Seeking Immortal/C49 Demonic beast forest
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Seeking Immortal/C49 Demonic beast forest
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C49 Demonic beast forest

The Gui Yun Sect s had three peaks: the midpeak s on the left side and the Red Luan Peak s on the right. The midpeak cultivates the way of the sword, the unnamed peak cultivates the path of ghosts, and the Red Luan Peak cultivates illusions. And behind the three peaks were the demon beasts and ghosts that the senior of the sect raised.

At this moment, Wang Mu and Wu Liuyan had arrived at the back of the Red Luan Peak, the outskirts of the Demonic Beast Forest.

Standing at the outskirts of the Beast Forest, Wang Mu could feel how extraordinary the Beast Forest was. On the back of the entire mountain, there was not much sunlight all year round, making it look extremely eerie and eerie.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there were enormous trees, and Wang Mu could only see that the trees at the foot of the mountain were only as thick as a person. When he reached the top of the mountain, he couldn't see the trees clearly, but he could see the shadows of the gigantic trees.

"Mu Er, this forest of demon beasts is extremely similar to our Gui Yun Sect's. From the foot of the mountain to the summit, there are different levels of demon beasts, and the higher you go, the more dangerous it becomes. "Alright, you can go in."

After Wu Liuyan finished speaking, he formed a seal with his hands. Then, he saw that a gap that was as wide as a person had appeared in the fluctuating array formation outside the Goblin Forest.

Wang Mu didn't waste any time and immediately jumped into the forest of demon beasts. Entering into the forest of demon beasts, his first thought was that he had entered a wasteland, and the moment he entered, he felt a few spiritual senses sweep over him.

These divine intents were rather fierce, but after feeling Wang Mu's Qi, they all retreated, because Wang Mu's cultivation was only at the late stage of the Spirit Cleansing Realm, and did not seem to be able to arouse their interest.

"Mu Er, I hope you can return safely."

Wu Liuyan looked at Wang Mu who had entered the forest of demon beasts, and his beautiful eyes revealed a look of worry. After all, Wang Mu could only rely on himself now that he was inside the forest.

After entering the forest of beasts, Wang Mu followed the route he took the night before and headed up the mountain. At this point, he could no longer see Wang Mu from the outside.

"The path up to the mountainside takes three days. The left path shows some green markings, but the master on this path says it's dangerous and uncertain. In the middle was the most numerous green dots, and it was also the safest path. There was a green dot on the right, similar to the one on the left, but Master marked it as the path with the most death cultivators. "Wealth comes from danger. If we go all out, we'll just choose the left one."

At this moment, Wang Mu had made up his mind and walked towards the left side of the road. Since he had already said that he was in danger, it meant that there was likely to be no danger, and even though the middle road looked the safest, the cultivators that entered would probably choose the most, and himself was very pressed for time, so he decided to take the left side of the road. And the right side road was too dangerous, since there were many dead cultivators, it was likely to be a dead end.

Along the way, Wang Mu had been pondering about this question. It had already been two hours, and slowly, they had reached the forest.

Looking at the huge trees that were as thick as a person, Wang Mu missed the forest where he had killed the Cloud Piercing Beast. However, at this time, he did not see a single Demonic Beast. Instead, he only saw some Demonic Beasts, Insects or Birds without the slightest bit of cultivation.

"After two hours, we have also traveled a small distance. Why are we unable to find a single demon beast? Could it be that my cultivation is a bit higher, so these demon beasts don't dare to appear? "

Wang Mu shook his head and did not think anymore about it. He walked straight up to the top of the map, since it was good to not see any low levelled beasts, Wang Mu did not want to kill any innocent people.

After four more hours, Wang Mu estimated that he had already traveled a long distance, and after some calculations, he had already reached the middle of the mountain. In these four hours, Wang Mu had seen a few Rank 2 Demonic Beast, but they seemed to know that Wang Mu's cultivation was higher than his.

"It seems that if I want to find a rank 3 or higher beast, I have to go up the mountainside. The rank of the beast here is too low."

Wang Mu did not look back as he continued walking. On the way, he did not see a single cultivator, and thought to himself that since the others had chosen the path in the middle, he did not meet them, but after another four hours, it was getting late.

Night fell even faster within the forest. Not long after, Wang Mu could not see much more. He could only find a big tree to rest for the night, leaning against it. After all, his teachers had said that it was not suitable to travel in the dark.

"Today's day is not too far away, and I estimated that I would need at least five days to reach the mountainside. There are still four days left, so I had better be careful."

