Romantic Love Letter/C10 Father and son love each other deeply(part i)
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Romantic Love Letter/C10 Father and son love each other deeply(part i)
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C10 Father and son love each other deeply(part i)

See you for a long time

Not being biological;

Twenty-five Years' worth of Tongku

How could a filial son forget his love for her?

June weather, not cold, not hot, the temperature is appropriate, the barren mountains are green, the land is green, it is a good season for farmers to shovel the land.

On June 20, Wang Zipeng and all the members of the Taoyuan Village participated in the first two preeminent Expressionism s. At the meeting, three members and two Party Group s were commended. By the time the meeting ended, it was already past 11 AM. Before the meeting ended, Party Secretary Ding Xichun said:

"Secretaries of the Village Party Branch, come to the office of the Party Committee at one o'clock in the afternoon for a meeting. If there's nothing else, I will adjourn the meeting. "

After the meeting ended, the other comrades had all left. Since Wang Zipeng still had a meeting in the afternoon, he did not go back. He walked around the department store, the supply and marketing agency, and the market. This was mainly to kill time. After that, he went to a restaurant, ate a simple lunch, and then went to the Party Committee office to wait. At this time, the other Secretary of Branch s had not come, so he waited until the meeting time.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the Secretary Ding announced that the meeting would be held. He lit up a Red River cigarette. After taking a drag, he briefly summarized the meeting of the morning and then said:

"Our village took the initiative to get first place in the entire region during the first half of the year. These results are all related to the hard work of the various secretaries of Village Party Branch. In the afternoon meeting, Secretary of Branch will be the main person reporting on the situation in your village. "Overall, it's not just about the Party's affairs, it's also about all aspects of government."

After Secretary Ding had finished speaking, the Secretary of Erdao Village reported, followed by Taoyuan Village, Changsheng Village, Three Rivers Village, Chunzi Gou village, and birch village. After the six villages' Secretary of Branch finished reporting, they made the next arrangements. The meeting ended at 3.30 p.m.

Wang Zipeng didn't know what was going on today either, but he felt unsettled, as if something was about to happen. He was in a trance when he was in a meeting and distracted when he was reporting. After the meeting ended, he didn't go anywhere and just hurried home.

At 4: 30, Wang Zipeng returned home. As soon as he entered the door, he heard his adoptive father from the kang say in a weak and intermittent manner:

"Zi Peng …" Zi Peng also... "Still not back yet?" Mother said:

"Zi Peng is back, he just entered." Zi Peng walked into the house to look and saw his foster father lying on the kang. He had his eyes closed and was mumbling to himself. Zi Peng thought, "Strange, he's still fine in the morning, why does he have to be sick so quickly and so seriously?" He was digging the ground yesterday? Therefore, Zi Peng said to his mother:

"Mother, what kind of illness did I get? "Why are you so sick?" Mother said:

"He only said that he was feeling terrible, ever since he had the attack at 10 AM, he kept calling out your name." Zi Peng approached his foster father and said:

"Uncle, Zi Peng is back. I'll give you some medicine first. You'll be fine in a moment." Drink some water to moisten yourself before you take your medicine. "

After Zipeng said this, he poured half a cup of water into a cup and stirred it with white sugar until it was not scalding. He fed it with a spoon and drank the first mouthful of water. Then, he fed it a second time. But, he couldn't swallow this mouthful of water no matter how hard he tried. In the end, he spat it out. Following that, he collapsed upwards. Two streams of blue tears flowed from the corners of his eyes as he exhaled one last breath. Seeing this, Zi Peng hurriedly shouted:

"Great sir, great sir. Wake up, wake up! It's all my fault that I couldn't stay by your side. Great sir, wake up! "

When Zi Peng saw this scene, tears of grief rolled down his face. At this moment, the foster father stopped moving. His heart had stopped beating. Mother said:

"Zipeng, your grandpa isn't going to make it anymore. Hurry up and find a few boards to cook for us."

Zi Peng went to the barn and found a few broad slabs. He placed them side by side on the ground, using red bricks to place them on top of each other. Then, the mother found the pre-made birthday suit, and Zi Peng and the mother put the clothes on the foster father.

At this moment, only Zi Peng and his mother were home. Everyone else had already gone to work. So, Zi Peng went to the neighbor's house to find a few people, the foster father from the kang to Yuanzi, adoptive father is 83 years old.

