Seeking Temple/C14 Cowardly
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Seeking Temple/C14 Cowardly
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C14 Cowardly

Fang Zishu's movements were slow but powerful. His exposed muscles glistened under the firelight, his curves were smooth and sleek, like polished marble, the lines were clear and distinct.

While dissecting the trunk, Fang Zishu said, "The locust tree is yin, it has the ability to gather ghosts. The locust trees that have been struck by lightning are the exact opposite, it can exorcise evil spirits and exorcise demons, this kind of wood is called the Lightning Strike Wood."

"Thunderbolt wood is a naturally formed treasure used to ward off evil spirits. Thunder and lightning are strong and masculine. Thunderbolt wood also carries along some of the aura of thunder and lightning. Of course, there are also differences between good and bad Thunderbolt Trees. For example, the hundred-year-old locust tree is made from the best Thunderbolt Trees. "

"The Fog Worms like cold and aversion to hot weather. The high temperature of the flames and the lightning strikes are their nemesis. With these two things around, they don't dare to get close."

With just a few words, Fang Zishu made two wooden swords, one big and one small. The small wooden sword was two feet two fingers wide, the big wooden sword was six feet three fingers wide.

After cutting off the red rope on his wrist, Fang Zishu drilled a hole through the wooden sword hilt, then tied up the red rope to death, then gave it to Guizhi.

"Hold on tight, don't loosen the ropes." Fang Zishu warned.

"The locust wood is dense, and the resulting lightning striking wood is denser, so the weight is naturally heavier as well. That's why the body size that I made for you is a bit smaller. Try it."

When Guizhi took the small wooden sword, he felt a very cold and heavy feeling in his hand, as if what he was holding was not a piece of wood, but a piece of steel.

Although the wood sword's style was crude, Guizhi liked it. This should be the first gift he received, right? A token of love!

Fang Zishu put away the big wooden sword, but didn't think too much about it. It was his custom to make a wooden sword out of the wood from lightning strikes, as it was convenient to carry and use in this way.

The torches cleared the way, lightning struck Mu Mu, and wherever Fang Zishu and Yue Yang went, the misty bugs would stay three metres away from them, not daring to move forward.

Seeing this, Guizhi liked Fang Zishu a little more.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, Fang Zishu stopped again. There was only one reason; they had returned in front of the locust tree.

"He's back." Guizhi cried out. She suddenly remembered a story that the Old Shen had told her.

Fang Zishu shook his head, his eyes staring straight at the dense fog, his voice was calm, "It's they who didn't want us to leave!"

"Ah!" Guizhi was startled. How could this be?

After slashing a knife mark across the tree trunk, Fang Zishu led Guizhi forward again, the direction was the same as before. The only difference was, this time, Fang Zishu wanted to confirm an idea.

As expected, after half an hour, Fang Zishu and Yue Yang appeared in front of the locust tree.

Fang Zishu who was deep in thought squatted down, and continuously drew circles on the ground with the dagger in her hand. Guizhi did not understand it too well, but she did not ask, as she did not want to interrupt Fang Zishu's train of thoughts.

From a certain point of view, Guizhi had a good eye. Along the way, she did not ask any questions because of her confusion. She only listened carefully when Fang Zishu was willing to tell her.

A circle after a circle, each of them a center. The radius, however, was a trapezoidal shape. From small to large, the pattern drawn looked like it was formed by countless concentric circles.

Fang Zishu got into it and closed his eyes to describe it. In that instant, he opened his eyes, so that was how it was.

The path from the cliff to the Ten Thousand Caves Mountain was not a plain or a hill, but rather a huge bowl. This type of terrain was called a "basin", and the basin here was larger in scope and had a lower slope. With the interference of the misty insects, it seemed like they had been walking in a straight line the entire time.

Understanding this, Fang Zishu pulled Guizhi and moved forward quickly, he could not believe what would happen if he continued to stay. The intelligence of the misty insects far exceeded what was written in the book. They used the terrain to trap their prey, exhausting the prey's physical strength, breaking down their mental defenses, and then eating it again.

Maybe he had seen through Fang Zishu's intention, but there was an uproar within the dense fog. The sounds overlapped each other, and it was as if there were over ten thousand mosquitoes howling.

"Cover your ears, don't listen." Fang Zishu shouted.

This is a way for the misty insect to attack. Sound can interfere with the activity of human brain waves and make wrong judgments.

Fang Zishu bit the tip of his tongue to keep himself awake and the speed of his footsteps didn't change at all.

Seeing their prey slip away, the misty bugs flew into a rage and swarmed forward like a wave. They were afraid of striking the wood, but that did not mean that they would give up their food because of it, the only food that had appeared in the past ten years.

Guizhi's breathing became heavy. Fang Zishu's speed was too fast, and when he saw that the misty bugs were about to form a circle of encirclement, Fang Zishu made the torch into a circle of fire.

"Follow me." Fang Zishu shouted out loud, his voice suppressing the misty insect's restlessness. The torch in his hand danced even faster.

Finally, just as the torch was about to shoot off all the sparks, Fang Zishu saw a hole covered by half of the vine.

Overjoyed, Fang Zishu knew that he could be saved. The existence of vines meant that the Fog Worms could not reach this area. Or rather, there were existences stronger than the Fog Worms that they could not offend.

The contrast between the fresh green vines and the pitch-black soil was stark. It was as if there was a boundary between Fang Zishu standing on one side of the green field and the misty insects on the other side.

Just as he was about to let out a breath of relief, a thunderbolt sounded out in Fang Zishu's mind, "Guizhi?"

The Fog Worm in front of him was still moving, as if it could rush over in the next second. Fang Zishu's eyes were bloodshot, all the muscles in his body arched at a terrifying angle.

"Fang Zishu, go back, go back to her, if you are still a man, do what a man should do. If you leave behind a girl who is begging for life, even the Fang Family's face would be thrown away by you, why don't you go and die?!"

"Don't go, the Fog Worm are scary. If you go, you will die for nothing. Have you forgotten your purpose here? That girl followed me by herself, not by threats. What does her death have to do with you? How many guests have there been in this life, are you responsible for everyone? "

Two voices were fighting in Fang Zishu's mind, he was at the boundary between going and not going, and finally, like a ball that had lost all its air, all the muscles in his body relaxed, and large beads of sweat dropped onto the ground.

Fang Zishu turned and entered the cave.

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