Romantic Soldier King In City/C2 A narrow road between enemies
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Romantic Soldier King In City/C2 A narrow road between enemies
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C2 A narrow road between enemies

An hour later, the Mercedes stopped in front of a grand suburban building. This was the headquarters of the recently built "Eagle's Claws Company."

"Oh my god!" Through the window, Deng Fan looked at the beautiful building in front of him like a palace. He could not help but sigh in his heart: "As expected of a monopoly, the aura here is really different!"

"Brother, this is the Eagle's Claws Company Headquarters. Hurry up and go in, I'll wait for you in the car." The young lad said respectfully to Deng Fan.

Deng Fan got out of the car and walked straight towards the main entrance of the building.

Before he could enter, he was stopped by a security guard in front of the door.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The security guard stopped Deng Fan and sized him up. Maybe it was because he saw that Deng Fan's clothes were rustic, so he had a disdainful expression on his face.

Deng Fan seemed to be able to see through the guard's thoughts with a glance, so he went straight to the point: "I'm here to look for Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Wang?"

"That's right, it's your boss, Wang Shusen!" Deng Fan said straightforwardly.

"You … You're looking for the chairman? " The security guard thought he had misheard, thinking that this person looked like he came from the countryside, and actually pointed out the name "Eagle's Claws Company", most likely to cause trouble, or else his brain was sick!

"My name is Deng Fan, I am here specifically to look for your Chairman, I will have to trouble you to inform him." Deng Fan said with a stern expression.

"Please show me your visiting card." The security guard didn't dare to rush him away. If he really was the boss's guest, then he wouldn't be able to keep his well-paid job. He thought for a while before speaking.

"What visiting card?" Deng Fan's face was filled with impatience, "Just tell the boss that I'm the recommended Deng Fan by the mayor."

When the security guard heard this, he was stunned. Why was this person talking about the chairman and the mayor? Just what kind of god and background did they have?

"What? Are you deaf or not? Hurry up and spread the news!" Deng Fan was annoyed.

"Without a visiting card, I won't let you in, and I won't pass it on to you. How would I know if you're a bad person?" The security guards were determined not to buy Deng Fan's money.

"Am I a bad person?" Deng Fan was helpless and angry, but he did not want to take action, in the end he could only nod his head and say: "Alright, alright, then I'll go sit in the hall and wait, okay?"

"Like I said, I won't let you in without a visiting card!" The security guard said as he pushed Deng Fan, but how could he move!

Deng Fan's legs seemed to have grown roots on the ground, and did not move at all!

The security guard could not help but be dumbfounded, thinking to himself, just who is this person? No matter what, Big Bro retired from the Special Forces and can't push him away?

At this moment, a receptionist walked out from inside.

"What happened?" the lady asked the guard.

"This guy said that he's here to look for the chairman, but he doesn't have a visiting card. I won't let him in, so no matter what, he won't leave." The security guard said.

Deng Fan was immediately captivated by the sexy and beautiful front desk lady, he stared at her and said: "Beautiful lady, I really have something to discuss with Chairman Wang Shusen, I'll have to trouble you to pass the message."

"Generally speaking, you can't go in without a visiting card." The receptionist said, "But there might be exceptions. Let me help you check on the computer. Follow me!"

"Miss is such a good person, you can definitely marry a good man." Deng Fan giggled as he followed them.

"Thank you, I'm already married." The woman smiled in embarrassment.

"Oh, you missed a good man." Deng Fan shrugged and did not speak anymore. His gaze was fixated on the beautiful woman's sexy waist, which was wrapped in a tight black uniform.

The receptionist looked around for a while before saying embarrassedly to Deng Fan: "Sir, I'm sorry, your name is not among the guests that have made the appointment. Are you sure that the person you have asked to meet is Mr. Wang Shusen?"

"Really?" Deng Fan seemed to not quite believe him, "Can you make it clearer? My name is Deng Fan, an extraordinary Fan, recommended by the General of Wen Du City for me … "

"I've checked very clearly. There's indeed no one with your name. Not even someone with the surname 'Deng'." The receptionist said firmly.

Deng Fan's face was full of helplessness. After some thought, he said, "Then can you give the chairman a call?"

"This... The chairman should be in a board meeting. He won't answer the phone. " The front desk girl looked troubled.

"Maybe he's already finished his meeting. How about you tell me what's the source of the insider information and I'll fight!" After he finished speaking, Deng Fan did not wait for the other party's agreement and directly picked up the microphone.

