Seeking Immortal/C13 Three degrees in front of the chinese parasol tree
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Seeking Immortal/C13 Three degrees in front of the chinese parasol tree
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C13 Three degrees in front of the chinese parasol tree

"Mu Er, do not be impatient with this third magic beast, you must transform it step by step. The first two magic beast s are merely Rank One beasts, regardless of form, aura, or their Inherent Skills, they are all not that difficult. However, this Cloud Piercing Beast is a Rank 2 Demonic Beast. "Then it won't be that hard. Also, since the middle stage of the cleansing process has reached the late stage, this third beast is naturally the most important. However, you don't have to be too anxious. Take your time. Everything must be done slowly and go according to the flow."

Zhou Hai had never thought that within two years, Wang Mu would be able to create two illusionary beasts. As for the third one, he had long guessed that back then, it had taken him around ten years to materialize it, so Zhou Hai did not know if it was possible for Wang Mu to create it in the remaining two years. However he did not tell Wang Mu about it, and only guided Wang Mu in his cultivation from time to time.

This was because Liu Meng had already advanced to the middle stage of the Spirit Cleansing Realm for twenty years, but the third magic beast still had not materialized. Even though he had already killed the Rank 2 Demonic Beast before, he had not even managed to materialize a single hair of that demon beast.

"Ai, this kid, I don't know what kind of luck he had, but he was quite unlucky a few years ago. How could he be so lucky now?" "My training speed is actually so fast and my control over my thoughts is superb. Sigh, compared to others, I am infuriated. I might as well just keep hunting. I am born to be a hunter, but I am the most successful one."

Wang Mu unceasingly practiced his mental form transformation of the third beast, which was also called the Cloud Piercing Beast. However, it had been half a year, and there hadn't been much progress, which made him look like Wu Nai, but the five-year agreement was fast approaching. In just two years, Wang Mu had not given up, and had instead trained even harder.

During this past year, Wang Mu had been extremely hardworking, even more so than he had been for the past three years. Even to the extent that every day, other than eating and sleeping, he would still practice his will transformation.

It was already the fourth year, but Wang Mu's Cloud Piercing Beast had still not been completely completed. However, with him diligently cultivating for days and nights, the Cloud Piercing Beast was close to surfacing.

Mu Er, in these past four years, you have been tired out training. There is still one year left, and in half a year, you don't have to intentionally cultivate, relax a little, maybe one day, you will suddenly break through. This is the bottleneck that appears, the bottleneck of cultivation, and it doesn't mean that you can succeed just by cultivating diligently.

In this past year, Zhou Hai always wanted to tell Wang Mu not to work so hard, because in this year, Wang Mu's entire person seemed to have lost a lot of weight. On his nineteen years old face, due to working too hard, a trace of mature breath appeared.

Seeing Wang Mu like this, Zhou Hai's heart ached, but he couldn't say anything. Because if he didn't work hard, the third beast in human form within two years, was practically an impossible mission. Right now, the third beast was already in its basic form, there was only one last step left. This would require an opportunity, and only when it truly encounters an opportunity, would it succeed, so Zhou Hai told Wang Mu right away.

"Grandfather, Mu Er understands, let nature take its course. If I am still not at the late stage of Spirit Cleansing in half a year, then I won't need to go to Gui Yun Sect, right? Everything had already been decided by heaven's will. I don't have to be stubborn. Mu Er understands. "

Wang Mu put down the psychokinesis in his hands and stopped cultivating. Instead, he chose to accompany his grandfather and the people from the village to eat dinner happily together. They held the village's festival together. This day was the most relaxed and unforgettable day for Wang Mu in the past four years.

In the next three months, Wang Mu cultivated less every day. He would frequently train or cultivate with the village's youths who were about the same age as him, and would even surround Liu Meng to let him bring a group of people up the mountain to hunt.

However, if one were to carefully look at Wang Mu's eyes, they would realize that, in this seemingly relaxed life, his eyes would frequently reveal a little bit of panic, or maybe it was fear.

Other than Zhou Hai, no one knew what Wang Mu was afraid of.

On this day in the late autumn, Wang Mu arrived at the hill outside the village. He came to the grass field where he had sat with Liu Rulan, and looked at the wutong leaf that was about to fall in front of him. His eyes were filled with sorrow.

"It's been four and a half years. Rulan, I still can't reach the late stage of Spirit Cleansing. I can't come find you anymore, you have to take care of yourself. Although I've never seen you before, you're the most beautiful angel in my heart."

The last time, this was the last time I came here. From now on, I won't look at this wutong forest anymore. It's my inability.

However, you are the one who allowed me to see the wutong tree, and you're the one who gave me the chance to continue cultivating. Although I cannot advance to the Late Spirit Cleansing Stage now, I can still create two complete demon beasts.

