Sentimental Saint/C1 To Love Wrongly Is to be Punished
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Sentimental Saint/C1 To Love Wrongly Is to be Punished
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C1 To Love Wrongly Is to be Punished

In the darkness, there was a place that both God and man yearned for. This place was the Garden of Eden.

Eden, the sweet and happy place that represents love, this place is very mysterious, very sacred, attracted many gods, people to seek the love of happiness.

It was unknown how many hundred million years ago, but an absolutely terrible great war between gods and humans had occurred in this world. Because of this great war between humans and gods, it had led to a legend.

One day, he went to play in the Garden of Eden and met a beautiful lady named Su-Qiu. He fell in love with her and fell in love with her. That was the beginning of the disaster. Because the rules in the God Realm were strict, one of them was to absolutely marry, or else they would be killed without exception.

Because Fallen Angel Gibson had fallen in love with the wrong person in the Garden of Eden that day, it was because the beautiful woman was a mortal woman, Qin Susu Qiu, and Gibson had actually fallen in love with her.

What angered the Lord God even more was that this audacious fallen angel, Gibson, had given birth to a child with the mortal woman: the Blackwing Angel, the Fallen Angel.

"This is something absolutely unforgivable. This Angel of Black Wings … The Fallen Angel can only die." When the Lord God heard about the degenerate affair with Gibson, he was furious.

Thus, the Celestial King slammed his chair and shouted, "Where is Jeffrey?"

Seeing the God King's angry look, all the people below the stage were frightened. When Jeffrey heard the God King calling him, he stood out fearfully and said, "Your Majesty, this little god is here."

Lord God King angrily issued an order, "King Jeffrey ordered you to immediately go to the Garden of Eden and bring that damned fallen angel, Gibson, to This King. Then, throw that Fallen Angel Gibson's vile spawn into the mortal world and have him receive the harshest of reincarnation punishments. "

"Yes, little god." Jeffrey did not dare to disobey the Lord God's orders, so he agreed and went to capture Fallen Angel Gibson.

At this time, in the Garden of Eden, on the contrary, it was a beautiful day, singing and dancing. It turned out that the lustful and amorous Fallen Angel, Gibson, and his beloved wife, the mortal woman, Qin Susu Qiu, as well as his evil descendant, the Blackwing Angel family, were drinking tea by the side.

Who knew that just as the three of the Fallen Angel Gibson's family were enjoying themselves, there was a sudden thunderbolt in the sky above the Garden of Eden, and then a massive red cloud appeared in the sky. In the midst of that red cloud, the messenger of death, Geoffrey.

Looking at Geoffrey, the messenger of death, the fallen angel Gibson felt his heart tremble and his hands shake, but he heard "No." With a crisp sound, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"Gibson, what's wrong?" Qin Susu Qiu hurriedly asked with concern when she saw her husband's expression suddenly drastically change. He even broke the teacup in her hand.

"Wa …" The crisp sound of breaking glass, like the roar of a bomb, scared the fallen angel, Gibson, and the mortal woman, Suqiu's evil child, the angel of the Black Wings — the fallen angel, into tears.

Fallen Angel Gibson's heart broke when he saw his wife and children's reactions, but he endured the immense grief in his heart. He then said to his beloved wife, Gloria, "It's nothing. My hand just feels a little uncomfortable."

Looking at Geoffrey, the angel of death, Gibson felt that his end had come, for he knew that his fall was already against the will of heaven, and that the Lord God must have known his fall, so today he had sent Geoffrey, the messenger of death, to take his life.

In order not to frighten his beloved wife and son, Fallen Angel Gibson decided to take the initiative to accept the punishment of Geoffrey, the messenger of death.

Therefore, Fallen Angel Gibson tried his best to suppress the grief in his heart and forced out a smile. He then said to his beloved wife, Gloria, "Noah, His Majesty wants me to go on an extremely important mission that will take a long time before I return. You have to properly raise our child, the Blackwing Angel — Fallen Angel."

"Gibson, work is important, you can rest assured. I will do my best to raise our child's black-winged angel, the Fallen Angel." Cheroa is a good wife and mother, comfort fallen angel - Gibson said.

"Then I'll be leaving. Noah, my wife, you have to take care of yourself." After saying that, Fallen Angel Gibson rose into the air with a silver beam of light, arriving before Jeffrey, the messenger of death.

Seeing Fallen Angel Gibson turn himself in, Jeffrey thought he knew he was wrong and wanted to tie him up to report back to the Celestial King, so he said to him, "You really know it's wrong to fall in love with a mortal. Can you come with me and apologize to the Celestial King?"

"Jeffrey, I really don't understand why you are so pedantic. That old and immortal Celestial King is so feudal, yet he forbids us from marrying into the mortal world. Not only did you not object, you even obeyed his command to kill me."

"Fallen Angel - Gibson, have you forgotten the oath we made when we were cultivators? That is, you can't marry a mortal. What's more, the purpose of the Celestial King punishing you is to make you admit your wrongs and correct them. I believe that if you can obey the decree of the God King, agree to break the engagement of that mortal woman, and agree to our strategic plan to exterminate the human race, the God King will definitely forgive you. " "Death's messenger," Jeffrey advised.

Fallen Angel Gibson heard this and said some of the big man's words, "Jeffrey, what you're saying is a bunch of crap. You and the Celestial King have never had love, so how can you deeply experience the greatness of true love? Besides, now that I am married to a woman on Earth, I have become a member of Earth, and therefore I am absolutely right that you should seek ways to exterminate mankind in order to satisfy your lust. Therefore, no matter what, I can't agree to let me help you all kill the innocent living beings on Earth. Even if His Majesty the God King wants to kill me because of this, I won't go back on my words. "

After listening to Fallen Angel Gibson's heartfelt words, Jeffrey knew that he had already decided to marry a mortal woman and oppose the Divine King. No matter how much he tried to persuade him, he would never change his mind.

So Jeffrey, the messenger of death, immediately took out the sword from his storage ring and held it high, advising the fallen angel Gibson, saying, "Gibson, I think it's better for you to give up your rotten idea and come back with me to apologize to the God King and beg his forgiveness. Otherwise, if you keep on insisting on being unrepentant, and when I brandish my God Slaying Sword, you will regret it later. "

The Fallen Angel Gibson, who was determined to defend love with his death, smiled wryly, shook his head vigorously, and took the stance of a man about to fight to the death with Geoffrey, the messenger of death.

Jeffrey knew that this Fallen Angel, Gibson, had already explained to him that he was determined to fight to the death with the Lord God. There was no need for him to talk any further. He could just use actual action to comply with the Lord God King's orders.

So Jeffrey, the messenger of death, made up his mind that today he would kill the fallen angel Gibson and all the vile creatures he had loved with mortals.

So Jeffrey, the messenger of death, said to Fallen Angel Gibson, "Since you've chosen to go against the Lord God King and defend your choice with your death, well, then, this old man will send you on your way as you wish."

After saying that, the God of Death's messenger, Jeffrey, swung the God-Slaying Sword a few times, only to see it emit a glaring brown-red light of death itself.

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