Romancing Three Goddesses/C4 Inheritance of Medical Skills
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Romancing Three Goddesses/C4 Inheritance of Medical Skills
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C4 Inheritance of Medical Skills

"Zilu, meet Su Chen. We've finally found our family."

Tang Ziye's voice brimmed with excitement.

It was then that Su Chen realized the girl before him was his second sister, Tang Zilu.

Yet, there was an issue with Tang Zilu's legs.

She couldn't stand or walk.

"What a shame," Su Chen lamented.

It was exceedingly rare to encounter a stunning beauty like Tang Zilu, and to see her unable to walk due to a leg condition was deeply regrettable.

Despite this being their first meeting, with no existing bond of kinship, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

"I'm Tang Zilu. Ziye must have filled you in on the details," she said.

"Personally, I've never been concerned with our relatives who never cared whether we lived or died. But since Ziye is intent on finding you, I won't stand in the way."

Tang Zilu spoke with a detached tone, as if discussing something that didn't concern her.

"Well, if there's nothing else, let's head inside. I need to rest."

Her voice remained steady, yet there was an undertone of cool detachment. It was as if her heart was shackled by some unspoken emotion.

After Aunt Lee wheeled Tang Zilu away, Tang Ziye turned to Su Chen with a smile and said, "Second Sister has always believed that our mother never searched for us."

It was clear that Tang Zilu harbored some resentment towards the past.

"Second Sister's legs..." Tang Ziye sighed deeply.

"Tang Zilu has always been incredibly resilient, but a traffic accident a few years back left her unable to stand. In fact, she used to run the Tang family's company single-handedly, but since the accident..."

Tang Ziye's voice trailed off, her own regret for her sister's plight evident.

For years, alongside their search for Su Chen, they had sought treatment for Tang Zilu's leg condition, consulting numerous renowned doctors to no avail.

Tang Zilu's condition appeared to be an incurable affliction.

And as a result, Tang Zilu's personality had slowly turned more reclusive.

Seeing Tang Ziye's reassuring words, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. It was a bittersweet realization that the family he had longed to find was now within reach...

"Go freshen up with a shower, and then I'll show you to your room. From now on, you're under Third Sister's wing!" Tang Ziye gave Su Chen's shoulder a hearty pat.

"Alright then!"

Having found his relatives, Su Chen felt a newfound sense of stability in his heart, regardless of the circumstances.

Upon entering the villa, Tang Ziye gave Su Chen a tour before showing him to his room.

It was a second-floor room, opulent in every sense of the word.

After bathing, Su Chen felt the weariness settle in. The day's events had been a whirlwind, taxing both his mind and body.

Lying in bed, his thoughts drifted between the joy of finding his family and the mysteries of the system. It took a while for sleep to claim him, and by the time he awoke, it was already noon the next day.

Ding! Would you like to claim your sign-in reward?

Sign in!

As Su Chen's eyes fluttered open, the system's prompt echoed in his mind, and he immediately signed in.

"Congratulations, host, on a successful sign-in. You've earned the Medical Technique Legacy!" As the system announced the reward, Su Chen's head buzzed, and he was hit with a wave of intense pain, as if his brain was being split open. Memories that weren't his own flooded in like scenes from a movie.

When he regained his composure, Su Chen was astounded to find a vast ocean of medical knowledge in his mind, brimming with formidable techniques.

Some were deceptively simple yet promised significant results.

The deluge of knowledge was initially overwhelming, giving Su Chen a headache, but he soon assimilated it all.

It was as though this knowledge was always meant to be his.

"This system is incredibly powerful!"

Su Chen marveled, still in disbelief over the transformation that had occurred while he was half-conscious.

But then, a spark of determination ignited within him.

"Now that I have the Godly Doctor System, I must find out if there's a way to heal Tang Zilu's condition!" Su Chen resolved.

Having finally found his family, he cherished them deeply.

"Search function!"

With that, Su Chen began to explore the system's capabilities.

Su Chen quickly located the search function within the expansive Divine Doctor System, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Healing leg injuries!"

"This is truly a top-tier skill..." Su Chen exclaimed with exhilaration.

He hadn't anticipated acquiring such an elite skill, and it thrilled him to no end.

"I need to rush and heal Tang Zilu's injuries..."

With that thought, Su Chen dashed out the door without a second thought.

But as he swung the door open, he collided with a girl.

It was Tang Ziye.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Tang Ziye demanded, her voice tinged with irritation.

A glint of determination flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

"Hurry, take me to Second Sister. I've figured out how to cure her illness!" he declared earnestly.

Tang Ziye looked bewildered and slightly irate upon hearing Su Chen's claim.

"What are you babbling about? Tang Zilu's condition is beyond the healing reach of even the most divine doctors, much less you. Are you mocking me?"

Tang Ziye's annoyance was palpable.

With no time to spare for explanations, Su Chen simply grabbed her hand.

"Come with me—that's all you need to know!"

He exuded a commanding presence.

Completely in the dark, Tang Ziye followed Su Chen in a haze, until they reached Tang Zilu's room.

The room was the epitome of feminine elegance, complete with an adjoining study where a stick of incense burned, its potent fragrance piercing the soul.

Tang Ziye was there, gracefully absorbed in her reading.

"Forgive me, Second Sister," Su Chen said as he crouched down and took hold of Tang Ziye's ankle.

Tang Zilu's expression turned grave in an instant.

She could scarcely believe this was happening.

"What are you doing!"

Her face turned beet red with indignation.

Being touched by a man, even though they were siblings without blood ties, was not something Tang Zilu was accustomed to.

In such a situation, it was only natural for her to feel uncomfortable.

"Just wait, you'll understand soon. I'm here to heal you!" Without further ado, Su Chen began to apply the healing technique he had retrieved from his mental arsenal.

His ability to heal was formidable indeed, a gift bestowed by the system's powers.

"That's a wrap!"

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