Seeking Temple/C13 Aerosol
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Seeking Temple/C13 Aerosol
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C13 Aerosol

Ten Thousand Caves Mountain. The deeper one went, the more humid it became.

Fang Zishu frowned, the Yin Qi was getting heavier, it seemed like this Ten Thousand Caves Mountain was not a good place.

Now that he had reached the middle section of the One Line Cliff, he still could not see the shadow of the Ten Thousand Caves Mountain.

The Ten Thousand Caves Mountain was behind the one word cliff, but it wasn't close together. Coupled with the light, it was very normal that it couldn't be seen.

Using the cloth bag on their back to make a simple torch, the firelight illuminated their surroundings, causing their vision to widen, and Fang Zishu and Yue Yang continued to move forward.

Guizhi hugged Fang Zishu tightly, his face somewhat white. Even though there was no pure white snow here, there was an indescribable coldness that went deep into the marrow.

Fang Zishu knew that it was not cold but dead aura, and it was very rich in death aura. The deeper he went, the heavier the deathly aura would get, and he was worried that Guizhi would not be able to handle it.

Fang Zishu's resolute gaze made it impossible for him to refuse, and he obediently put it on. The temperature of the outer coat caused a ball of fire to seemingly burn in Guizhi's heart, and a large half of the chilliness instantly disappeared.

His footsteps never stopped. After half a quarter of an hour, he finally walked out of the perimeter of the cliff and his field of vision expanded. However, Fang Zishu still stood in his original spot without moving for a long time.

Guizhi was curious, why did he stop, in front of him was the Ten Thousand Caves Mountain, but seeing Fang Zishu's serious expression, it seemed as though he was thinking of something, so he did not ask.

Turning his head back, he saw the one word cliff behind him. Fang Zishu seemed to be deep in thought yet had nothing to think about.

"When the aura of death is concentrated, ordinary beasts would find it hard to survive. It must be some strange beast." As Fang Zishu thought about this, he connected that probing sensation from before with the strange beast in the Ten Thousand Caves Mountain.

"Walk behind me."

Fang Zishu's words had some charm to them, so Guizhi followed them obediently. In fact, she also felt that it was a little bit unsettling. She had heard all the legends about the Ten Thousand Caves Mountain, and now that she had seen it with her own eyes, her heart was thumping hard.

If not for him tightly holding onto Fang Zishu's arm, Guizhi would have long ago become too weak to walk, and this place was too dark and quiet.

However, Fang Zishu was still walking very slowly. He had to be on guard against any unknown strange beasts, and furthermore, the fog here was very thick, so the visibility was pitifully low.

Being careful was not a big mistake. Fang Zishu tensed up and paid close attention to his surroundings.

Guizhi held Fang Zishu's hand tightly, looking nervous, as he followed suit.

When he reached a tree, the book stopped and looked at it closely. It was an unusual locust tree. A locust tree was a left wood and right ghost. Its nature was cold and sinister, and it was very easy to provoke ghosts. Judging by the diameter of the trunk, this tree should be at least a hundred years old. Even if a hundred-year-old locust tree was not refined, it could still attract some creatures that were gathered in a place filled with aura of death.

The locust tree had no branches, only a bare trunk that was about six meters high and burnt black …

It should have been burned by Thunder Fire. Thunder Fire s were flames formed from lightning striking trees, and the temperature at the center was shockingly high.

Suddenly, the flames on the torch disappeared. Fang Zishu pinched the fire velvet, and the fire velvet instantly turned into powder.

Before he could add more flame oil, Fang Zishu saw the dense fog start to gather with the locust tree as the center. It was as if something was driving it away, but there was no sound.

Fang Zishu's expression was solemn, his eyes were like swords, as though he wanted to see through the dense fog and see what was going on.

There was not even the sound of a bug. This kind of silence made Guizhi unconsciously hold Fang Zishu's hand tightly.

The dense fog seemed to have its own consciousness, as it stopped three meters away from the locust tree, surrounding Fang Zishu and Fang Zishu.

At this time, Fang Zishu finally realised that there was a problem with the dense fog. There was a big problem.

Releasing the dagger in his hand, Fang Zishu dug out a piece of wood from the locust tree and sniffed it with his nose. Then, he threw it into the thick fog.

Guizhi saw that the dense fog had dispersed from both sides and that the piece of wood was quietly lying on the ground.

Seeing that, Fang Zishu frowned, he now knew the reason why the Ten Thousand Caves Mountain was so hard to exit from.

This was not a fog at all, but a very small insect. It was so small that the naked eye couldn't see it, and when it moved together, it would become a fog. The more fog it had, the thicker it would become.

Because it was shaped like a fog, this insect had a very popular name, Fog Worm. Don't underestimate this bug. One may not be able to kill you, but don't forget that they are a group activity.

Under the attack of such a large number of misty insects, let alone walking out, there were not even bones left. This was the reason why Fang Zishu did not see half a corpse on his way here.

"In the fog... Is there something? " Guizhi asked weakly. Other than that, she could not think of a second reason.

The scope of Fang Zishu's actions of throwing the wood was very small. The wind brought by him would be able to disperse the fog, but it would be absolutely impossible for it to blow over such a large area. With that piece of wood as the center, it formed a circle with a diameter of one meter.

"This is a misty insect. It's small in size and its attack power is strong, so it eats people without spitting out their bones. If I didn't read about it in the ancient books, I wouldn't have recognized it."

"Then... We're going to be eaten by them?! " Guizhi's sobbing sounded, it was about to end just like that. As expected, happiness was short-lived.

Looking at the tears that were rolling down Guizhi's face, a touch of gentleness appeared in Fang Zishu's heart. He reached out and wiped the tears off his face, "Silly girl, if they had wanted to eat, they would have already done so. We stand here, they wouldn't dare come over."

After he finished speaking, Fang Zishu wrapped some more cloth around the torch, poured some fire oil on it, and then lit it.

Swift as a bat, Fang Zishu extended the torch into the dense fog. Instantly, crackling sounds of explosions could be heard, the sound was like firecrackers, but very quickly, the misty bugs left the range of the flames, and the sound disappeared.

It suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, and in the end, it only appeared for a second, causing Guizhi to be unable to react in time.

Fang Zishu took back the torch and handed it over to Guizhi, telling her to take it properly. Then, he took out his dagger and stabbed it into the trunk of the locust tree, straight into the hilt. Fang Zishu then started to lift the blade from the bottom to the top, he was dissecting the trunk of the tree.

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