Wang Mu leaned against the tree, narrowed his eyes, and kept alert of his surroundings, to the point where there wasn't even a fire burning. After eating some rations, he leaned against the tree even more. It was as if he had fused with the tree. If one didn't look carefully, it was impossible to tell that there was someone there.

Wang Mu grew up in the forest, and Liu Meng had taught him how to survive in the forest since he was young. Wang Mu also liked to learn, he did not know much about other things. Just like now, although it was a little cold, there was no fire, and that was it.

It was true that lighting a fire could warm up one's body, but it would make it easier to expose one's position. The light from the fire could also attract some demon beasts.

On the second day, a light drizzle of rain fell from the sky. As usual, Wang Mu walked up the mountainside.

On the second night, Wang Mu had already traveled quite a distance, his body was drenched and cold from the rain, but he did not start a fire. Instead, he found a place under a tree where he could shelter himself from the rain and rested quietly.

But on this night, Wang Mu glanced over. At the foot of the mountain, which was a bit taller than himself, there were a few balls of fire at the foot of the mountain in the distance. Wang Mu knew that it should be some cultivators from the Red Luan Peak that had entered the forest of demon beasts as well.

On the third day, Wang Mu continued to walk, however, the weather was better today, and not much sunlight shone into the forest of demon beasts. On the third day, Wang Mu continued to walk, however, the weather was better today, and not much sunlight shone into the forest of demon beasts.

On the fourth day, Wang Mu had already reached the foot of the mountain, and after hearing the roars of at least the third stage beasts, Wang Mu was slightly excited. After all, they were about to reach the mountainside.

On the fifth day, Wang Mu had already reached the peak of the mountain. The mountainside was already clear enough, the lush and verdant trees had already become as thick as two people, and on the ground, there were also some bushes which looked even more sinister. The demon beasts inside were already roaring, causing Wang Mu's ears to slightly vibrate.

Ever since the fifth day, for some reason, Wang Mu felt depressed and anxious, as though something was going to happen. However, when he observed his surroundings, there was no sign of danger, making him suspect that he was overthinking things.

Inside Gui Yun Sect, there were strict rules. At the bottom of the mountain, at the middle of the mountain, and at the top of the mountain. This was the same for the forest of demon beasts. If one didn't have a late stage Spirit Cleansing cultivation, they wouldn't be able to go up the mountainside.

However, Wang Mu was already in the late stage of the Spirit Cleansing Realm, so he naturally did not hesitate in the slightest.

Upon entering the mountainside area, Wang Mu could feel an even more desolate aura. Here, it was extremely primal, like a primordial forest, and Wang Mu had known since a young age that there was a high possibility that some ferocious beasts were hidden within those places.

"On this path, there are a total of five spots marked on the mountainside. These five points represent five different demon beasts.

The closest one is a Rank 3 Spirit Beast, Groundbreaking Tiger. This tiger is an earth attributed Spirit Demon beast, so its defense is extremely strong. The most important thing to note is that his four claws are strong enough to split the ground. "

Seeing the first green dot on the map that was a Groundbreaking Tiger, Wang Mu kept the map.

In the face of a Rank 3 Demonic Beast, it was only a head-on attack. Any sort of enticement was completely useless, not to mention a sneak attack. Their sense of smell was much better than a human's. In the village, his grandfather had explained all of this to him.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wang Mu was not in a hurry to find the Groundbreaking Tiger. After resting for a day, he would go and fight the Groundbreaking Tiger the next day.

That night, Wang Mu was even more careful as he shrunk into a ball and curled up under a huge tree, not daring to make a sound. That night, Wang Mu's eyes were still shut, and had always been observing his surroundings carefully, since this was the mountainside area with even more powerful beasts. Wang Mu did not dare to be careless, even though he was already at the late stage of the Spirit Cleansing Realm, he still had to be careful when facing these unknown beasts.

Since young, Liu Mengshu had told himself that there would always be powerful beasts in the forest, beasts that you would never even think of. What you should do the most was to hide yourself well, and even learn how to fake your death to deceive those powerful beasts.

Hunters, although their cultivation may not be strong, but their law of survival in the forest was something high level cultivators could not compare to.

In the morning of the next day, the sky was clear, but at the waist of the Demonic Beast Forest, there was no sunlight, it was completely shaded by trees, and Wang Mu was already walking towards the first green symbol, which was the Groundbreaking Tiger's lair. Along the way, Wang Mu carefully avoided the range of some demon beasts. His goal was only the Groundbreaking Tiger, so he didn't want to cause too much trouble.

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