Romantic Love Letter/C15 Penglai's observation(part i)
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Romantic Love Letter/C15 Penglai's observation(part i)
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C15 Penglai's observation(part i)

He walked out of the house and looked around,

Rural enterprises was the key.

The people who are powerful and prosperous in the country get rich,

Do not delay according to local conditions.

In the second half of the year, Rural enterprises was the main project in Erdao District and even in Erdaojiang. Go out to visit, bring back the experience, draw lessons from the outstanding enterprise model in the field, integrate the local favorable resources, carry on the development processing. It had become the main channel through which the Rural enterprises was being established. Therefore, on September 30, the Erdao District Township Enterprise Bureau organized a team of townships and villages led by a visit to Punai Lai, Shandong province.

On this trip, four comrades from Erdaojiang went to Erdaojiang. There was also Comrade Zhang Xilong, who was in charge of business at Erdao Village. She wasShe man in her thirties, with a height of 1.9 meters, a long face, delicate features, a full set of grey suit and black leather shoes. She was the birch village's Comrade Li Che. She was 35 years old, 1.6 meters tall, with a square face, big eyes, and was brimming with vitality. She was dressed in a blue middle mountain suit and black leather shoes. She was in her thirties, with a height of 1.7 meters. She had a square face, big eyes, a high nose bridge, delicate features, wore a suit, black pants and orange shoes. She was a comrade from Taoyuan Village. He was wearing a light gray suit and black leather shoes. After the four of them received the notification from Rural Government, they arrived at the generalization's old station at 5 p.m. on the 30th.

This time, when they went to investigate, the first step was to get on the carriage to Shen Yang; the second step was to get on the carriage to the Dalian; the third step was to get on the boat to the dragon's mouth; the fourth step was to get on the bus to get on Penglai. Around 8 pm, the visitors boarded the 108 trains that directly reached Qingdao, and arrived at Shenyang at 4 am the next day. He then took the Shenyang train to Dalian and arrived at the train station in the morning.

This team was led by the leader of the regional and rural enterprise bureau. After getting off the car, he had breakfast at Dalian. After that, the group of people took a bus to Dalian's famous tourist destination — "Old Tiger Beach". The Old Tiger Beach is located on the seaside, with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. It is a good place to travel and vacation. He saw the surface of the sea: boats and boats shuttling back and forth; the waves of the sea lapping against the shore; the sky above; the water in the sky; the water in the sky; the water in the sky; the water in the sky; the water in the sky; and near by, the cranes and cranes on the wharves were busy loading and unloading goods; and the sound of steam whistles could be heard from time to time from the passengers and the cargo ships. Looking again, there was a huge rock on the beach, with the words "Old Tiger Beach" carved on it. It was one of the busiest and most prosperous places: food, drinks, games, souvenirs; food stalls, one after the other; photographs, sketches, portraits, computer graphics, everywhere; tourists from Japan, Korea, Russia, England, and the United States. Most of them have yellow hair, blue eyes, and are very different from Chinese people...

Around Old Tiger Beach, there were people who took photos, watched the scene, drank soft drinks under umbrellas, ate ice cakes … In short, there were people crowded together, countless heads everywhere, people in red and green, people in all colors, people in all colors, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all colors, people in all shapes and sizes, people in all colors, people in all colors, people in all.

After finishing the swim in Old Tiger Beach, the Chief of the District and Township Enterprise gathered everyone together again, and went to the Dalian Pier to buy tickets. The Dalian's guest ship headed for the dragon's mouth set sail at 9 o'clock at night. Zi Peng and the rest of the four bought a third class cabin. The third class has a bunk for everyone, sitting or lying down. After boarding the ship, because it was night time, it was hard to see how the boat moved in the sea. The only sounds that could be heard were the continuous splashing of the water …

Around 5 AM in the morning, that is, on October 2nd, they arrived at the passenger dock in dragon's mouth City, Shandong. After getting off the boat, the summoner gathered everyone and said:

"Let's go to breakfast first, then we can take a bus to Penglai. The traffic from here to Penglai was very convenient. It would take about two hours. After we get there, we'll find a place to stay before we go on a tour of Penglai Island, where the Eight Immortals cross the Sea. "Tomorrow, after eating breakfast, everyone will have to remember to observe and visit the township and village enterprises."

After saying that, he led everyone out of the pier to eat. Then he took a bus to Penglai. The examiners had booked a small bus just in time to sit down. The minibus sped off in the direction of Penglai. The dragon's mouth was not too far from Penglai City. After traveling for about two hours, they finally arrived at Penglai City's passenger station. Convenor first finished the accommodation, and then took more than 20 people by car to Penglai Island sightseeing tour.

Penglai Island was actually on a mountain by the sea. There were all sorts of pavilions and pavilions on the mountain. Green pines and green cypresses were high in the sky. Strange rocks were scattered all over the mountain. Monks could be seen everywhere; the fragrance of exotic flowers and herbs filled the air. The paths in the forest were criss-crossed. What a great Penglai Immortal Island. As expected of the famous mountain of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Seas …

Upon reaching the summit, one would be able to see the beautiful scenery of the sea. There was an endless stream of tourists from Penglai Immortal Island. Some were on the island, while others were on the island. People were coming and going, bustling with activity and excitement …

After finishing the swim on Penglai Island, it was already past 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Under the call of the chief of the township enterprise, he ate lunch first and then went to the inn to rest. Because these two days came one after the other, they got off the train and got on the ship. They were all very tired, very tired, and all of them had to work very hard. Thus, he went to the hotel room and laid on the bed. Not long later, he started snoring.

