See the Ghosts/C10 Lock ghost
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See the Ghosts/C10 Lock ghost
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C10 Lock ghost

"Huh?" I started, then looked at her in horror. It's not a problem to deal with such a damned old woman, but if it was me, it would be a big problem! The trash of cultivation experience that I have here, are you going to collect it or it's going to accept me?

The old woman threw me a contemptuous look. "Oh, come on, I have to go back to bed."

After seriously looking at the old woman for a while, I confirmed that she really wasn't joking. I swallowed my saliva and trembled as I shifted my gaze to the well.

A hand stretched out of the dark well, pale and sickly, stained with scarlet blood, its long green fingernails sharp as steel. It was a woman, and a young woman.

The snake slithered forward like a snake, and then half of its head was revealed from the well. It looked slightly gorgeous, and its face was covered in a ferocious expression. The left side of his head was intact, but the right side was empty, as if it had been split open by a blade.

Sticky blood kept oozing out of the left side of his head, mixing with his brain matter to wet his long hair and stick together. There was a hollow eyeball embedded in the left side of his face, swollen as if it had been scalded with boiling water.

Next came the other hand, then the body, then the legs and feet. What was most unbearable was that this woman was actually not a complete person. She had obviously been dismembered piece by piece, and even when she crawled out of the well, she still went out bit by bit.

A strong stench of blood spread through the air. Blood gurgled out from the well and soaked the surrounding ground. Even my shoes were wet. The red blood ran between my toes like slimy snakes, and my face was blue and sour against my throat.

Suddenly, he thought of the old widower that Zhou Yunjing had mentioned. Could this ghost in front of him be that one? But didn't she say the body had been cut up and sold in pork? Why was it in the well?

The ghost lady stared at me unwaveringly. The sharp nails of her left hand were pressed to the tip of her nose.

He originally wanted to use the Invisibility Charm to deal with the ghost girl, but this time he was directly taken away by the old woman. But I hate that my level isn't good enough to create talismans, and this invisibility talisman was lent to me by the old woman. As for the old thing, it had long since moved to the side to watch the show while sticking to the invisibility talisman.

I threw a spell at the ghost girl, quickly dodging her long, sharp nails, and turning my back on the old woman. Without the Invisibility Charm to hide my Yang energy, I was a live target in the eyes of the female ghost.

The first time, he had accepted the challenge and hastily tossed out a glyph with a low accuracy. The ghost woman turned her head 360 degrees and flew at me with her mouth half open, baring her fangs.

Its arms, hands, legs, feet, and head were in pieces, and now the soldiers were surrounding me from five different directions. They were coming at me like cannonballs, their beaks forming out of thin air on their swollen limbs.

There was only one peach wood sword and there were no eyes on my back. Just as these crazy things were about to bite me, I bent my knees and landed heavily on the ground. Then, I rolled out of the encirclement.

The dirt road was littered with small stones, and they knocked my knee almost to the point of crippling it. Gritting my teeth and swallowing the scream, I swung my sword in midair towards the nearest hand. The peach wood sword was as hard as steel when it was used against evil beings. It cut the hand into two pieces and fell to the ground, decaying it into white bones.

The ghost lady's shrill scream resounded throughout the silent night. The extremely high decibels' sound waves shook my eardrums, causing intense pain.

Fortunately, there was an old woman's barrier that prevented her voice from escaping. I pushed myself up with my left hand and tried to give the ghost a second chance, but it was much faster than me, and I was halfway to my feet when a beak full of fangs rammed into my flesh and tore off a large chunk of flesh.

The torn flesh almost made me faint from the pain. I subconsciously touched my cheek. A big hole had appeared on my cheek and my hands were filled with warm blood.

I've always said that you can't slap someone in the face, how can I go see my parents when this ghost immediately strikes back!

The ghost girl tore off a piece of my flesh and chewed it with great effort, grinning, her sharp teeth flicking. It tore off half my arm and had no stomach, so where would I swallow it?

As if trying to verify my thoughts, my arm spits out the meat pieces with a loud 'pui', and I pounce on him again with my fangs bared.

"Fuck you!" Annoyed, I swing my sword at it, gritting my teeth to catch it. My aggressive attitude didn't intimidate the ghost girl in the slightest. Instead, she understood my annoyance and giggled shrilly.

Being a ghost catcher and being mocked by a ghost was like eating pork and being mocked by a pig. Angry, I stepped on the Seven Stars Steps to dodge broken limbs from all directions, the peach wood sword wholeheartedly focused on attacking the flying head.

Amongst all the limbs, its head was the most difficult to deal with. As long as its head was removed, the rest would be a small matter. It's just that this ghost's speed is too fast, plus there are many of them, I definitely won't be able to beat it head on.

As soon as he caught sight of the eight golden lock arrays, an idea popped into his mind.

It was true that the Eight Golden Lock Array could measure the strength of a ghost, but its main function was to capture one. Life, injury, rest, scenery, Du, death, shock, and opening. The eight entrances revolved according to the time cycle of the Eight Trigrams, and anything evil and evil that entered would never be able to come out alive.

"Big sister, you died so miserably. Have you never thought about revenge?!"

Look at how rotten its body is. It's been dead for a long time. This kind of vengeful spirit that had died miserably could not be dissipated. The hostility was so strong that from a different point of view, it had yet to take revenge.

Seeing that we were about to be surrounded again, I hastily shouted, "You don't even have a complete corpse. Even if you die, you will become a ghost and not be able to reincarnate. But the culprit is still safe and stable, do you really agree?"

The more he talked about the female ghost, the more vicious she seemed. Her remaining eye slowly shed blood. At the same time, a sense of danger rushed to her heart! I didn't even have time to think before I dodged to the right. Turning my head to look, I saw a sharp ghost claw flying through the air where I was standing a moment ago. The speed was so fast that only afterimages remained. The violent wind caused my face to hurt.

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead. F * ck, if I dare to slow down for even a second, that Ghost Claw will definitely pull out my heart! Even though I dodged fast, there were still three bloody scratches on my waist.

"If we continue to fight like this, both of us will suffer. Your enemy is still alive and well. What you should do now is seek revenge, not waste time with me. "

I didn't miss a second of it, I shouted, watching it.

As for her revenge, if she had been able to take it, she would have already done so. There was no need to wait until now. There were only two reasons why it could not seek revenge. Firstly, it could not leave this place. Secondly, it could not find its enemy. Whatever it is, I'll put it away first.

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