Romantic Love Letter/C17 Siping visit(part i)
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Romantic Love Letter/C17 Siping visit(part i)
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C17 Siping visit(part i)

The cool weather of late autumn was getting cold,

Planting ginseng at present;

Party and government cadres reach out to help

It was definitely called the Desolate Mountain Transformation Garden.

Wang Zipeng went to Shandong Penglai to explore the villages and businesses back, he didn't rest at home and went to work the next day. He knew that this was the best time to plant the ginseng, and also the most critical time. He had walked for more than a week, but he still did not know if the ginseng seed had finished broadcasting. I wonder how the ginseng is doing? He was worried. So the next morning, at six o'clock, he wheeled his bike to work. When he arrived at Yu Lixia's house, he saw Lixia standing by the side of the road and knew that she was waiting for him. When she saw Zi Peng coming over, Lixia quickly walked up and grabbed the handle of the car. She said somewhat angrily:

"second brother, you sure are busy! I haven't been able to catch your shadow for more than a week. Are you intentionally avoiding me? "

"little sister, you have misunderstood. Why would I intentionally avoid you?"

"Then why don't you tell me why I didn't leave here this week at work? I've been here every morning waiting for you, and you didn't show up until today. You said that this wasn't intentional. What is this? " She got angrier and angrier as she spoke, until it became a question.

"little sister, let me explain this to you. I have been to Ponley, Shandong, since the afternoon of September 30th. "I just got home last night. It's almost 7 o'clock, and today is the first day I'm going to work." Zi Peng explained calmly.

"Oh, I see. If you didn't tell me, would I really think that you were intentionally avoiding me? second brother was mistaken. little sister asks for second brother's forgiveness. second brother, I won't hold you up when you go to work. Just come back tonight and visit my house, okay? "

As she said this, the anger on her face was completely dispelled, and her flushed face calmed down. At this time, Zi Peng continued:

"little sister, can you tell me something?"

At this moment, Lixia's calm face was full of smiles. She smiled as she looked at Zi Peng with her bright black eyes and said affectionately:

"second brother, I've missed you so much in these past few days, I miss you in my heart. "Come back from work, let's have a chat. Do you like it?"

"The situation is, if I get off work early, then I'll come. If I get off work late, then I won't come. Didn't we meet today?"

After saying that, Zi Peng rode his bicycle to work. When he arrived at the village, all the Village cadres were there. Usually I work at 7: 30. What's the matter with me today? Just after seven o'clock? He pushed the door open and entered the room.

There were Village Head Deng Chunming s, Vice Village Chief Wang s and all the staff in the village. When they saw that Zi Peng had returned, they were all very happy and went up to shake his hand. Chun Ming asked:

"When did Secretary Wang return?"

"I came back last night." Zi Peng replied.

"Then you should rest at home for two days. I'm especially tired when you're away." the village chief asked with concern.

"No need, I see that everyone has come this early. Is there something wrong?" How is the planting of our ginseng going? " Zi Peng asked with concern.

"We planted and planted all the ginseng seed we bought in Three Rivers and Sampling Gully Village. Seeing that everyone has arrived so early, all of the Village cadres has been dispatched today to gather their forces to quickly raise their ginseng seed. " The Village Head and Zi Peng explained.

"In that case, I'll go too." Zi Peng insisted.

The village chief nodded in agreement. He went out again to hail a cab. There was a Beijing jeep in the village, and a half-cut car with 10 jute bags. Not long later, the village chief brought the carriage back and said:

"Secretary Wang, the carriage is ready. Everyone get on. It must be a hard day, so let's persevere. "

They all got into the car. The village chief, the secretary, the Deputy village chief and even Industry Director Hu Wenzhang, the four of them sat inside a car. Hu Wenzhang, 50 years old, 1.62 meters tall, slightly fat, with big eyes.

Director of Women's Affairs Ding Qingzhen, accountant Wang Xingbang, Company accountant Li Junying, medical director Cao Guoli, teller Liu Guochun. The five of them sat on the half car. Li Junying, 32 years old, 1.6 metres tall, with big eyes, two eyelids, slightly fat, and a pretty face; Liu Guochun, 28 years old, 1.6 metres tall, with a square face, big eyes, and delicate features.

A horn sounded and the car started. The two cars sped off in the general direction, one in front and one behind. In the car, Zi Peng said,

"We are all the main leaders of the village. I will report the situation of the enterprises in Penglai, Shandong province, to you."

Zi Peng then briefly reported the situation of the zinc oxide factory, Long Furen Industrial Co., and the Danzhou Zhen Si Jia Village to the three main leaders. Following that, Village Head Deng also introduced the work they had done during the week to Zi Peng. Chun Ming said:

"Secretary Wang, after you left, we weren't idle either. All the preparations for ginseng field were completed. We went to Three Rivers and Samoan Gully to get the ginseng seed and the ginseng seed back. We planted them in the fields and planted them in the fields. Now, a total of 230 curtain sowing seeds and 96 curtain planting ginseng. "

"How is ginseng technician?" Zi Peng asked with concern.

