Rural Doctor's Romance/C6 Listen to the Wall in the Middle of the Night
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Rural Doctor's Romance/C6 Listen to the Wall in the Middle of the Night
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C6 Listen to the Wall in the Middle of the Night

Mao Xiaojun rolled down the mountain and caused a huge commotion on the quiet cliff. Zhang Cuihua and Hua Qigang, who were using their flashlights to look for thieves, immediately ran to the side of the big peach tree.

Looking at the mountain mud that kept rolling down, Hua Qigang was afraid.

"Wife, did that thief fall down the mountain?"

If someone really fell down the hill, it would cost a person's life. At this moment, Zhang Cuihua was so scared that her face changed color.

"Maybe he really fell down. Otherwise, why would he cause such a big commotion out of nowhere?"

As Zhang Cuihua spoke, she did not forget to use the torchlight to illuminate the dark foot of the mountain.

"Then what should we do?"

"What else can we do? Let's go back quickly. Don't tell anyone about this, or else we'll be in trouble."

"Wife, how could I dare to say that? I'll go back to the construction site tomorrow morning."

Then, the two of them quickly ran back the way they came.

In just a short while, Mao Xiaojun, who had rolled down to the foot of the mountain, had his skin turned black with oil. He did not feel anything at all, as if he was dead.

On the little darling below him, the little black snake was still biting him. The little snake swallowed everything that looked like a huge earthworm. However, it could not swallow it. It just stood there in a deadlock.

Less than five meters away from where Mao Xiaojun was lying, an old man with white hair and a white beard suddenly appeared. The old man slowly walked over. When he saw this scene, he frowned.

"The King Snake of Black Gold, it actually appeared here!"

"Grandpa, is this the legendary Black-Golden Snake? What is it biting in its mouth?"

A girl in white appeared beside the white-haired old man. The girl's skin was as smooth as fat and white as a hibiscus. She was like a goddess descending to the mortal world.

"Hehe, this is the lifeblood of a man. I wonder what's wrong with this snake. It actually bit that person's lifeblood and refused to let go." After saying that, the white-haired old man walked to Mao Xiaojun's side and stretched out his hand to sense the information in Mao Xiaojun's body.

After a while, the old man put down his hand and slowly said, "This person went back to the village to get the subsidy and accidentally heard the couple's whispers. In the end, he was discovered fleeing to the edge of the cliff and was bitten by this little female snake. He fell down from the mountain "

"Ah! Wouldn't that be too unlucky? Grandpa, are you going to save him? "

" Of course I'm saved, but I can't save him for nothing. " The white-haired old man smiled and said, "Xiaoxue, do you know how precious the King Snake is? Your grandfather has lived for more than a hundred years, and this is the first time I've seen it. "

"Isn't it just a little black snake? What's its use?"

The white-haired old man stretched out his right hand towards the black snake. The black snake quickly turned into a black pill and floated into his hand. Then, the old man took out a white pill from under his belt. After mixing the white and black pills together, he walked to the side of the unconscious Mao Xiaojun. He opened his mouth and put the two pills into his mouth.

"The Divine Pill concocted by the King Snake of Black Gold can cure hundreds of poisons, plus my Nine Revolutions Immortal Pill. Where? The effect of the Divine Pill nurtured by the Black Gold Snake was unimaginable. In order to cultivate Divine Pills, these two pills must be nurtured in his body for 49 days before they can be completed." The white-haired old man looked at the two pills entering Mao Xiaojun's body and said with a smile. "After 49 days, your father and mother will be saved."

When Mao Xiaojun woke up, it was already the second night. He got up from the ground and patted the dirt all over his body.

He scratched his head in confusion. Although Peach Blossom Mountain was a huge mountain of mud, it was impossible for nothing to happen when one rolled down from such a tall mountain.

He stretched out his hand to stretch his muscles and bones. He found that something was wrong with his body. His originally weak body seemed to be full of energy now.

He remembered that when he fell down from the mountain, the little bird below was bitten by a black snake. It had been a day and a night. Would the little bird be bitten off by that beast?

Mao Xiaojun hurriedly took off his pants and found that the little darling was still there. Not only was he fine, but he was also much stronger than before.

He did not care anymore. As long as his body was fine.

At this moment, his stomach started to growl. It seemed like he hadn't eaten anything for the whole day.

Mao Xiaojun thought that he could not go back home, so where should he go?

He thought of his cousin, Zhang Tiehniu, who was in Zhang Villiage. He remembered that Zhang Villiage was not far from here, and it would only take him less than half an hour to get there.

Since it was still dark, he might as well go to his cousin's place and freeload on dinner.

Mao Xiaojun climbed up the hill from the foot of the mountain and found that he was not even breathing. Then, he ran to Zhang Villiage in one breath.

As soon as he found his cousin's house, he heard someone talking in the house.

After all, he had not been back for so many years. He did not know what his cousin's house was like now. He was not stupid, so he would not knock on the door. He just wanted to hear what they were talking about.

"Zhang Tiehniu! You damn eunuch reincarnated. You don't have the ability to give birth to babies. Now, your whole family is still counting on me?"

The one who spoke was Zhang Tiehniu's wife, Miao Xuemei.

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