Rural Boy's Official Career/C18 Good Idea
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Rural Boy's Official Career/C18 Good Idea
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C18 Good Idea

There were indeed not many people in the afternoon. Other than the dog with its tongue hanging out in the shade of a tree, there were almost no other living beings in the streets of the village.

The yard was very quiet. Only a goose in the chicken coop at the foot of the wall stretched its neck, saw a stranger come in, and gave a few "quack quack" sounds, causing the duck who was napping to flutter a few times.

Apart from dogs, geese were the second best guard in the world. Shan Wazi's goose was a powerful master. As long as someone came in, he would pinch them with his mouth. If he wasn't careful, he would leave a bruise on his butt or thigh. It was because the goose was so powerful that Yang Hui had no choice but to lock it up in the chicken coop.

Although the goose was locked in the chicken coop, Yang Huiying was still very sensitive to its cries. She knew that someone had come and quickly put on her clothes and got off the bed. Looking through the window, Yang Hui Ying's heart skipped a beat when she saw it was Ma Dong. She subconsciously patted her chest hurriedly and repeatedly touched it a few times, thinking, "Why did you come running over at this time, you little unlearned brat!"

Yang Huiying hurriedly buttoned his shirt and walked to the entrance of the main house.

Ma Dong did not even bother being polite when he entered the yard. He directly walked toward the main house and suddenly raised his head to see Yang Hui standing by the door. His expression was strange, and he was even slightly shocked as he said, "Aunt, this is noon. What are you doing standing at the door?"

Yang Hui Ying took a deep breath and remained silent. He pushed open the door and signaled Ma Dong to come in. Most of the walls in the village were very short, and were not soundproof. Furthermore, one could see everything just by standing on a stool. Yang Hui Ying wanted Ma Dong to come in quickly so that he wouldn't be seen by his neighbors.

Ma Dong flashed into the room and immediately became bold. He boldly said in a somewhat shameless manner, "Aunt, what happened to you last night? Just let me try. "

How could Yang Hui Ying endure such a question? His face was completely red. "Ma Dong, you can't speak to Aunt like this in the future!"

"Sure, no problem." Ma Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "But you have to let me try once to see if I've used it properly."

"When you find a wife in the future, you can slowly try it out." Yang Hui straightened his hair and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Aunt, you're wrong. Before you verify that I'm alright, how can you find a wife?" Ma Dong said, "What if it doesn't work? Wouldn't that be harming her?"

"Then, then why did you insist on looking for me?"

"Because you're the best woman in the village." Ma Dong said, "Guanyin Bodhisattva who rescued us from calamity, go through with your plan!"

After saying that, Ma Dong hugged Yang Hui Ying and pushed her toward the house.

Yang Huiying was a little suffocated. She felt powerless to resist, and she did not want to resist at all. Ma Dong's mind was clear. Without saying anything further, he used all his strength and flipped her over onto the bed.

"Dong Zi, you bad guy …" Yang Huiying muttered, "Just this once, just this once, Aunt will never agree again …"

Ma Dong used the rest of his work to prove that he was capable. However, he felt particularly tired.

Get ready to roll over and take a good rest.

However, at this moment, the sound of footsteps rang out in the courtyard.

Yang Hui Ying was completely flustered. He sat up and pushed Ma Dong to the side as he complained in a low voice, "This damned goose. Why is there not a single sound?" Dong Zi, hurry up and hide under the bed. If others were to find out, I would not be able to survive. "

Ma Dong was extremely quick-witted. With a roll of his body, he got off the bed and snuck under the bed.

Yang Hui Ying didn't even have time to put on his clothes and hurriedly covered himself with the bed sheets. When he caught sight of Ma Dong's clothes, he immediately grabbed them and threw them under the bed.

"Hui Ying, Hui Ying!" It turned out that Zhao Da He had returned. He entered the room and asked, "Are you alright?"

"What is it? What can I do for you?" Yang Huiying pretended to be in a daze, "I say, the geese in the yard didn't even make a sound. So it's you, ah. School holiday?"

"No, I don't have any classes in the afternoon." Zhao Daghe swallowed his saliva, "I was just thinking that that brilliant Lou would shamelessly come looking for you, I was afraid that he would go against his words."

"How could that be? He's already so old. I refuse to believe that the prodigy would do such a thing." Yang Hui Ying yawned as he thought it through in his mind. He had to get rid of Zhao Da He as soon as possible and let Ma Dong find an opportunity to slip away. Big River, Little Kang went to catch shrimp under the south bridge. Go and see what's going on, let him come back. " "No," she said.

"Let him catch us if he wants, it's rare for us to be together." Zhao Daghe sat on the edge of the bed.

"No, I'm so tired from collecting peanuts in the fields in the morning, how can I have the strength to work? Tonight, go find Kang to go home first."

"Sure." Zhao Daghe stood up, "I'll go look for Kang to come back."

Just as he was about to step out of the door, Ma Dong suddenly appeared under the bed, causing trouble. It turned out that Dou Dou had eaten too much at noon and was bloated. He wanted to fart all the time, but he could not hold it in any longer. He could not help but fart loudly.

This fart seemed very thick and full of confidence. Zhao Dahe was shocked and turned around to look at Yang Huiying in fear. Yang Huiying understood in his heart, and quickly touched his belly, "Aiya, my stomach is always bloated after eating the nibbled soybeans at noon."

