Romantic Love Letter/C13 Ginseng development(part ii)
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Romantic Love Letter/C13 Ginseng development(part ii)
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C13 Ginseng development(part ii)

Zi Peng and the other two ate lunch at Wang Changju's house, then looked at the ginseng he grew before taking their leave and returning back. When they came, they took the river road, and when they went back, they still took the same road. This river was called the Hami River, and was filled with curving, rippling rivers; there were rapids and shallow flats; there were whirlpools and deep ponds; the water was crystal clear, crabs and fishes could be seen everywhere; strange rocks were growing on both sides of the river, cliffs overhung; and the broad-leaved forest at the top of the mountain was flourishing with the fragrance of wild flowers. In the middle, there was a small path that connected to the Taoyuan Village. The two banks of the river are uneven, the south bank is flat, there are farmland, there are farmers planted larch... This beautiful scenery was just like a beautiful landscape painting, causing one to be unable to bear to leave after looking at it.

The three of them were on their way back, admiring the beautiful scenery as they chatted. Zi Peng said:

"Chun Ming, it was quite smooth for us to find Wang Changju today. Looking at his expression, it seems that he is really a bit modest. We got a technician, so we've got a lot of headaches. " Chun Ming said:

"That's right!" Once this problem was solved, time would not be wasted. So, we can free up our bodies and go around contacting the planting problems of the ginseng, is this called walking on two legs? " Chang You took over the conversation and said:

"This year, we will be developing ginseng, and with our Secretary Wang, it doesn't matter if we have more technicians.

"The crux of this problem lies with you. You need to rely on others to guide you. It's not a long shot, you need to rely on yourself to solve it." Zi Peng said.

As they spoke, Zi Peng and the other two arrived at the Peach Blossom Realm — the beautiful Diaoyutai …

On the morning of the 27th of June, Wang Changju arrived at Taoyuan Village. Today he was wearing a new overalls and a pair of farmland shoes. Half an hour later, Zhou Lianhai arrived as well. Zhou Lianhai was in his fifties, with a height of 1.7m. His face was slightly black, and his eyes were not big. Zi Peng called the two into the Village Chief's Office, and Wang Chang also sat down. When Chunming saw them enter, he quickly stood up to welcome them and motioned for them to sit. Chun Ming said:

"Let me introduce the two of you to each other first. This is Zhou Lianhai, the newly selected participant field length, and this is Wang Changju, the newly invited participant. The first task of both of you is to immediately organize people to cut the field. After the branches have dried up, we can then burn the field and dig the ground. As for the personnel problems, the two of you should study and resolve them. " The two of them walked out of the Village Head's office in agreement …

This year, Party member 'Seventh Year' was chosen at Yang Jingyu's Tomb Garden. Because Yang Jingyu was a Northeast Alliances Hero. On the party's birthday, all the party members went to honour the memory of their anti-Japanese generals. This was a good form of education for the party members. On June 29, the sky was clear and cloudless. The Taoyuan Village Party Branch took the bus to the Yang Jingyu Tomb Garden, which was located near the New Station. 34 members and 15 non-party activists were led by the Taoyuan Village Party Branch. Entering the main gate of the mausoleum garden, looking up, he saw the tall and imposing General Yang Jingyu's bronze statue standing majestically in the middle of the garden. Surrounded by buildings and pavilions, the pavilion thought that it was a towering pine and cypress that reached the clouds. It gave a solemn feeling.

The Prince Peng Secretary of the Party Branch took the letter of introduction written by the Erdaojiang Rural Party Committee and found the person in charge of the mausoleum garden. The person in charge of the cemetery was a tall, handsome man in his thirties with big eyes, a high nose bridge, and thick lips. Zi Peng told him the purpose of his visit, so he shook his hand very politely and said:

"Thank you for coming to visit Yang Jingyu's mausoleum garden; thank you for coming to pay your respects to the General. "How about this, you guys wait here for a while and line up. I'll go find the lecturer and have him explain it to you."

After about 5 minutes, a beautiful female lecturer in her twenties led Zi Peng's group into the viewing room. She pointed at the scene and described in detail General Yang Jingyu's heroic deeds and outstanding contributions during the Northeast's War of Resistance. General Yang Jingyu's real name was Ma Shangde. He had engaged in a deadly guerrilla warfare with a Japanese scum in the northeast of Linjiang. In the end, they ran out of bullets and were betrayed by the traitors. Only then did they fall into the hands of the Japanese and were killed by Japanese devils … All the Party members listened intently, it was no less than a vivid Party lesson...

Ginseng could not be developed without ginseng seed and ginseng seed. Therefore, before the ginseng could be tidied up, the problem of ginseng seed and ginseng seed had to be solved first. Otherwise, everything would have been for naught.

On the 22nd of July, three people from Branch Secretary Wang Peng, Village Head Deng Chunming and Vice Village Chief Wang went to the Northern Siping Village of Liaoning Province to contact ginseng seed and ginseng seed.