"There's no need to fight!" Someone suddenly answered and then stretched out a snow-white hand to stop the call.

"It sounded like a beauty's voice!" Deng Fan was overjoyed, thinking that he was really lucky today, seeing beauties everywhere. Wait! Why did this sound so familiar?

Suddenly turning around, it was indeed her!

It turned out that the one who spoke just now was the little beauty with a coin stuffed in his chest that Deng Fan had met at the airport!

"Why are you here?" Deng Fan's face was full of shock as he took the initiative to ask.

"This is my dad's company. Why can't I be here?" The woman asked, "Should I ask why you are here?"

Ah!" Deng Fan couldn't help but exclaim softly, "You're Wang Xinyu?

"How dare you!" This woman was Wang Shusen's precious daughter, Wang Xinyu. She was eighteen years old and when the peach was ripe, she was a budding girl. Now that Deng Fan had directly called her by her name, he could not help but ask angrily: "Did you call me by my full name? "Who the hell are you? Why are you sneaking into my dad's office?"

"What are you sneaking around for? I came in the open, alright? " Deng Fan straightened his waist and patted his chest as he spoke.

"Open and honorable? I think you don't know what is meant by that! " Wang Xinyu placed her hands on her waist and shouted, "The security guards told me that you don't have a visiting card, and that you are here to cause trouble."

"Am I here to cause trouble? "Then how do I know your name?" Deng Fan retorted.

Wang Xinyu snorted in disdain, and said: "In the entire Wen Du, who doesn't know my name? I wonder how many men have fallen in love with me? There's no lack of perverted men among them. Just thinking about me makes them feel disgusted, sullying my beauty. Who knows, you might be one of them! "

"You're saying that I'm a pervert?" Deng Fan pointed at his nose angrily.

"You are!" Wang Xinyu stamped her foot and pointed at Deng Fan: "Guard, why aren't you chasing him out? If you just stand there and don't work, why would my father pay you to come? "

"Yes!" I'll go right now! " Seeing the young miss's furious look, the security guard was so scared that his entire body trembled. He might lose his job at any moment, after which he pounced towards Deng Fan.

Deng Fan was very calm when he saw the security guards aggressively pouncing towards him. He only turned his body slightly, and used an unknown strange technique to lightly resolve the dangerous situation, and actually dropped the security guard behind him!

Ordinary people naturally wouldn't be able to see through this technique, but an expert would be able to tell with a single glance that this technique was called 'To be gentle and to fight against strength'. It only required a very small amount of force to borrow. No matter how fierce the force was, it could be easily neutralized!

"He actually knows how to fight!" The security guard who was sprawled on the ground looked at Deng Fan in fear and trepidation. Even though he had seen people who knew ancient martial arts before, this was the first time he had seen someone who could perfect such an extreme move!

"How is it? Is your dad trying to deduct their wages? To this extent, he's not my match at all! " Deng Fan looked at Wang Xinyu who was flustered and exasperated with her words.

"Eldest Miss, I'm not his opponent. I'll apply to resign tomorrow. No, if you really want me to kick him out, then I can only apply to resign now …" The security guard knew the difficulties and retreated. He got up from the ground awkwardly and said.

"Trash, scram. I don't want to see you again!" How could Wang Xinyu not be angry when she saw the security guards lose face for her?

"You can't blame him for that. It's not that he's incompetent, it's just that I'm too strong." Deng Fan said, "How about this, I will walk out by myself, you don't have to make things difficult for this security guard. I'm just working, and life isn't easy. "

When the security guard heard Deng Fan pleading for mercy on his behalf, he was extremely moved. Suddenly, he regretted his disrespectful and disrespectful attitude towards Deng Fan.

"Don't make it sound like you're great, I feel sick." Wang Xinyu said, "You better disappear from my sight right now, or I'll call the police."

"Alright, I'll go …" Deng Fan didn't want to make this a big deal, so just as he was about to turn around and walk out, he was suddenly stopped by a powerful, yet slightly aged voice.

"Little brother, please wait a moment!"

"Are you calling me?" Hearing that, Deng Fan turned around, and saw a man with dignified clothes walking towards him. Beside him was a man with glasses, also dressed in formal attire, with a solemn expression.

"Daddy!" Without waiting for the man's reply, Wang Xinyu had already went forward to welcome him.

The one who called out to Deng Fan was Wang Shusen, a slightly plump man who looked middle-aged and fat, and the glasses man who was following beside him was his assistant.

