Rural Boy's Official Career/C20 Bee Sting
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Rural Boy's Official Career/C20 Bee Sting
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C20 Bee Sting

After hearing this, Ma Dong felt that Li Lin was still the same as ever. Her heart was still very kind. When he thought of this, he wanted to hug Li Lin and cry out in gratitude. However, Li Lin was rather big and plump, and looked very energetic. If it weren't for her fair and tender skin and pretty face, she would have been a good worker. Ma Dong didn't dare to rashly hug her.

"Big Sister Li Lin, you're really a great person, but I can't tell you if I can or not."

"Then what can't I say? Excuse me?"

"No, I can't tell you that." At this point, Ma Dong was no longer afraid of Li Lin. No matter what, she was still a woman.

"Why can't I tell you?" Li Lin's face hardened. "I'm a doctor."

"But you're a female doctor, and you're not married yet. I'm not married yet, so what's the point of saying all this?" Ma Dong picked up the bottle of alcohol and prepared to leave.

"Stop right there, what's the meaning of this? What other thoughts do you have?" Li Lin rolled her eyes.

Ma Dong didn't understand what Li Lin was thinking, but looking at her pretty face, he suddenly had a different feeling. She was actually just a woman. What was there to be afraid of? Immediately, his heart cleared up, his entire body relaxed, "Sister Li Lin, I don't have any thoughts. Do you really want to know if my thing is useless?"

"Hur hur." Li Lin smiled, revealing her snow-white teeth. "You've thought it through. You dare to say that?"

"What are you saying?" Ma Dong revealed his usual crafty smile. "You'll know once you try!"

Hearing this, Li Lin's face turned red and the corners of her mouth twitched. She raised her hand to hit him. "Good job, Ma Dong. You dare to take advantage of me!"

Ma Dong raised his hand to parry her words. "Big sister Li Lin, how am I taking advantage of you? You should have taken advantage of me long ago. Have you forgotten about what happened at the riverside?" "You're still holding onto me and not letting go? If I wasn't crying from the pain, would you have just kept holding onto me?"

When Li Lin heard this, she became anxious and angry. Her meaty mouth pouted as she said, "Ma Dong, if I don't beat you up today, my surname won't be Li!" After he finished speaking, he bent down to buckle his shoelaces and pounced towards Ma Dong.

How could Ma Dong just stand there without doing anything? He circled around the table. Li Lin had a lot of meat on her body. After running a few laps, she began to pant. "Ma … Ma Dong, you stay here for me. Let me pinch you a few times. How about … how about I prick you with a needle!"

"Look, Sister Li Lin, your nose is sweating. Why are you working so hard?" With a mischievous smile, Ma Dong stretched out his hand across the table and said, "Here, let me wipe this for you!"

Li Lin seized the opportunity to grab Ma Dong. "Let's see where you can run to!"

However, Li Lin was still a girl after all. Although she wasn't small, she didn't have much strength. It was during this time that Ma Dong was full of energy. With a tug, Li Lin was pulled over and laid on the table.

Ma Dong lowered his head and peeked at Li Lin's open collar. He was instantly stupefied. What kind of thing was that? He could not help shaking his head and sighing.

Li Lin snapped out of her daze and lowered her head to take a look. Then, she abruptly raised her head and shouted, "Ma Dong, I'm done with you today!" With that, he wrapped his arms around Ma Dong's waist and said, "I was a hoodlum when I was young, but when I grew up, I was still a hoodlum!"

"How, how did I become a hoodlum?" Ma Dong anxiously struggled free and said, "It's not like I was peeking at your clothes. You were the one who sent it under my nose!"

"Still quibbling!" Li Lin didn't let go, but she had already circled around the table in an attempt to throw Ma Dong onto the ground. However, it wasn't that easy. Ma Dong had done a lot of work and his body was extremely hard. Li Lin fell twice, but did not fall. "Yo, you still can't fall!" This was great! The harder Li Lin put in, the tighter her body was against Ma Dong's. Ma Dong was truly amused. Li Lin was rubbing his back against him, which made him feel extremely comfortable. "Sister Li Lin, use all your strength! Use even more strength!

Li Lin was no fool. After pausing for a moment, she immediately understood what was going on and let go of Ma Dong. Breathing heavily, she said, "Ma Dong, you took advantage of me today. I'll make you suffer another day!"

Ma Dong looked at Li Lin, but didn't feel any anger coming from her face. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Sis Li Lin, tell me, how will you make me suffer another day?" "Just now was so comfortable, how are you going to make me feel good?"

Li Lin was so embarrassed that her face turned red. She turned around and took out a needle and was about to stab Ma Dong.

Ma Dong hurriedly grabbed the half bottle of alcohol and ran outside. Coincidentally, someone just happened to enter the room. In a moment of desperation, he forcefully pushed that person away.

"Brat, have you gone mad?!" The one that was pushed down was the Tower of Excellence.

When Ma Dong saw this, he hurriedly put down the bottle of alcohol and knelt down to pull up the building. "Yo, Village Chief, I didn't see anything. Did it fall?"

Brilliant Tower stood up and patted his butt, "I asked you to find some alcohol, why did you take so long? The inspection team from the village will be arriving soon, but Hornet's Nest is still here! "

"I'm going, I'm going!" Ma Dong ran off with the bottle of alcohol in his hand.

Gao Wan turned to look at Li Lin, a needle in his hand, and glared at her. "What's the matter, Li Lin? Did Dong Zi bully you?"

