Sentimental Saint/C10 Slightly Better
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Sentimental Saint/C10 Slightly Better
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C10 Slightly Better

Arcanum nodded and said, "That's right. Wu Yan and I share the same dorm room. So even our alumni are good friends. To tell you the truth, this guy's strength far surpasses mine. He hasn't started learning magic yet, so I'm just a tad ahead of him. However, he was soon about to enter the second grade as well. "When that happens, as a senior, I'll really be completely given to him."

Duril was shocked. All this while, he had always wanted to find the only disciple that was close to this Illusory Star Sword God. Because compared to the Profound Mysteries, Wu Yan's potential for growth was much greater. In fact, in the near future, he might even be able to become a supreme expert that would be able to rule the entire continent, just like his master. If he could strike up a relationship with such a person, then the day when his future accomplishments surpassed those of his father would no longer be a dream.

Du Li quickly walked to Wu Yan's side and didn't care if Wu Yan was willing or not. He grabbed Wu Yan's hand and said, "Hello, my name is Du Li. If you don't mind, can you make a friend? "

The heat almost knocked Wu Yan's head unconscious. He replied without thinking, "Sorry. Although I don't intend to touch women at the moment, I'm not interested in men at all." Saying that, his arm cleverly shook, and Duril's entire body was thrown away. He retreated a few steps back, and only with the help of his subordinates did he proudly stabilize his body.

Before Durette could say anything, some of the smart-ass thugs rushed up to him and shouted, "You don't know what's good for you. It's your fortune that our young master wants to be friends with you. You actually dared to say that our young master has some strange hobbies!? " As he said that, he threw punches and kicks at Wu Yan. When Duril finally reacted and wanted to stop it, he was already a step too late.

It was not hard to imagine the intention of Durit in sacrificing his men. Wu Yan coldly snorted and turned his head to the side. He continued to use his battle qi to counteract the heat of the golden colored glass.

Seeing that Wu Yan was not willing to bother with him, Du Li could only take a step back. He immediately turned to the mysterious man and said, "Eh, senior. Just where did Wu Yan feel uncomfortable? Do you want me to find a room for you to rest? "

The mysterious man chuckled as he moved close to Durette's ear and whispered, "He drank a cup of golden colored glass."

"Gold Glass?" "This is …" Dulett looked at Wu Yan's face and immediately understood what was going on. That's easy. I'll find a box for him and get some women in there. "

The mysterious man shook his head and said, "Do you think I have never thought about it? But if the girl who has been pestering Wu Yan all day finds out about this, she will definitely come and fight me to the death." She was an assassin, and she also had a Night Demon Cloak. If she really wants to get even with me, then I won't even be able to walk at night without worry. Not to mention, that girl was in the same dorm as Elise. It's good that she came straight to me. If she did complain to Elisa, then I'm really done for. "

The mysterious man saw the look of helplessness on Durette's face. He laughed and said, "Well, there is nothing to worry about. Wu Yan's power seemed to have improved a bit recently. It should not be difficult to rely on combat power to cancel out the heat from the golden colored glass. It was only a matter of time. Go and get busy. I'll take him back after a few more drinks. I don't know what will happen the moment his drinking powers are released. "

The power of Wu Yan was evident to all. Once this alcohol was released, there was no need to talk about the thugs in the Miranda Bar. Perhaps even the mysteries would find it hard to stop it in a short period of time. Being close was important, but staying in the bar was the most important thing right now.

After weighing the pros and cons, Duril finally felt relieved and said, "Alright, since senior is in a rush to return, then little brother will not stay any longer. "How about this, tonight, Senior Wu Yan and Wu Yan will spend all their money in Milan."

Mystery said, "There's no need. I do have this little bit of money, senior." I came here tonight to sell myself to Wu Yan. I can't give you this opportunity. "Haha."

After bidding farewell to Durette, Arcanum drank a few more cups by himself. During this period of time, Wu Yan had finally completely canceled out the heat in his body. The originally hot body temperature finally returned to normal at this moment.

Seeing that the mysterious man was still drinking and even seemed to be enjoying the moment, Wu Yan grumpily said, "Such a torturous thing, how can you actually treat it as nothing else but a cup after cup. "Now I'm convinced."

Arcanum laughed, "Come on, if I want you to submit to me, it would be better to say that tomorrow, the demons will launch an attack against the Yilan Continent. It's not like you don't know that half of the magic I cultivate is of the fire attribute. Therefore, this kind of golden colored glass with fire properties can be said to only slightly hurt me. "

Wu Yan gloomily said, "You guys are fine. You can choose some of the more commonly used spells to practice. As for me, because my body is cultivating non-elemental dou qi, Master said that I will only be able to practice summoning magic for the rest of my life. "

Arcanum shot him a glance, then snappily said, "So what if you envy me to death?" Do you know that the Summon division is one of the most powerful magic divisions in the history of the continent? He didn't even know how many people would want to learn summoning magic, but they would have to live with regret if they didn't have enough innate talent. Only someone like you, who is always lucky and doesn't know how to be lucky, would act all day and still act all good. "

"Is it really that awesome?" Wu Yan said in disbelief.

