See the Ghosts/C6 Soul summoning
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See the Ghosts/C6 Soul summoning
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C6 Soul summoning

The early morning sky was shrouded in a chill that was excessively cold even in summer.

Their family lived in a deep alley. Right now, the entire alley was quiet except for her front door, where the child stood alone, crying loudly.

That scene, Zhou Yunjing said. Even now, when she thought about it, she still felt afraid.

At that time, her eyes were filled with children, and she could not care less. After rushing over to check that the child was fine, she let out a sigh of relief and asked him what had happened. Who knew that Dong Dong would just stay silent and cry non-stop? Even going out to play with him was not enough to move him.

There was no helping it, Zhou Yunjing could only bring her child home first.

He had originally thought that it was an ordinary little matter, but who would have thought that the child actually cried for an entire day! After two days of crying, he didn't say a single word.

This frightened her, so she called her husband and immediately sent the child to the hospital. But the hospital examination showed that everything was normal, and the doctor just said that the child was too frightened and had given him a calming medicine. She didn't give up and ran to many other hospitals, but this was the result.

It was four or five in the morning, and there was no one in the alley. The frightened Zhou Yunjing finally remembered the famous Goddess of the town. That was why this had happened today.

After following the Goddess for two years, I have more or less understood some things. He must have bumped into something unclean. It was rumored that children were pure in nature and could see things that adults couldn't. This was not without basis.

However, not all children were like this. Only those who were born with a heavy yin aura would be like this. There was another type, similar to Wang Tiegu's, that the Goddess called "that thing wants you to see it."

Either way, it proved that they had indeed run into one. A child's soul is always restless, so it is easy to be frightened, and when frightened, it is easy for the three souls and seven souls to leave the body. The most common performance is to cry.

In this situation, what he needed to do was to find the lost soul.

"Pack your things."

After seeing off the woman, the Goddess sat on a stool and snapped an old pipe at me.

I had long since gotten used to the old woman's natural demeanor. She didn't care that I was actually an underage child. I was the one who carried all the heavy goods.

After two years, his arcane skills hadn't improved much, but his strength had increased by quite a bit.

I said yes and went to the shelf in the back room.

I've been following her for the past two years, and I've seen many similar things. I'm very familiar with what I should take, I can even find it with my eyes closed.

Soul Summoning Bell, glutinous rice, incense, talismans, and a few large yellow papers.

As usual, I called my parents at home to ask them to give me a leave of absence, then carried my bag and followed the Goddess out.

In fact, my parents didn't object to my studying these things, but they refused to let me delay my studies in order to do so, especially since I had to go out with the Goddess from time to time. To keep them from objecting, I had to spend more time doing my homework. At the very least, I wouldn't be last in the exam. My parents turned a blind eye.

They were all in the same town, and it only took them ten minutes to get there with two dollars on a three-wheeled motorcycle.

Although the country had been developing a lot of rural areas over the years and many places looked different, there were still some old houses that had not been taken down. The alley where the young woman lived was right there.

In the entire alley, only her family had red brick houses and the rest were made up of earthen and green tiles. As he walked in, an ancient aura emanated from him.

There was an ancient well at the mouth of the alley. No one knew when it was dug, but a wooden bucket was hanging from an old rope. Next to the well was a huge tree with lush foliage that towered into the sky.

In the sweltering summer, the surroundings of the old tree were surprisingly cool. Many people were enjoying the cool below. Seeing that the Goddess had arrived, these people revealed an understanding look. It seemed like news of what had happened at Zhou Yunjing's house had spread.

I'm just a kid, and I didn't attract anyone's attention. When Zhou Yunjing heard the knock on the door, she came out and saw that my gaze didn't linger for long. She was only staring at the Goddess with hope in her eyes, begging the Goddess to save her son.

I'm not angry about being looked down on, because I know I'm a soy sauce maker. However, when I entered her house and saw the crying child lying on the bed with a pale face, the Goddess pointed a finger at me and said, "Tao Zi, you go."

The woman and I were dumbfounded.

What did that mean? You want me to do it? But I'm only half an inch away!

Zhou Yunjing screamed and grabbed onto the Goddess' hand as if she was trying to save her own life. She cried, "Mother, you have to save him! I have to save him! I don't want to live anymore without my son! "

The Goddess shook her hand away in disgust and pointed at me. After saying that, he glared at me gloomily. "Are you still not going?!" Then he sat down on the sofa, took out a pipe from his waist, and puffed out smoke. No matter how the woman cried, it was useless.

From the looks of it, the old woman really did not intend to interfere.

I've followed her for two years, and I know this old guy's temper very well.

In the past, she was the one who attacked me. I watched from the sidelines or even tried to do some odd jobs. I attacked her myself, but I didn't do it even once.

The old woman was still unmoved. She could only place her hopes on an unreliable brat like me. Her eyes clearly showed that she was hoping that I would be incapable and force the old woman to make a move.

I was angry and annoyed by her stare, and at the same time I was under a lot of pressure. My palms were full of sweat.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm down, I thought back to the old woman's movements. He first peeked at the child's closed eyelids and then checked his breath, making sure it was his soul that had gone astray.

He found Zhou Yunjing and asked her for the usual clothes and a brazier. He took out the soul-stirring bell and incense from his bag and placed them on the table. Then he gave her two bowls of glutinous rice and told her to listen to my orders.

The woman had her doubts, but now that the old woman was willing to give up, she could only do her best.

Once everything was ready, I pinched my fingers to calculate the time and told Zhou Yunjing to wait until dusk before making her move.

The weather was unusually heavy.

When we left her house, there were a lot of old people and old women sitting under the big locust tree, looking at us curiously.

It was dusk. Standing in the alley, they could only see the afterglow of the setting sun. It was different from the golden morning sun, which made them feel extremely gloomy.

Dusk, the day's meeting with the devil.

The woman and I took a small table from her house and placed it in front of the door. We poured out the rice in a porcelain bowl.

The rice was made from glutinous rice. It had a very strong adhesive property and was steamed half-way through. It was very easy to pour it out from the bowl. Moreover, it was still kept in a semicircle and standing perfectly on the table.

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