"No, I... I just don't like him and want to teach him a lesson! " Li Lin put away the needle and calmed her breathing.

"Li Lin, if you have something to tell me, tell me. How could I allow a dog like Dong Zi to bully you? But it doesn't matter, after all, he's still a coward."

"How can he bully me, I'm going to stab him to death!" Li Lin tilted her head to the side, appearing to be very interested.

The Brilliant Tower also knew what was going on. Laughing mischievously, they retreated out of the hall.

Damn it, isn't that the brother of a scoundrel who doesn't care for his life? Otherwise, I'll kill you!" At the mention of Li Lin's brother, Li Ergou began to criticize Li Lin again. "Damn it, you're not satisfied with just harming one side in the village, yet you dare to behave atrociously in a county town? How could that be a place for you to cause a ruckus?" Li Ergou had stayed in the village for two years and had gone to a county town, saying that he wanted to make a scene. But after just a few days, he had committed a crime and was locked up, then came out much more docile. He had heard that he entered a large shopping mall to act as a security guard and even talked about someone he wanted to meet in the city with. But even so, his prestige was still there. To mention his name in the village was still quite intimidating.

When they entered the courtyard of the village, Gao Ming saw Ma Dong spraying alcohol onto a straw ball. He was worried that Ma Dong might fail and get stung by the Hornet's Hornet's Nest, so he didn't dare to go over.

"Village Head, can you help me light a fire?" Ma Dong raised the bamboo pole and a ball of straw with alcohol on the head reached his hand out to the pavilion. Brilliant Tower reluctantly walked over, took out a match and struck it. His hand was a little shaky.

"Village Chief, are you afraid?" Ma Dong asked.

"Afraid?" "Why would a living person be afraid of such a small thing? "What a joke!"

Ma Dong didn't reply. He looked at the trembling hands of the pavilion master and laughed inwardly.

Li Lin also stood in the distance, watching the commotion.

Ma Dong thrust the torch at the hornet's nest. The first one was still alright. The big flame immediately covered the beehive, causing the wasps to fall down while curling their bodies. After that, the beehive was poked out of the beehive. However, the second one wouldn't do. The flames grew smaller and smaller. A dozen wasps flew out, heading straight for Ma Dong.

Ma Dong felt that no matter what, he should still poke the beehive out, so he didn't stop there. He insisted on poking the second beehive out as well. But by this time, it was already too late for him to run, and he was the first one to feel a stinging sensation on his forehead. He cried out and threw down his bamboo pole and ran, but the hornet chased him and continued to sting his hand.

Ma Dong let out a hysterical scream.

"Lie down! Lie down! " Li Lin shouted from afar, "Ma Dong, quickly lie down! Lie down and don't bite anyone!"

He was in a panic and didn't know which path to take. Now, whoever was speaking, Ma Dong would listen. He immediately tumbled and fell to the ground. Needless to say, it really worked. After lying on the ground, the wasps flew away. However, Ma Dong's hand had already been stung three times, causing his eyes to tear from the pain.

Li Lin ran over and told Ma Dong to go to the bathroom to apply some medicine. "Dong Zi, you did well. I'll give you ten extra dollars for today. You've made a great contribution to the village!" After saying this, he had Li Lin help Ma Dong into the bathroom.

A large bump appeared on Ma Dong's forehead, making his handsome face look extremely comical. Li Lin looked at it again and again. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

"Big Sister Li Lin, are you complacent now?" Ma Dong said with a crooked mouth.

"That's right. I told you that I would make you feel better about yourself another day. Look, the heavens are finally willing to help me. Today, you have already done me a favor!" Li Lin took out a pair of tweezers from her medicine box. "Don't move, I'll pull out the wasp's poison needle for you."

The poison in Ma Dong's body didn't hurt too much. He sat on his sickbed and grinded his teeth as he endured the pain. However, as he was rubbing the poison, he couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

"Look at you, this is nothing. People from the People's Liberation Army can only be like you, who lost an arm or a leg on the battlefield." Li Lin carefully wiped the liquid on her forehead and said seriously.

"Sister Li Lin, this is an era of peace. Don't use the matters of the war era to teach me." Hearing this, Ma Dong felt embarrassed, so he simply closed his eyes. However, just as his eyelids drooped down, he once again saw Li Lin's open collar. "Big sister Li Lin, I beg you, please button up properly, I don't want to be stung by wasps anymore!" Ma Dong grinned evilly.

Li Lin lowered her head to look and slapped Ma Dong's butt. "You scoundrel, yet you're still thinking so much!?" Why didn't the wasp bite your eyelids just now, and you couldn't see it! "

"Oh wow, Big Sister Li Lin, you're really vicious!" Ma Dong reached out his hand to pinch Li Lin's butt. "Why don't you pity me a little!"

With a pinch, as if she'd been struck by an electric shock, Li Lin jabbed the stick against Ma Dong's wound. "Aiya!" Ma Dong was in so much pain that beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. Seeing this, Li Lin laughed out loud. "Ma Dong, you reap what you sow!"

Ma Dong was not angry at all after the pain. Instead, he smiled mischievously at Li Lin and said, "Big sis Li Lin, your ass is so soft. It's so springy that you can't even pinch it!"

Hearing this, Li Lin stretched out her hand to pinch Ma Dong's mouth.

Ma Dong fell backwards onto the sickly bed. Li Lin couldn't hold herself back and used her body's momentum to push herself down.

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