"Bullshit!" A voice that Wu Yan was familiar with rang out from the center of the dance floor. A golden-haired man suddenly punched another man in the face. The golden-haired man's fist was surprisingly heavy. He had actually sent his opponent flying with a single strike. He crashed into a wooden table on the side. The wooden table immediately fell apart.

"It's Rick. He actually came here." Wu Yan immediately jumped down from the stool when he saw the golden-haired man's face. His face was filled with excitement as he spoke.

The mysterious man immediately recognized the golden-haired man on the dance floor. He was Jin Meng, the captain who had almost tied with Wu Yan in the ranking tournament, Rick. "But he still doesn't understand one thing." "Wu Yan, you have already befriended that fellow?"

Wu Yan asked curiously, "What's the matter?" "Can't I?"

"As expected!" A feeling of powerlessness instantly spread throughout Mystic Arcanum's entire body. At this moment, he really did not know whether he should feel happy for being able to guess what Wu Yan was thinking, or sad for the fact that Wu Yan had gotten himself into trouble. He shook his head helplessly and sighed, "It's not something impossible. However, that fellow seemed to be a frequent visitor here. Almost every time he came, he would cause trouble. "What I want to say is, I hope that no matter what happens later, you will not interfere …"

Before the mysterious man finished his words, Wu Yan had already disappeared. When he reappeared, a heavy punch had already landed on the face of a young man who wanted to sneak attack Rick with a wine bottle.

Seeing Wu Yan's appearance, Rick was pleasantly surprised and said, "Ah, Wu Yan, thank you for helping me deal with this guy."

Wu Yan smiled and said, "It's fine. Did you forget that we are already friends?" If you are friends, you should help each other. " Finished speaking, Wu Yan turned his head to the mysterious man who was still seated at the bar, "Senior, what did you say just now?"

"Ah!" "You idiot, you went to help people fight, why do you have to let people know that you recognize me?" At this moment, the mysterious man had the urge to strangle Wu Yan. That was because after Wu Yan spoke to him, a few of the people who were originally surrounding Wu Yan and Rick already split up and headed in the direction of the profound mysteries. Obviously, he couldn't possibly be here to buy him a drink.

Seeing that there was no longer any room for compromise, Mystic One shouted, "Damn it! I'm going all out tonight as well!" I'll come to a night fight at a bar with you two little brats and just treat it as an exercise after drinking. " Finished speaking, he didn't wait for the few young men to surround him. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards them.

Wu Yan laughed, and said: "Didn't I train a strong opponent since I told you? "No, I would never do something so strenuous." Finished speaking, Wu Yan picked up the coat that he threw on the ground during the fight and was about to walk towards the gate of the Milan family.

"The three of you, please wait." Du Li suddenly appeared and blocked the path of Wu Yan and the others.

Arcanum said: "What, do you want us to be responsible for this?"

Without waiting for Duril to speak, Rick grabbed his collar and said: "Hey, you have to figure it out." They were the first ones to cause trouble. "I am only defending myself. Wu Yan and the others only helped me when they saw me being bullied. They couldn't stand watching me get bullied. That's why they helped me."

"Rick, you calm down first. "Listen to me …"

"What's there to say? Don't tell me you're not here to settle scores with us, but to give us benefits?" After saying that, Rick tightened his grip.

Durette's eyes went white and she almost lost her breath. Fortunately, Wu Yan stopped Rick in time. "Forget it. Let's listen to what he has to say first."

Even Wu Yan had spoken, so Rick was too embarrassed to continue being stubborn. As soon as his fingers were released, Durette collapsed to the ground like a boneless squid. Clutching his throat, he started to cough.

Rick shot a disdainful glance at Duril and said, "Speak quickly if you have anything to say. I still have a program later, so I don't want to waste my time here for you."

"Actually, I just wanted to ask how much of the medical fees you want to claim from those guys. "Because they were the ones who started this, according to the rules of the bar, other than the compensation for all the damages, you also have the right to ask for medical fees from them."

"Medical expenses?" Rick looked at himself, then looked at Wu Yan and the mysterious man. Other than the fact that their clothes were a little dirtier than before, they didn't have any other injuries. On the other hand, those fellows on the dance floor were currently lying all over the place. It was likely that they would not be able to stand up again for the next three to seven days. Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

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