Do you have a girlfriend? Can I add you on WeChat?"

While strolling through the neighborhood, a flushed-faced girl approached Su Chen, too shy to meet his gaze.

Su Chen marveled at the system's transformative power, the impact on his appearance was undeniably instantaneous.

His spirits high, Su Chen had only taken a few steps when he encountered an unwelcome crowd.

Spotting Lin Yuxi and her family at the neighborhood entrance, along with his former university classmate and wealthy heir Lee Zhengren, Su Chen sensed their ill intentions.

"Well, well, if it isn't Su Chen? What's with the new look? Trying to be a gigolo?"

Lee Zhengren couldn't hide his envy as he looked at the transformed and now strikingly handsome Su Chen.

"Humph! Dress up all you want, but you can't mask the stench of poverty. My Yuxi was blind not to have seen what a catch someone like Zhengren is," he said with a hint of bitterness.

Song Guifang, Lin Yuxi's mother, gave Su Chen a dismissive glance before turning to Lee Zhengren with a sycophantic smile.

"Ugh! You're nothing but a pauper. Get your ragged clothes out of my house this instant. They're bad luck just to look at," Lin Yushen sneered.

Su Chen's fists clenched tightly, the sound of his knuckles cracking filled the air. He observed Song Guifang and the others' distasteful expressions and Lin Yuxi's silent, complicit demeanor with a cold, mocking laugh in his heart. He had moved on from this relationship.

And Su Chen was no longer the pushover they could bully.


Just as Su Chen was about to retort, a dark red sports car roared up and came to a sleek stop beside them.

The car's streamlined body shimmered like flames under the sunlight.

The door swung open, and out stepped a woman whose presence was as fiery as the vehicle itself.

She wore sunglasses and teetered on seven to eight-centimeter heels.

"Hey, gorgeous, looking for someone? I know this place like the back of my hand," Lin Yushen said, licking his lips with avarice.

The woman ignored him and made a beeline for Su Chen, her voice tinged with excitement.

"Su Chen?"

Su Chen was taken aback to hear his name from this stranger. He nodded and asked with astonishment, "Who are you?"

"Is it really you?" The fiery woman embraced Su Chen impulsively, her words tumbling out in a rush, "Do you have any idea how long I've been searching for you?"

She carried a delightful floral scent that enveloped them as they stood close.

Su Chen, trying to contain his inner turmoil, gently extricated himself from her embrace.


"I'm your sister!"

Realizing her overreaction, the woman straightened up and slowly removed her sunglasses, revealing an exquisitely beautiful face.

"Tang Ziye!"

As Su Chen registered her face, he remained speechless. Lee Zhengren, standing nearby, was utterly astounded. He covered his mouth, his exclamations of disbelief echoing around them.

Tang Ziye!

One of the legendary Three Sisters of Songshan City!

"Sister? Tang Ziye?"

Su Chen was stunned. Could the system's reward have arrived so swiftly?

"Little brother, do you have any idea how hard it's been for us sisters to search for you? Just a few days ago, we finally picked up your trail."

"I've spent the past few days piecing together what you've been through. Are these the people trying to seize our parents' hard-earned money?"

Tang Ziye turned to face Lee Zhengren and his group, her exquisite features now emanating a dangerous vibe.

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