See the Ghosts/C7 Eccentricity
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See the Ghosts/C7 Eccentricity
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C7 Eccentricity

This is called falling head first. They were used to pay tribute to the spirits of the dead. A living soul was essentially no different from a yin spirit.

I lit a stick of incense with a match and inserted it into the bowl. I took out another large yellow paper and prepared to burn it.

"Can we do this without a brazier?"

The woman, flustered by my skillful movements, also began to believe me. At this moment, she wasn't able to get what I wanted, so she was very nervous.

I looked back. She was holding a frying pan. I probably didn't find the brazier I wanted, so I ignored everything in my anxiety.

"Alright." He nodded and placed the pot on the ground. As long as he could burn paper, it didn't matter where he came from.

He folded the large yellow paper into a tower and put them into the pot one by one. This is to prolong the burning time of the yellow paper, or else I will burn the yellow paper before it is finished.

"Get ready, it's about to start!"

I shouted, and threw the match into the pot. The yellow paper caught fire and began to burn. At the same time, the crisp sound of a bell rang out. I chanted the Soul Summoning Spell in my mouth as I stepped on the Seven Stars Steps. I shook the Soul Summoning Bell in a regular pattern around the table.

When the woman saw me start, she immediately began to cry as I had said, calling out her son's name as she cried. The child's clothes were in her arms.

As soon as we said it, the people at the entrance of the alleyway were stunned.

Some of the children were confused and frightened, so they also began to cry loudly.

My heart skipped a beat. It was not good for children to cry at a time like this, as it was easy for them to scare the spirits back. However, I couldn't chase them away, so I could only grit my teeth and shake the bell even harder.

Fortunately, the old ladies under the tree knew a little bit more, so they hurriedly covered the child's mouth and silently observed him.

Her family's child was frightened at the door. This was the place where her soul was lost, so naturally, this was the place to summon it.

The fragrance of the incense was very strange, as fine smoke began to rise and spread in the air, disappearing without a trace. Seeing the incense burn out inch by inch, and yet there was still no sound from the Soul Summoning Bell, as well as the woman's bloodshot eyes and hoarse voice.

Beans of cold sweat trickled down my forehead.

I could clearly feel the tiredness in my muscles. My legs that were using the Seven Stars Steps and my arms that were shaking the bell were extremely sore. If it weren't for the fact that I had helped the Goddess to carry things a bit better these past two years, I would probably have been tired out by now.

That shouldn't be the case. How could he not come? Could something have gone wrong? But my steps were clearly correct!

The people at the mouth of the alley were all staring at me. The old woman leaned against the iron gate, smoking her old pipe with a smile that was not a smile. It was clearly a sneer.

Anger was rising in my heart again, and I could only hold back my anger. Who told me to be incapable? Finally, just when the pressure on my chest was about to suffocate my breath and the woman was about to faint from her crying, the bell in my hand started to shake violently!

This kind of shaking is different from the color of my shaking voice.

The Soul Summoning was done in a dull tone. Such a sharp and urgent bell would only ring when the spirit collided with the bell.

It's here!

Feeling that the air in the surroundings had obviously become colder by a few degrees, I hurriedly mustered my strength and shook the bell to guide the living soul towards the clothes in the woman's hand. In my eyes, I could see a child that looked exactly like the girl lying on the bed, floating out slowly from a certain place.

Its transparent face was filled with confusion. It first looked around the bell which had the greatest attraction. After hearing the woman's cry, it obviously became anxious and floated towards the woman, opening its mouth and about to cry. However, ghosts did not have tears, so it could only open its mouth.

The chilly wind blew around her clothes twice, causing the woman to cry out in joy.

"Dong Dong!" Is that you? Come on! Come back! Go home with your mother! "

The woman did as I said, and with a bag of clothes in her arms, she headed home.

Seeing that things were going well, I hurriedly put away the bell to extinguish the incense and used the mineral water to extinguish the yellow paper before following him in.

Yellow paper burning is for the ghost lighting, the fragrance of incense is for the ghost leading the way. Now that his soul had returned, he couldn't continue with these things. Otherwise, he would have to recruit other things. Generally speaking, rootless water carried spiritual energy, so it was best to use rootless water to extinguish the fire. There was no rootless water here, so he could only reluctantly use mineral water.

Perhaps it was because they saw that we had succeeded, the old grandpas all exclaimed in surprise as they extended their heads in hopes of us. I looked over and my eyes twinkled.

The place where their souls had drifted out from just now was the big tree they were sitting on!

The old woman appeared to be a real passing visitor, leisurely patting her cigarette from head to toe. Seeing me walk in, he followed me calmly.

Inside the room, the woman was already dressing the child on the bed. She was wearing the same one that had just been used to attract souls.

After she put them on, I took out a Soul Suppressing Charm and chanted a few Soul Suppressing Charm words at the child. The charm paper quickly burned on its own. I threw the spell paper into the water the woman brought me and opened the child's mouth to drink, not a speck of ash was left.

The child stopped crying after putting on the clothes. Not long after he drank the rune water, he slowly opened his eyes.


Hearing her son's hoarse shout, the woman cried tears of joy. She hugged the child and began to cry, patting the child's back and saying that it was good as long as she was fine. After being frightened for three whole days, he finally opened his eyes and spoke.

The woman kept thanking us, but the main point was still to thank me.

Thinking about how she didn't trust me from the start and looking back at how she is now, I feel extremely happy in my heart. It was his first time fighting alone, and he was finally safe!

Finally, the goddess took out a few stalks of grass from her pocket and said that they belonged to Tranquil Spirit. I'm surprised that the old lady is so stingy and willing to give it away for nothing?

Sure enough, after taking out the items, the labour fee that Zhou Yunjing originally gave us rose to 3,500.

He dared to ask for five hundred yuan for a few pieces of broken grass.

I clucked my tongue at the woman and cursed the old woman for being wicked. I thought back to when I spent a thousand on a broken bracelet, and my mother went through so much trouble to get the price up to eight hundred, and then once I saw the old woman's production cost only fifty cents. I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

Extremely exorbitant profits!

It was dark outside, so I said goodbye to the old woman and went back to the shop.

As soon as the old man got home, he sat down on the sofa and started counting the bills excitedly. Perhaps she was really annoyed by my resentful gaze, but she shot me a disdainful glance. She took out a hundred pieces of paper and stuffed them in my hands like a beggar. "I'll buy you some sweets to eat."

I worked so hard tonight that I almost lost all my strength, and in the end I didn't even get anything. He silently cursed himself for putting a hundred rolls in his pocket. When he got home, I wanted to reward myself with a spicy stick and green tea.

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