Zi Peng's current mood could be imagined. He came to Taoyuan Six in 1962, to his adoptive father at the age of 18. Looking at his age, he was almost an adult. However, he had been lacking in nutrition since he was young. He was small and skinny, with a height of less than 1.5 meters. He was neither sensible nor responsible. All food and clothing depends on the adoptive father. As he grew older, Zi Peng became more sensible. He was very filial, and his foster father was also very good to him. The two of them became closer and closer. Even though he wasn't the biological father and son, the true love of this world surpassed that of the biological father and son. Zi Peng remembered that when he had just arrived in Squad Six, many people had looked at him unfavorably and worried that he was an eyesore. bullied him, insulted him, mocked him, insulted him … Every time, it was his foster father who would step in to save him. He scolded the person who had bullied Zi Peng. From then on, there were fewer people who bullied him. When Zi Peng arrived at the sixth squad, he had to work all day during the day due to his poor physique. Thus, he didn't want to get up in the morning. It was all the work of his foster father. From planting to shoveling to harvesting, it was all done by him alone. And his foster father never bothered with Zi Peng. His adoptive father was also a child born into a miserable family, so he knew how similar his miserable child was to him back then. He would rather suffer and suffer more personally than let Zi Peng suffer grievances and suffer more …

Zi Peng immediately joined the Party and became a cash teller in the production team. After two years, he became an accountant, and then became the captain. At this time, there was no need to mention how happy his foster father was. Whenever he saw someone, he would say,

"Although Zipeng didn't look like a human when he first arrived, he has some potential." In just a few years, he had become a cadre. I finally had something to look forward to. "This child is both easy-going and filial, this is the fortune of an old man!"

Zi Peng looked at his foster father who was lying on top of the raven. His heart ached and his tears flowed uncontrollably.

The death of the adoptive father spread like a gust of wind. Now, everyone in the house was back and the neighbors were coming. The room was suddenly filled with people. Seeing that their grandfather had passed away, the three Cheng Hua Sisters cried bitterly on top of their grandfather's body. Why did the child have such deep feelings for the old man? This was because the adoptive father treated Zi Peng as his own child and doted on him. As a result, he treated his three granddaughters as if they were his own granddaughters. When he saw his three granddaughters calling out to him as' Grandpa Chang 'and' Grandpa Chang ', his heart felt even sweeter than if he had eaten honey. Therefore, he was full of love for his three granddaughters. When his granddaughter was young, he held them and carried them on his back; he made them laugh and played with them; when his granddaughter was growing up, he told them stories and sang songs. He had coaxed the three children and kept saying grandpa was good, grandpa was the biological grandpa …

On the second day, Village Head Deng Chunming brought all the members of the Sessions to pay respects for the old man. The village chief said:

"Secretary Wang, you don't need to go to the village for the next few days. After cremation, you can rest at home for two days and then go to work. "Don't you feel relieved to have us in the village?" Zi Peng gratefully said, "Thank you so much. After I'm done, I'll go to work and let everyone suffer a lot." The remains of the adoptive father remained at home for three days. June 22nd, at 6am, the's funeral home's hearse arrived. The helper went to the car and brought the coffin, and then he buried the foster-father and carried him to the car. Zi Peng was wearing a white cloth around his waist, and he carried the Spirit Guiding Banner in his hand as he got on the carriage. The car was a van, with a coffin at the bottom. It could seat more than 10 people. Relatives, friends, and neighbors crowded around. About an hour later, the hearse arrived at the funeral home. There were already five or six cremated people waiting in line. It would take more than two hours to cremate them.

Just then, Zi Peng and his younger brother Wen Zhan said:

"Wen Zhan, I'm going to the toilet. I'll be back in a while.

"second brother, go ahead, I will call for everyone," Wen Zhan promised.

Zi Peng walked out of the funeral home and came to the parking lot. He looked up and saw a red sun in the sky to the east; in the distance, mountains and pines and cypresses were glowing together. The funeral home was surrounded by exotic flowers, sweet odors, and fresh flowers; the bone and ashes of the hill were even more solemn and rigid in the sun; carts lined up in the parking lot; the funeral procession was endless; the wailing of the people, the sound of the locks, the honking of the cars, all mixed together in a depressing, heart-wrenching atmosphere.

When Zi Peng returned to the cremation chamber, there were only two furnaces left. At around 8: 30, Zi Peng walked back with his foster father's casket in his hands. Put the foster father to the ground at eleven o'clock.

When Wang Zipeng, his relatives, friends and neighbors returned, their families were all waiting for them to come back for dinner. The tables were already filled with dishes and wine. Zi Peng invited everyone to take a seat and said,

"All Family and friends s, all neighbors' uncles, aunties, uncles, aunties, elder brothers, younger brothers, elder sisters, all came to help with the death of my adoptive father, to which I am grateful. I'll prepare a light wine and a light dish for everyone. I hope everyone will have a good meal and drink well. "Everyone, please take a seat and fill your cups. Come, let me toast you all!" After he finished his speech, he drained his glass of beer. At the same time, everyone else drained their cups as well …

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