At this moment, the weather was overcast. The sun was like a furnace, mercilessly radiating heat to people. Even walking empty-handed was sweaty and breathless, not to mention working. Zi Peng and the other two rode on the bus s to the Xinbin County, then rode the county bus s to the Northern Siping. They left the bus and walked to Firestone Village. On the road, when one looked at the scenery, there was a different interest: there were not as many mountains as the generalization; but in the fields, crops were being plucked, and the crops were black and oily; on the hills, the pines and cypresses were lush and verdant; on the distant slopes, the congregations were connected, and the ginseng grew luxuriantly under the wide curtains.

The three of them walked as they watched. Right now, it was already 12 o'clock in the afternoon. It was time to eat lunch. It was more than six hours since they had eaten breakfast at six o'clock in the morning, and all three of them were famished from the bumpy ride and the tiring trudge. Thus, they found a restaurant and each of them simply ate a bowl of cold noodles before continuing their journey.

Around 2pm in the afternoon, they arrived at Firestone Village. This place was truly worthy of being called the home of ginseng. Team members participated in the competition while family members participated in the battle. They walked into the office of Firestone Village, found the leader, and explained the reason for their visit. The village leader was very pleased with the three of them. The leader of the village introduced them to some information regarding the prices of ginseng seed s.

The three of them thought that since there were so many ginseng, ginseng seed s and ginseng seed s would be cheaper than generalization s. After the leader introduced them, the three of them suddenly realized: not only was the price here not cheaper than the generalization, it was also higher than it was in generalization. Thus, the three of them bade farewell to the Firestone Village. He came in high spirits and returned in low spirits. By the time they reached the Northern Siping, the sky had already darkened and the train to the Xinbin County was gone. Thus, the three of them had no choice but to find an inn near the Rural Government to stay …

The morning of the second day, the three of them ate breakfast and rode on the bus s, rushing to Xinbin County. By the time they got back to the village, it was already past three in the afternoon, and they had not yet had lunch. Thus, they went to the restaurant for dinner and each of them went home …

On 28 July, the three of them went to the Long Guanghua Village of Tonghua County to see the ginseng seed and the ginseng seed. Asked around, the price here wasn't low either. Thus, they walked back to the village from Changchun sulcus.

The next day, the three of them went to their village again to contact ginseng seed s and ginseng seed s. Coming to the village to ask, the price here was exactly the same as the Xinbin County's.

Because right now, every village, every village, every household is vigorously developing ginseng. As a result, the prices of ginseng seed and ginseng seed rose all the way to higher prices. Thus, the three of them went to Three River Village. When they arrived, they saw that the prices were all like this. There was really nothing they could do about it! They could only spend more money to decide on a portion of ginseng seed s in Three Rivers Village and Cha Zi Gou Village.

After a few more days, they heard that there was a village in Tonghua County with a lot of ginseng seed s. Thus, the three of them took the bus to Faster. When they arrived at their destination, they looked around. He! What a great show: there were no less than a thousand ginseng flowers in total. There were seeds sown last year, some with 2 years of roots, some with 3 years, some with ginseng seed s. After both sides negotiated, the price was slightly lower than the three river villages and the sample village. Thus, the three of them decided on one occasion to grow enough ginseng seeds that year. He signed the agreement and paid the deposit. The agreement stated that the ginseng seed would be picked up in the middle of September and that the ginseng seed would be picked up at the beginning of the tenth month. After all the paperwork was completed, the three of them let out a long sigh of relief. Finally, there were ginseng seed s and ginseng seed s prepared for this year's development of ginseng. Thus, the three of them got on the car and returned to generalization, where they changed cars and went back to Tao Yuan. At this point, all the preparations for the development of Ginseng were ready, and all the preparations continued in an orderly manner.

As for the Taoyuan Village, field length, Technician Wang Changju, since he had received his mission back from the village on June 27, he had split up and organized the people on the same day. As there were not enough people from Tao Yuan, Wang Changju went back to the Changchun sulcus to find six strong and sturdy young lad.

The first day they worked they cut the place. Using scythes, axes, saws, and other tools, like a shave, from top to bottom, swept the branches and grass evenly on the ground. This took a week. After a week, the twigs and grass on the ground were dried by the sun and began to burn. The day before the site was set on fire, the village informed the forestry station in the village and asked them to come and take command. The fire was over without a hitch. Next came the inspection of the branches and the removal of the residue. All this was done, and next, the digging began. When digging, because they were all young and strong, they did their work quickly and well. field length and the technicians followed behind to check their quality. If there are any areas that are not up to standard, go back to work and dig again. Thus, the grand opening of the ginseng field began …

On the 10th of August, the head was already finished. This was the most difficult task. By the time it was dug twice, it would save effort. As a result, preparations were not delayed. It could be said that everything was ready, just waiting for the ginseng to grow …

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