"Daddy?" Deng Fan muttered, and suddenly said: "You are the chairman of your company, Mr. Wang Shusen?"

"Exactly." Boss Wang said as he came in front of Deng Fan, sizing him up before continuing, "As expected of someone introduced by the mayor, he truly is a talented person."

"You know me?" Deng Fan asked in surprise.

"The mayor passed your information to me so I naturally recognize you. You are called Deng Fan, right?" Boss Wang asked slowly.

"So that's how it is, that's right, I am Deng Fan." Deng Fan nodded slightly.

"Good, good!" Boss Wang nodded his head in praise, "Although you are called Deng Fan, your ability is not ordinary at all."

"Thanks for your praise. Actually, I'm not as good as you think." Deng Fan had always been proud, he did not know why he suddenly become modest, maybe he wanted to leave a good impression on Wang Shusen!

"Wait a minute!" The confused Wang Xinyu suddenly interrupted the two people's conversation, "Father, what is going on? What mayor's recommendation, even I'm confused by it! "

"I will explain it to you." Boss Wang said, "Let's talk in the conference room over there!"

"Alright!" Deng Fan immediately agreed, and even gave a winning look to Wang Xinyu who was beside him.

Wang Xinyu was so angry that she stomped her feet, but there was nothing she could do, she could only follow her father to the meeting room.

After everyone left, the security guard and the front desk girl looked at each other, as if to say, "Who knew that such a rustic brat would get the Chairman to like him so much? If I had known, I would have wiped his shoes more! After this incident, they were taught a profound truth: one could not judge a book by its cover!

In the huge meeting room, only four people sat, they were Chairman Wang and his assistant, the rest were Wang Xinyu and Deng Fan.

The assistant and Wang Xinyu sat on both sides of the chairman, while Deng Fan sat in front of him alone.

"Yu, Deng Fan is the new bodyguard I have hired for you. From now on, he will be in charge of your safety." Boss Wang went straight to the point.

"What?" I don't want him to be my bodyguard! " Wang Xinyu immediately expressed her opposition and stood up from her seat.

"Why?" Boss Wang asked his daughter in surprise.

"He … He's a scoundrel! " Wang Xinyu recalled the scene at the airport with Deng Fan and couldn't help blushing.

"Oh? What do you mean? "

"Mr. Wang, actually, I've met with your love before …" Deng Fan said softly, his gaze never leaving Wang Xinyu's face, as he observed her reaction.

"Really?" Boss Wang was stunned.

"It's true. We met at the airport." Deng Fan immediately said.

"You still have the nerve to say that? I just got off the plane and I met a rascal like you …" The more Wang Xinyu thought about it, the angrier she got, and she could not help but scold: "I've never seen someone as shameless as you!"

"Yu, what happened? Why did you scold people for no reason at all? " Boss Wang chided his daughter.

"For no reason? You can ask him, and let him tell you what he did to me. I'll see if he can say it himself! " Wang Xinyu stared at Deng Fan, waiting for his reply.

"It's like this. When I was at the airport entrance, I saw your love was about to fall down, so I pulled her. Maybe it's because I moved a little too much and your love is rarely so intimate with a man, that a misunderstanding arose …"

Without waiting for Deng Fan to finish speaking, Boss Wang smiled and said: "Oh, so that's how it is! "My daughter is just too sensitive. She has often thought that men want to take advantage of her, so she has yet to pick a partner."

"It's okay, she's still young, don't worry about that." Deng Fan immediately said, and intentionally gave Wang Xinyu a coquettish look, but of course the movements were small, if not in front of him, it would be very hard to detect.

"You dare to say I'm young?" What Wang Xinyu hated the most was her father frequently seeing her as a child, so she was afraid that others would call her young. In fact, in her parents' eyes, her own child would forever be a child.

"Oh, it's not small, it's not small. Otherwise, how could it be so tight on a coin?" Deng Fan immediately changed his words and spoke in a low voice.

"You …" Wang Xinyu was furious, she stared straight at Deng Fan, her beautiful eyes almost spitting fire. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine that there would be a man who would dare to seduce her twice in such a short span of less than two hours!

However, Wang Shusen was confused, he looked at the couple who were in confrontation and did not know what to say.

In fact, Deng Fan knew that Wang Xinyu would not reveal the truth so he said that.

After a while, Wang Shusen slowly asked Deng Fan: "Little Brother Deng, what coin did you say just now?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just talking to myself. Sorry about that." Deng Fan quickly helped her resolve the situation.

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