On the morning of October 3, under the leadership of the chief of township enterprises, they arrived at the North Ditch Town Zinc Oxide Factory of Luan Jiakou, Penglai City. This is a Village enterprises. Zhang plant director of the zinc oxide factory introduced the general situation of production, sale and profit.

Zhang plant director was in his forties, with a height of 1.7 meters. His face was red, his eyes were big, and he looked like a talented person. He said:

"Our factory has three zinc oxide workshops and three smithing workshops. The raw material is 2,000 yuan per ton, the finished product is over 3,000 yuan per ton, the 3 stoves are 4 shifts per day, and the revenue is 1800 yuan. "In addition, there is also a rubber factory, with an annual income of 78 thousand yuan …"

He visited the zinc oxide factory and then came to the Longfuren Industrial Co., Ltd. This industrial company is a small-town enterprise: cement factory, textile factory, printing and dyeing factory, annual income more than 2 million...

The next day, October 4th, I visited Denzhou Denzhou Dengzhou Danzhuang Industrial Co., Ltd., in Penglai City. The company has 13 factories: rolling mill, plastics factory, machinery factory, etc., annual value of 15 million yuan, profit more than 5 million yuan. Now two residential buildings have been built...

The study tour was over, and the chief of township enterprises announced, "Take the minibus to Qingdao at 1 pm."

In the afternoon, he rented another passenger car and left Penglai for Qingdao. Arriving at Qingdao at around 5 pm. After getting out of the car, he would first solve the problem of living quarters and then eat. After dinner, the chief of the township company called the visitors to a meeting. He was in his thirties, tall, 1.8 meters tall, with a square face, big eyes, and a very handsome appearance. When everyone was present, the director said,

"This tour, study, and observation has all ended today. Tomorrow, I will move freely. Two days later, I will take the 107 trains from Qingdao to generalization. After arriving home, he reported the situation of the expedition to the leader. Alright, everyone rest. "

The next morning, October 5th, 1987. Wang Zipeng, Zhang Xi Long, Li Che and the Zhou family all went to Qingdao Landing Bridge to take a picture. After that, Zi Peng said:

"Leaders, now that our mission has been accomplished, I want to go to Ji Mo Cang and take a look. I will leave soon and rush back tomorrow. Please wait here for me, I won't leave until I see you."

The three of them nodded in agreement. Only then did Zi Peng get on the bus from Qingdao to Yimo. He arrived at Inter Mo City at around 2 PM. Zi Peng's hometown was in the Zhang Ge Zhuang Village of Chang Zhi Village, which was more than 10 kilometers away from the county city. When he came to Inter Mo City, he was unfamiliar with this place. He only knew that when he was young, this was Yimo County, and now it was the Inter Mo City. Although it was his hometown, he had not returned for close to 30 years and felt that it was a little strange. He didn't know when there was a bus to Zhang Ge Zhuang.

In the blink of an eye, 27 years had passed. From a young man who was only 16 years old, he had become a young man of 43 years of age. This was the first time he had used the opportunity to study a township company to visit his hometown. Although there were no close relatives in the family, there was still an uncle and his brother. It could be said that he had not come here in vain to see them.

Zi Peng took a look around Inter Mo City's wholesale market and discovered that there were too many changes here. There were skyscrapers everywhere, shops and shopping malls everywhere, as well as restaurants and restaurants everywhere. This wholesale market is not smaller than Shenyang City's Five Love wholesale market.

When Zi Peng was young, his father had brought him to a few county towns. At that time, the number of county towns were few, and the tallest buildings were only three stories tall. In a flash, 20 years had passed. How could there be no changes? As he walked, he wondered how he could find his uncle's house.

He came to the main street and wandered around, watching the changes to his old home, the Inter Mo City, that he had left for 27 years. This enormous change caused him to be endlessly shocked. As he walked, he saw a shop in front of him. Above the door was a sign that said Rent Bicycles. Therefore, Zi Peng thought, with this, why don't I rent a bicycle to the Zhang Ge Zhuang? If you ride a bicycle, you can get home within an hour at most while enjoying the scenery and walking on the bike. Right! Bicycle rental, he thought as he walked quickly to the bike rental shop. Inside the shop, there was a thirty year old female boss. She was very beautiful, had a tall stature, and had a pair of large eyes. Seeing that Zi Peng had arrived, she quickly went up to greet him.

"Comrade, do you want to rent a bicycle?"

"Yes, how much do I need to go to Zhang Ge Zhuang?

"3 yuan, the maximum is 3 hours."

"I'm not coming back tonight. Can I give you a ride tomorrow?"

"That won't do. We'll rent our bikes on the same day and return on the same day."

"Lady Boss, how about this. I'll put my ID here. You can give me my ID when we deliver the car tomorrow. "Because I've been away from home for 27 years. I want to go back and stay for the night."

The female boss observed Zi Peng for a while and said,

"So you came back from Northeast?"

"Yes, I left my hometown in 1960, exactly 27 years ago."

"Alright, since we are all from the same village, I agree. But then again, you have to be honest, I'm a real person. I've never believed in the words of others. I'll believe you once today. "

"Thank you." "Lady Boss, I will be back in the morning."

Zi Peng then took the 6 yuan and the ID card he had just finished this fall and handed it to the female owner. Then, he pushed out a bicycle. Zi Peng asked, "Boss, where are we going to the Zhang Ge Zhuang?"

"From here there is a road to the east. "Go around for a while and ask around again. That way, you'll find your home."

"Thank you, Lady Boss." Zi Peng said gratefully.

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