Zhao Dahe didn't expect that there would be a man farting under the bed. He firmly believed Yang Hui Ying's words and could not help but laugh out loud, "Aiya, Hui Ying, you are farting like a man."

Hearing this, Yang Hui Ying's face turned red, but he couldn't retort, "I'm telling you to go look for Kang Kang, don't let anything happen to him alone."

Zhao Daghe agreed and went out.

Yang Hui Ying immediately leaned over the edge of the bed and looked down, "Dong Zi, you really did something bad, what are you farting about now!"

"Aunt, how is it that I want to release her? I can't hold it in any longer." With a wronged expression, Ma Dong crawled out from under the bed. "Aunt, I need to hurry up and leave so that I don't get discovered." With that, he left.

Yang Hui Ying did not say anything else and told Ma Dong to disappear as soon as possible.

Ma Dong ran out of Yang Hui Ying's house. He thought about it and decided to just go to the orchard.

Passing through the south bridge was inevitable. Ma Dong raised his head and saw the Brilliant Tower and Zhao Daghe standing at the head of the bridge. The Brilliant Tower had its hands on its belly as if they were on top of each other. When he went to look for the well-off, he was caught red-handed by the Tower of Brilliance.

"I say, Big River, you're too ungrateful. You clearly said it, but if you let your wife sleep for me, then it'll be even." The Tower of Excellence looked down from above.

Zhao Daghe nodded and bowed, "Village Head, but you know that if my wife doesn't agree, there's nothing I can do about it. If it's really not possible, then we'll just have to pay a fine. "

"Hehe, pay a fine? The village is filled with propaganda slogans, and I believe you've seen it. Family planning is very tight right now, so don't think that you can have two babies just by paying a fine. " "You decide what to do!" With that, he squeezed out some rice dregs from his teeth and prepared to leave.

Zhao Daghe was dumbfounded by these words. He pulled Brilliant Tower and said, "Village Head, don't be in such a hurry. What's wrong? Why can't you do your work slowly?"

Brilliant Lou stopped with pride. "Big river, it's not that I, Brilliant Lou, want to sleep with your wife, but that you did it to my woman first. Where else would I put my face?"

"I, I didn't get your woman …" Zhao Daghe's voice was very soft.

"Nonsense!" "Anyway, listen carefully. If your woman doesn't give me a nap, don't even think about giving birth to a second child!"

Zhao Daghe looked at Brilliant Tower's face and felt extremely disgusted, but there was nothing he could do about it. The matter of having two babies was very important, he couldn't afford to anger Brilliant Tower. There were some things he had to take a good sniff at. Village Chief, look at what you're saying. Zhao Daghe forced a smile onto his face, "What did you say just now? You don't want to pay the fine and you can give birth to a second child?"

"To punish you!" Brilliant Lou turned serious. "You are a teacher, so you should understand this principle. Now the country has made family planning a big issue. Think about it, how could it not be serious?" It's a light punishment, but a heavy punishment, you might be sentenced for a few more years, do you believe me?! However, this is a question of whether it's light or heavy, so it's up to me!

Zhao Daghe stared at Brilliant Tower, his face revealing a trace of fear. His mouth twitched a few times, "The village..." Village Chief, no matter what, you have to help me. Look at my family's well-off, they don't want to age. "

"Enough, Big River, don't say anything else. Just say the same thing again. If I ask your woman to sleep for me once, I will solve anything!"

Hearing this, Zhao Dahe was a little swayed, but thinking about Yang Hui Ying's determination to make things difficult again, he could not help but scratch his head.

"Bro, if you're done scratching your head, you should give me a confirmation, right? Just be straightforward, or else I'll go back on my word. Not only will I not take care of your second child, I'll even go to the village police station to report you for screwing my woman!"

As soon as Brilliant Lou mentioned the word "village," Zhao Daghe slapped his thigh in joy, "Village Head, there's a way!"

Seeing Zhao Dahe beaming with joy, he thought that he was done with it now. He would definitely be able to hug Yang Hui Ying and sleep at night.

"In the end, Brother Dahe has opened his eyes." Actually, it's nothing much, it's just sleeping with your woman. " The Brilliant Tower couldn't help but laugh.

"No, no, no, not sleeping with me!" Zhao Daghe waved his hands repeatedly.

"What's wrong, why are you going back on your word so quickly?!"

"No, Village Chief, I said I had a way. I didn't mean to let you sleep with my woman." Zhao Daghe hurriedly explained, "I told you to sleep with another woman, no, not a woman, but a girl. Someone who has never given birth to a child is definitely beautiful!"

Hearing this, the Brilliant Tower's eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets. Of course, that's good. A girl who has never given birth to a child does not look like a fresh bamboo shoot? No matter how good that Yang Huiying was, he had given birth to a child. How could he compare to a woman who had never given birth to a child!

"What did you say? Big River, don't you dare change your mind?" "Who is that girl?"

Zhao Daghe took Brilliant Tower's hand away, "Village Head, if you're in a hurry, then no, I don't even know who that young lady is!"

Hearing that, the Brilliant Tower got angry again, raised his hand and pointed, "Zhao Dahu, are you messing with me? "Good, you have guts!"

"Village Chief, look, you're getting anxious again, aren't you?" Zhao Daghe smiled, "Listen to me slowly."

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