Seeking Temple/C8 Premature Phase
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Seeking Temple/C8 Premature Phase
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C8 Premature Phase

The two of them were quickly and courteously received to the lodgings that were specially made for them, and it seemed that they were clean. After everyone left, the note mysteriously came in front of Fang Zishu, and looked at him with a dubious expression.

"What are you doing?" This expression is really disgusting. " Fang Zishu hurriedly took a step back. He didn't know what this fellow was planning.

"Zishu, have you fallen for that girl? What was she like just now? She even forgot to walk when you saw her. But let me say, this little girl's looks are indeed not bad.

Just as he finished speaking, he was kicked far away by Fang Zishu. He discovered that ever since he'd come out of the pavilion, this fellow had been acting as if he'd changed his personality.

"I don't think so, but there's something wrong with this girl." Fang Zishu picked up the empty tea cup from the table, and started rotating it in his hands, his thoughts following the rotation of the teacup, becoming more lively.

"What do you mean?" As expected, when he mentioned this, the guard became more spirited and quickly sat opposite Fang Zishu.

"When I came here just now, I saw that girl with the back of her head twirling in a cross, with a whisker three feet long. She was born with a heavenly appearance, and logically speaking, she definitely won't live to be 13 years old, but …"

Fang Zishu frowned, even the pupils in his eyes had shrunk somewhat.

"But what?"

"But, her bone age is definitely above fifteen years old. Although it's not more than eighteen, it's not that far off." Putting down the cup in his hand, Fang Zishu immediately opened the bag on his back, and started searching for something.

"What the hell does the age of that person have to do with you? What's more, he didn't die after the tribulation at the age of thirteen. I don't think he'll have anything else to do after that. You're the only one worrying blindly."

He just couldn't stand Fang Zishu's kind look. Everyone said that since it was none of his business, they could only stay here for the night. It was not worth spoiling their mood because of a girl's fate.

"No, it's not that simple. Destiny was ordained by the heavens. Anyone who broke the rules of the Heavenly Dao would be punished by the heavens. For example, you have been fighting all year round and the unlucky aura on your body has persisted for many years. If I hadn't appeared, you wouldn't have been able to live past the age of eighteen, and you wouldn't have been able to find any good fortune with me. "

You mean there's a variable in her life?" The note's reaction was also extremely fast. He was able to deduce the meaning behind Fang Zhisu's words.

"Just like me, my life was taken at the age of eighteen. That day, when I was fighting, I was infected by the corpse gas. If you hadn't come here, I would have thought you were a corpse. So, you're the variable I hit. This girl, is only thirteen years old, yet she's still alive and kicking. This change in her looks is a bit unusual. "

Fang Zishu closed the notebook and looked at the police officer with an astonished expression, as if it was the first time he was meeting the two of them. The disbelief in his eyes was not the least bit fake, as if he had reacquainted with them.

"So, I deduce!" The cop pinched his chin and looked like he was deep in thought. Fang Zishu was so excited that he clenched both his fists, waiting for the counter.

"Therefore, I can deduce that there must be something valuable on this girl's body. If we can coax her over, we can definitely exchange it for a good price!"

At this moment, the young man was standing there complacently with his hands on his hips. He was happy that he had guessed what Fang Zishu was thinking, but who knew that a teacup had flown over from somewhere and directly smashed onto his head.

"Rotten wood!" You're not even rotten wood, you're just rotten wood in a latrine! "

Fang Zishu had thought that he was finally going to see the light of day.

"Sit there quietly, can you not lose face? "Listen to me carefully."

After being scolded, the officer could only sit back down obediently with a resentful expression on his face.

"At least you were right in the first half. The Heavenly Dao contained reincarnation cycle. In this world, there was nothing that could change a person's fate, other than himself. So, when this little girl turned twelve, an expert will appear in the future to change her fate. "

"Master!" "The police directly laid their heads on the table, unable to contain their excitement." Higher than you? "

"What am I? At most, he's just a brat who knows how to change his fate. But to change his fate, he has to be at the same level as my grandfather. And I, am definitely not able to do it. "

Fang Zishu was aware of his own abilities, so he was not conceited. There were many experts in this world. His grandfather could be considered one, and the person who previously came across Zhenfeng Pavilion could be considered one. Now, this person who had changed the fate of this girl could be considered another.

"The ancients have said that it was small and indistinct in the wild and big in the world. However, in the modern era, it was the opposite. The truly capable ones were all hiding in the desolate forest deep in the mountains. "On the other hand, those charlatans with minor abilities are acting as they will, and it must be said that it is a kind of sorrow."

"Zishu, then tell me, if we can find this expert, will I not have to die and find some Divine Infant to change my life?" The policeman suddenly became excited. He seemed to have thought of the scene where his obstacle to karma was eliminated, and he felt much more relaxed. He no longer had to worry about the impending death, nor did he have to be afraid of doing things.

Hearing the note, Fang Zishu was stunned for a moment, then did his best to force out a smile that was uglier than a cry.

"Of course, as long as we can find this expert, and if he is willing to help, the problems you have will not be a problem." However, not everyone is willing to help these experts. Just like my grandfather, he … "

"It's fine. If begging him once isn't enough, then I'll do it twice. There should be something that can move him." Since this expert can pay such a heavy price to change the fate of this girl, would he just watch me die? "

Finishing his words, the cop jumped down from the table excitedly and went to check his backpack. He put his valuables into a bag one by one and mumbled something.

But what he didn't notice was that Fang Zishu, who was sitting on the table behind him, had his back facing the counter. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, as if he was slightly worried.

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