Romancing Three Goddesses/C9 Chairman!
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Romancing Three Goddesses/C9 Chairman!
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C9 Chairman!

Su Chen's statement sent shockwaves through the room, leaving everyone present stunned.

Yet, they scorned his claim, finding it hard to take Su Chen's words seriously.

"The chairman of Cloud Corporation is a figure of high stature. This young man must be out of his mind!"

Tang Ziye and Tang Zilu were completely in the dark.

Typically, their brother came across as quite intelligent, so why was he acting so foolishly now?

Seizing the moment, Xu Mingliang ridiculed him mercilessly.

"If you're the chairman of Cloud Corporation, then I must be the CEO of a listed company! Kid, this isn't the place for your tall tales. Scram!"

But just then, Shen Zhong and Chen Yiguang approached.

Shen Zhong, initially unaware of the unfolding drama, quickly caught on after overhearing the exchange and his face turned ashen.

"Who is this man? How dare he insult our chairman? He's picking a fight with Cloud Corporation!" Shen Zhong declared icily.


Chen Yiguang felt like he was going to pass out.

The idea of Su Chen being the chairman of Cloud Corporation was already beyond belief for Chen Yiguang, and seeing Xu Mingliang offend Su Chen only fueled his rage.

Desperate for an investment from Cloud Corporation, Chen Yiguang knew that antagonizing its chairman could ruin his career.

With anger simmering inside him, Chen Yiguang reflected on Xu Mingliang's usual facade of humility, which had misled him into thinking Xu was genuinely modest. Now, it was clear that Xu's humility was a sham, and his true nature was one of extreme arrogance.

Fuming, Chen Yiguang strode over to Xu Mingliang.

"Xu Mingliang, what on earth are you doing?" he asked, clearly upset.

Xu Mingliang's spirits lifted when he saw Chen Yiguang. Boss Chen had always been fond of him, and Xu was confident that Chen Yiguang would come to his defense.

So, he moved closer to Chen Yiguang.

"Boss Chen, this fellow had the audacity to pose as the chairman of Cloud Corporation. I was about to give him the dressing-down he deserves. How can someone like him even be worthy of attending a Chamber of Commerce banquet?"

Xu Mingliang spoke with seething anger.

Chen Yiguang's expression turned icy.

He reached out and delivered a fierce slap. The force behind it was formidable.


The sound echoed loudly as Chen Yiguang's palm made harsh contact with Xu Mingliang's face.

The slap was delivered with overwhelming power.


Xu Mingliang stood there, utterly stunned.

"Boss, why would you..." He held his cheek, his face the picture of disbelief.

Everyone around was equally shocked.

They had all assumed Chen Yiguang would back Xu Mingliang, but to their astonishment, Chen Yiguang had delivered a stinging slap to Xu Mingliang on behalf of a young man who was green around the edges.

The turn of events was nothing short of shocking!

Chen Yiguang's gaze was frosty as he addressed Xu Mingliang.

"I struck you because you're arrogant and dismissive. Do you realize the man before you is the newly appointed chairman of Cloud Corporation? And you haven't even offered an apology to Chairman Su?"

Chen Yiguang's voice was laced with fury.


A stunned silence fell over the crowd.

Nobody had taken Su Chen's claim of being the chairman of Cloud Corporation seriously, but now, belief had taken hold.

The words had come straight from Chen Yiguang, a man whose credibility was unquestioned. As the head of an investment firm with a distinguished reputation, Chen Yiguang was not known for falsehoods.

Tang Ziye and Tang Zilu both wore expressions of astonishment.

"How could our bratty brother possibly be the chairman of Cloud Corporation?" Tang Ziye murmured to herself.

Tang Zilu's eyes widened in amazement as she gazed at Su Chen.

"It seems our little brother has quite a few secrets up his sleeve!"

The two women exchanged looks, their faces etched with surprise.

Xu Mingliang was petrified.

He had never imagined that Su Chen was actually the chairman of Cloud Corporation. Such a status easily overshadowed Xu Mingliang, leaving no room for comparison.

Su Chen's identity had utterly crushed Xu Mingliang into insignificance.

"Apologize to Chairman Su Chen, now!" Chen Yiguang demanded, his voice tinged with anger.

Xu Mingliang's knees buckled, and he fell to the ground.

"Chairman Su, I was blind to your stature. Please, I beg your forgiveness for my ignorance!"

Xu Mingliang's complexion shook with fear.

His face had contorted into an expression of utter distaste, yet in this moment, he seemed at a loss for words. Xu Mingliang had no choice but to resign himself to his fate.

It was a moment of profound embarrassment, and now, it was one he simply had to accept.


Su Chen's command was delivered with an eerie calm, his hands casually clasped behind his back.

His demeanor betrayed no emotion, as though he were discussing the most mundane of matters. Yet, the gravity of Su Chen's words held the power to determine Xu Mingliang's very survival.

This was the stark disparity between them.

The chasm between them had widened to its utmost. In Su Chen's presence, Xu Mingliang was reduced to nothing more than refuse.

Humiliated, Xu Mingliang had no choice but to slink away from the gathering, prompting a wave of raucous laughter from the onlookers.

Their gazes towards Su Chen were laced with profound awe.

An awe that was undeniably genuine.

Indeed, Su Chen's formidable strength was both terrifying and awe-inspiring. The crowd's reverence for him was palpable.

Shen Zhong approached Su Chen with a remorseful bow.

"Chairman, I apologize for the disgrace," Shen Zhong uttered, his voice quivering.

He blamed himself for the debacle, thinking that had he arrived sooner, the situation might have been averted.

But Su Chen simply gestured dismissively.

"It's of no consequence," he stated with composure.

"Step back for now. If there's business tomorrow, I'll seek you out," Su Chen spoke with a tranquil authority that belied an underlying imperiousness.

Shen Zhong nodded in acquiescence.

"As you command!"

His deference to Su Chen was absolute, a picture of utmost respect.

This display deepened the crowd's reverence for Su Chen. Shen Zhong's profound respect was indicative of the awe Su Chen's identity commanded.

Su Chen, however, offered a serene smile.

To him, this was all trivial.

But as Su Chen regained his focus, he was met with the piercing stares of his two elder sisters, Tang Ziye and Tang Zilu. Their looks were sharp and formidable.

"Little brother, just how many secrets are you keeping from us?" Tang Ziye demanded, her tone laced with severity.

She reached out and pinched Su Chen's arm, her anger evident in her fierce expression.


Su Chen responded with a helpless wave of his hand.

For him, it seemed an explanation was going to be quite the challenge.

"Actually..." Su Chen found himself at a loss for words, unsure of how to explain the situation.

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