"It's alright from the eyes, I know how to do all sorts of work, my ginseng pond is pretty standard, planting ginseng and sowing ginseng seed won't be a problem." Chun Ming said.

"That's good. With a good technician, we can save a lot of trouble. "It seems that once the seedlings are unearthed in the spring of this year, can management be done?" Zi Peng said.

"We can only look at him now. We'll talk about it again during the new year, right?" Chun Ming replied to Zi Peng's question …

As they spoke, the car drove past the 206 hospital, which was only half an hour away. The weather in late autumn was both cool and not too cold. In the distance, the hills had been transformed into Five Flowers Mountain: maple leaves red, apricots yellow, pines greener, grass grayed; in the fields, the autumn harvest people were everywhere.

The car drove into Fast Town, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived at there. The workers of the ginseng field were all waiting for their arrival. The one who buys the ginseng comes, the one who sells the ginseng can raise the ginseng.

The people of ginseng field had ginseng, and the person who bought the ginseng was checking the ginseng at the back. They stayed until four in the afternoon. There were ten sacks in total. The last check weighed a total of 618 pounds. On average, if you plant 5 jin of each curtain, you can plant 130 curtains. Ginseng is priced at 25.5 yuan per catty, and the total amount is 10 thousand 5800 yuan.

After loading the car and paying, the Village cadres s got on the car and returned. They had been busy all day and had not had lunch yet. When the car reached the Fast Town, Chun Ming said:

"Let's find a restaurant to eat first, fill our stomachs before heading back. It's already dark anyway."

Thus, the group arrived at a restaurant. Each of them cooked tofu and a bowl of rice. After dinner, he continued to walk back. He returned to Taoyuan Village about 7: 30 in the evening. After getting off the car, they put the ginseng into the meeting room and went back to rest.

The next day at 7 o'clock in the morning, the ginseng was transported to ginseng field. All the staff in the village were mobilized. Some of them were lower ginseng, some of them were graded; the workers of ginseng field carried ginseng.

Before planting the ginseng, he must remove the excess ginseng tassel, leaving only his two legs. After getting rid of the whiskers, they still had to divide them into 1, 2, 3 and so on. This way, he could be divided into different levels and be easily managed. Village cadres spent two days to grow all of the ginseng.

With the ginseng planted on top of his body, Village cadres heaved a sigh of relief. Indeed, from the beginning of the plan to the end of the plan to invite ginseng technician s, buy ginseng seed s, buy ginseng seed s, all the way until the beginning of the plan, just ginseng, it had consumed a lot of Village cadres's energy!

This year, the Rural Government issued a ginseng plan of 340 curtains, which was actually 476 curtains. Among these curtains, 230 were sown seeds and 246 were planted. He had completed the development of the Ginseng index given by the Rural Government, which was 136 more than what he had planned. These achievements were the result of the hard work of the Village cadres. Once the ginseng was planted, there were a lot more work to do: A large number of artemisia and grass poles needed to be purchased to fight ginseng curtain s; More than five thousand ginseng branches, 2.5 thousand beams, and more than three thousand poles; over one ton of plastic with a width of two meters; and more than 500 jin of No. 22 iron wire. These needs required both manpower and financial resources. As such, the mission before Village cadres was still very heavy and difficult. In this kind of situation, Wang Zipeng, Deng Chunming and Wang Chang personally went to the ginseng field to have a meeting with them. , technicians and workers were informed about the future work situation and work indicators. Remind them not to loosen up and continue to work on the protection of the 476 curtain ginseng. Finally, the village chief said:

"The village paid a great price to develop the ginseng. Let's not talk about the workers, just talk about the money, it's no less than 100 thousand yuan. I hope you can live up to everyone's expectations and do your job well." Both the field length and the technicians stated:

"Please be at ease, Secretary and the Village Chief, we will not let down the expectations of the village, and will not drag the village down. The required ginseng curtain, ginseng, and all the materials, we guarantee that we can finish the mission before the ginseng is unearthed."

Coming down from the mountain, the three of them walked towards the village. When they reached the Great Ridge, the village chief said,

"Secretary Wang, go back first. It's almost time to get off work."

So Zipeng broke up with them in the Daling and headed home. When he was at work the day before yesterday morning, he ran into Rosia, who said she wanted him to come to her house after work. It just so happened that he went to raise his ginseng seed and came back late that day. When he got home, it was almost 9 o'clock and he did not go. He thought: Liza would have said he was deliberately avoiding her. He looked at the sky. It was still quite early, and it was not even 4 o'clock. He should make use of this time to visit the little sister. [You don't have to say. I really miss her these days.]

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