See the Ghosts/C5 Business
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See the Ghosts/C5 Business
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C5 Business

I have a secret that I've never told anyone. Including my parents, including the Goddess.

Many times, when I am in danger, I need help from the Goddess. She would knock me on the head and call me a fool and a waste of a natural pair of good eyes.

However, these "good eyes", my Yin Yang Eyes, are not innate …

I still remember that when we were nine years old and the provincial earthquake hit, the school gave us two weeks off. In reality, the intense vibration only lasted for four days. The remaining days were safe.

I can clearly remember the day I was at home watching the Three Hills comic strip. My mother rushed home to discuss with my father that the tombs of our ancestors had collapsed a few days ago, and that the clan had arranged for the tombs to be rebuilt after they had been taken out.

The so-called clan was just a last name, and now it was different from before. Even the family tree was no longer recorded.

Although he wasn't close with those people, he still needed to fix the tomb of his ancestors. The old chief of the family specially came to my house to inform me that my parents were about to leave with the shovel and hoe. I curiously followed them.

There was only one path that led to the cemetery at the back of the village. It was a bumpy dirt road that was half as tall as a man, and the sides were covered with green, oily weeds.

A brick factory had been built nearby to burn the soil on both sides of the road, which resulted in many ancestral tombs being dug, leaving behind huge squared pits. The originally narrow path became even more dangerous.

Once, when I passed by and looked down into the pit, I saw that the shoebox in the corner was full of human bones.

At that time, I did not have the Yin Yang Eyes.

Not far from the bottom of the hole was the ancestral tomb. The collapse of the tomb caused the entire tomb to collapse, revealing the word "depression".

The grown-ups carried the guys down, and we kids stood up there hoping. I had been naughty since I was a kid, so it was impossible for me to just stand there. Taking advantage of the fact that they weren't paying attention, I quickly jumped down after them.

It's not deep, or I wouldn't have dared to jump. Because the inner wall had been reinforced with brick and stone, many places remained normal. Entering is a large main room, surrounded by six small rooms, I don't know how many generations have been buried specifically.

What had collapsed was the main room. The bricks had collapsed, the soil had fallen off, and even the coffin had been buried without a trace.

When my mother saw me come down, she threw my head and pulled me to her side.

I was told to stand by when the adults started work.

He dug out a few pieces of the coffin that were shattered by the stones and bricks and placed them on the side. One piece after another, the coffins were smashed into pieces.

"I wonder if the Old Ancestor will blame us."

Someone muttered in a low voice.

Just as he finished speaking, the crowd suddenly fell silent. Then, as if they had gone mad, they rushed towards the broken coffin!

"Gold!" "Gold!"

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Take that bracelet!" "Necklace!"

I saw people frantically throw down their tools and rush toward the center of the room, and my parents were no exception.

In the dark yellow tomb, they were like mad monsters. Their faces were ferocious and filled with intense desire. I was so scared that I was stunned on the spot.

The loud sounds of fighting and snatching in the deathly silence of the tomb were particularly loud. I was afraid that I would try to pull my parents away, but the crowd was so packed that I couldn't even get in. I was hit in the chest by someone's shovel and fell to the ground in pain.

There were footsteps and screams everywhere, and no one turned to look at me.

I was about to cry, but before I could start, I caught a sharp glimpse of half a ball stuck in the brick wall diagonally across from me. It was as big as a marble and blood-red. There was even a black dot in the middle, like a terrifying eyeball.

Being stared at by it made my body feel cold and my scalp tingle.

The grown-ups are so mad at stealing things that no one looks at me.

He stared at me, and when I met his gaze, I felt the sinister malice in his eye, like a venomous snake, making me feel uncomfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, the thing suddenly disappeared. I thought it was just an illusion. I rubbed my eyes and saw that there was nothing on the brick wall.


The more I thought about it, the more scared I became.

No one paid any attention to him.

My eyes hurt like they were on fire, and I covered my eyes in pain, unable to stop my tears. I was only nine years old, and I didn't know anything. No matter how much I shouted, no one cared. At that time, I felt abandoned by everyone, alone and trembling.

Even my own parents abandoned me.

The sound of a huge collapse and the shriek of a frenzied snatch were the shadows I would never want to bring up. The nightmare of childhood I prefer to seal it in the dark depths of the heart, solidifying into scars.

The pain in my eyes lasted only a few minutes, but for a long time after that, I was in a daze.

From then on, I had the Yin Yang Eyes.

This pair of "Ghost Eyes" that he had somehow obtained didn't even manage to identify any flaw on the goddess' profound Dharmic powers.


That day, a young woman came to the Goddess's shop, dressed in fashionable clothes. She cried and cried, begging the Goddess to save her son. As a disciple of the Goddess, I pretended to be a boy and quietly listened.

"I can only help you if you explain the situation clearly."

The Goddess glanced at the young woman with a hoarse voice, obviously impatient with her crying.

The young woman wiped her tears in embarrassment and quickly explained the whole story.

Her name was Zhou Yunjing. His family lived in the town of Li Li Cheng. They had opened a clothing store in the town, and his family was quite wealthy.

In the past few days, his family had gone to the provincial capital to buy goods, and there wasn't much business in the shop. She thought for a moment and relaxed, then took her son shopping in the city.

Zhou Yunjing's son, Dong Dong, was eight years old this year, in the third grade of primary school.

The day before yesterday, Tuesday, Zhou Yunjing had woken up early to pack up. It was hot summer, and she was afraid of the sun at noon, so she planned to snatch the cool early bus.

While Zhou Yunjing was still dressing up at home, her little son, the monkey, who had already taken care of her, was jumping up and down, running restlessly back and forth. He yelled at his mother, "I'll wait at the door," and disappeared.

Since they were all from the same village, Zhou Yunjing was completely at ease with her children. Besides, it was right in front of his house. Any sounds could be heard. She didn't pay much attention, only telling the child not to run too far away.

Not long after, however, Zhou Yunjing heard the heart-wrenching wail of a child coming from outside the door. She hastily threw down the things in her hands and rushed out. It was normal for a child to cry, but at that time, she had the feeling that she belonged solely to her mother. Something was wrong with a child!

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