Rural Doctor's Romance/C2 Husband and Wife Life
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Rural Doctor's Romance/C2 Husband and Wife Life
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C2 Husband and Wife Life

Hua Qigang's house was currently lit with a thirty-watt incandescent lamp.

Under the dim light, Zhang Cuihua sat by the bedside and lifted her two-year-old daughter, Little Niuniu, up. The little girl clicked her tongue as she took off her clothes. Hua Qigang, who only had his big underpants left, was extremely impatient.

Hua Qigang had a bamboo pillow under his butt and was half leaning against the wall of the inner bed. He started to complain, "Wife, don't just focus on giving it to the little child to eat. You have to consider how it feels to be a husband. How about letting me have a few bites too? "

" Shameless brat, you even got jealous of the little kid? She's your daughter!"

Even though Zhang Cuihua said so, how could she not be anxious?

This bastard Hua Qigang did not come back once in half a year. Every time he called back, he would say that there were many things happening at the construction site and that he wanted to earn more dowry money for Little Niuniu.

But she was a normal woman who was not even thirty years old. She had the most physiological needs. If her husband did not come home for half a year, wouldn't that be the same as staying a widow for half a year?

"Wife, you are making me feel very uncomfortable. Why don't you let me pinch you a few times first?"

Hua Qigang's hand had just stretched out when Zhang Cuihua knocked it off. "Go to hell. Little Niuniu does not like to be disturbed by others when she drinks milk!"

"Then I will just take a look at it a few times."

"Look at your head. Why didn't you come back to see the two of us in the past six months?"

At this moment, Zhang Cuihua still had anger in her heart.

She thought of the happy life of a husband and wife when they just got married.

This was because when Little Niuniu was only one year old, Hua Qigang was no longer as impressive as before. It was not easy for them to have a husband and wife life, and that place still had to be transparent.

Hua Qigang said that it was hard to build construction sites during this period of time, so it was safe to bring this thing. It could also prevent her from carrying it again. Zhang Cuihua thought about it and felt that it made sense, so she endured it. But this ghost always finished after two or three tries. It was neither warm nor hot, making her feel uncomfortable.

At least the bamboo pole and rifle could still be used, but this damn flash didn't come back for half a year.

In this half a year, Zhang Cuihua had brought along a baby who was not even two years old. Every time she had a need, she would only secretly blush and resist thinking about it. What kind of life was this?

Thinking about the grievances these few months, how could Zhang Cuihua not be angry?

"Wife, I am earning dowry money for Little Niuniu, right? I have just finished my work at the construction site today and I have been thinking about you all. I'll be back soon to see you guys." Hua Qigang felt that these words were not sincere enough, so he immediately added. " Wife, I even bought you a gold ring. I forgot to come back in such a hurry at the construction site. I'll bring it back for you next time. "

Women loved to listen to flowery words, and Zhang Cuihua was no exception. Hua Qigang's words were useful.

Zhang Cuihua's expression clearly eased up. She thought about how it was not easy for her husband to work at the construction site these two years. He still thought about the two of them in his heart.

He just came back and helped the family cut the firewood and fetch water. He could be considered a diligent man.

Actually, she also thought about having a husband and wife life with Qigang today. She hadn't had that taste for half a year. How could she not feel lonely and unbearable?

"We can live together again in a while. I'm just afraid that the village head will pass by our house. I'm afraid that when he sees that our house is lit, he will come to listen to the wall!"

"Hehe, that's easy. Let's turn off the lights and then do something."

Hua Qigang said as he pulled out the lights and pressed them against Zhang Cuihua.

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