Wang Mu said to the Wu Tong Tree in the distance, his eyes filled with sorrow. On the angular face of the nineteen year old, he felt a bit of pain, but what hurt the most was his heart.

"Jadewater Beast, appear!"

"Gale Leopard, appear!"

As Wang Mu spoke, the two Goblin Beasts had already appeared in his hands. Throwing them towards the Wu Tong Tree Forest in the distance, the two Goblin Beasts instantly arrived at the edge of the forest. They curiously turned their heads around and stared at Wang Mu with four eyes.

"Let me try one last time. This time, it won't work. I will go hunting on the mountain with Liu Mengshu and be the strongest hunter. "

"Cloud Piercing Beast, appear!"

Wang Mu used all of his strength and used all his might to concentrate as he gathered into his palm. Slowly, the black and white spikes appeared all over the Cloud Piercing Beast and then the body of the Cloud Piercing Beast. Wang Mu still failed.

Wang Mu was so angry that he sat down on the ground, a pained look appeared on his face as he pounded the ground with his hands. Then he kept shouting, "Why am I so stupid? Why can't I advance to the late stage of Spirit Cleansing? Why, why, why!"

Currently, Wang Mu had a head of green hair that was scattered all over the place. It was draped over his face, covering his angular face and not allowing him to see his face. However, a single tear could be seen falling onto the ground.

Both of his hands were already bleeding, but Wang Mu did not feel any pain at all. He stood up and roared into the sky.

"Why is Wang Mu doing this?" Hearing Wang Mu's roar, Liu Meng hurriedly rushed over from the village. However, he was stopped by Zhou Hai who was hiding in the distance.

"You don't understand his sadness because he made a promise. He never wanted to break this promise, but now, he has no choice but to go against it. If he goes against it, he will regret it for the rest of his life. Sigh, it will take at least half a year and half a year for us to arrive at Gui Yun Sect from here. "

Zhou Hai looked at Wang Mu who was on top of the hill, and his heart was in extreme pain. However, he knew that he couldn't disturb Wang Mu right now.

"Cloud Piercing Beast, appear, appear!"

Wang Mu shouted loudly. The wutong tree startled the flying birds, and from a village not far away, the villagers slowly appeared, looking at Wang Mu who was on top of the small hill.

This roar seemed to pierce through the clouds. It was as loud as the thunder of an autumn day, but it was also very sad.

Ah Pu!

Maybe because Wang Mu had overdrawn his own thoughts, or maybe it was because of the anger in his heart, or maybe it was mixed with pain and grief, he cried out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face instantly turning pale white.

"Mu Er!"

"Wang Mu!"

Zhou Hai and Liu Meng stood up, they were very afraid that something would happen to Wang Mu, so they had concern all over their face.

Wang Mu's blood and sweat, just happened to fall on the Cloud Piercing Beast above his right hand. A drop of blood and blood fell onto the illusionary body of the Cloud Piercing Beast.

In just a moment, at this moment, the Cloud Piercing Beast had changed. It was a bit real, a bit terrifying, all the spikes on its body had changed color too, and what was even weirder was that the green tortoise head had turned red, and at that moment, a Cloud Piercing Beast appeared.

As for Wang Mu's injuries, they seemed to have recovered in an instant. Even his psychokinesis, Wang Mu felt that they had all returned, and were even much stronger than before.

"This Mu Er succeeded! Late stage Spirit Cleansing Hahaha! He succeeded! Success! In the end, he still succeeded!"

After being stunned for a short while, Zhou Hai let out a loud laugh, which was so loud that all the villagers in the distance could hear it loud and clear.

"Two and a half years, two and a half years, you have transformed into a third magic beast, Wang Mu, you are truly envious of your Uncle Wang, you are just a legend, in four and a half years, you have transformed into three demon beasts, you are very powerful, in the future, when we go to the cultivation world, you will definitely become human again. "Hahaha!"

At this moment, a smile appeared on Liu Meng's face. He was very happy, very happy for Wang Mu.

Wang Mu looked at the third magic beast in his hands. He had finally succeeded and his heart had actually calmed down.

Wang Mu kept his three magic beast s and looked into the distance. His not too handsome face, under the light of the setting sun, looked even more angular and extraordinarily handsome, and he clenched his fists tightly, saying into the distance: "I'm here, Gui Yun Sect, I'm here. Liu Rulan, I'm here to find you, I'm here to fulfill my promise."

Wang Mu did not know where the Gui Yun Sect was nor did he know what awaited him. He also did not know either.

After he finished speaking, Wang Mu slowly walked back into the village, leaving this scene to bear witness. The story of Wang Mu and Liu Rulan, was just, this was the beginning of the story: Three degrees in front of the wutong tree, the cultivation road continued with the Mulan border. Never ask for directions in the future, and only hope that there is no regrets between heaven and earth.

After he finished the first volume, the next step was for Wang Mu to truly start his cultivation world.

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