Sentimental Saint/C15 Magic Elements
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Sentimental Saint/C15 Magic Elements
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C15 Magic Elements

Just when Wu Yan thought he was dead for sure. Several streaks of fiery light suddenly shot out from the Infernal Wolf's body. In the blink of an eye, the gigantic Hell-demon Wolf had turned back into a magical element, fusing back into the walls of Tong Tian Tower.

"Alright, that's enough for today. Although it was only a Goblin, it was still a success. "Go back and have a good sleep. Tomorrow, I will teach you the second incantation."

Jaegers hovered in the air, a woman wrapped in flames beside him. The temperature of the flame was extremely high, but it surrounded the woman's body like a gorgeous dress. The whiteness of her skin contrasted sharply with the crimson flames. Without even thinking about it, it was clear that she was the one who had just destroyed the Infernal Wolf.

"Teacher, she is …?" Wu Yan was puzzled. Could it be that at his age, there was still such an expert level beauty coming to look for him? No wonder he let me go back so early today.

With a single glance, Yegs saw through Wu Yan's thoughts and said snappily, "You idiot. Could it be that even humans and summoned beasts could not be distinguished from each other? I summoned her to save you. "Goddess of Fire!"

"Flame Goddess? Then doesn't that mean she's fire attributed?! " Wu Yan said in disbelief.

Yegs proudly said: "Hehe, this is the attribute summoning that I just created a hundred years ago." While using the summoning spell, a summoned beast with magical properties could be summoned according to the other attributes that the user possessed. My second attribute is fire. That's why the super summon I summoned was this Flame Goddess. "

After listening to Yeggs's words, Wu Yan's mind suddenly came up with an idea. "Teacher, can I also summon a beast with an attribute like you in the future?"

"No," Jaeger replied bluntly.


"Don't tell me you don't remember what kind of magical talent you lost?" Otherwise, why would you come to my Tong Tian Tower? "

Jaeger's words were like a heavy hammer hitting the back of Wu Yan's head. His mind went blank in that instant.

No wonder he was like this. After all, no matter who it was, their dream was immediately shattered. This was indeed a huge blow.

"Not absolutely." "As long as you can transform your attributes into other attributes through some special means." you can then summon a summoned beast that has the magical attribute. "

Wu Yan said excitedly, "Teacher, is what you said true?"

"Believe it or not, I have no reason to lie to you."

Wu Yan said, "I'm sorry Teacher, I shouldn't have doubted you. Tell me quickly, the method that can change your Inherent skill attributes. "

"I don't know …" Jaggs's answer was extremely nimble.

Wu Yan thought that he was joking, smiled and said, "Teacher, stop beating around the bush and quickly tell me. What on earth is the method that can change an attribute to another attribute? "

Jaegers said, "I really don't know. Didn't I already tell you if I knew? You're my disciple, so of course I have to think about everything for you, don't you? "

Everything was for my sake. Every day, I would fight against a high level magical beast, and would be beaten to the point where only half of my life remained?

Wu Yan didn't know how many times he had secretly cursed Jaggs, but on the surface, he still had to pretend that he agreed with what Jaggs had said.

He nodded his head repeatedly, "All that teacher has done is for the sake of the student. It is because the student is too slow." He should think about his own matters. He shouldn't have come to bother the teacher. It's getting late. Teacher, student will be going back now. " After saying that, he disappeared without waiting for a reply. In case he suddenly thought of something and decided not to let him go.

This was a common occurrence.

Jaegers would often suddenly tell Wu Yan that he could go back. When Wu Yan thought he could finally relax, he suddenly summoned a small army of magical beasts. He caught Wu Yan off guard.

It was as if he had been tricked by Jaggs. Wu Yan had already come up with a solution.

Whenever Yeges said that the class was over, he would immediately open the walls of Tong Tian Tower and throw Wu Yan out. Otherwise, he would definitely continue to store his battle qi in his legs or in his palms. In the first place, he would be able to use it to deal a fatal blow to the magical beast army, which would appear at any moment. Secondly, he would be able to unleash his fastest speed when it was confirmed that Jaggs really wanted him to end the class.

A month of magic training. Although Wu Yan's progress in summoning magic wasn't great. However, no matter if it was the control of non-elemental battle qi, or the use of martial arts, he had become much more proficient at it than before.

Compared to the other Magic Pagodas, the training in Tong Tian Tower was a thousand times more difficult. And now, Wu Yan's daily usage of martial arts already took up nine tenths of the time of the other students' normal magic lessons. Sometimes, even for a whole day, he wouldn't be able to come across anything related to summoning magic.

Because of this, Wu Yan often complained to Yeges that Tong Tian Tower did not do it for the sake of training martial skills, but for the sake of learning magic. Cultivating too many martial skills was a complete waste of time. But Jaggs always laughed about it. If Wu Yan insisted on pursuing the matter any further, he would summon a fierce high class magical beast to beat Wu Yan half to death as punishment for not listening to his teacher's words.

In fact, all this was known only to Jaggs. The training that Wu Yan did now was not a waste of time. He was building a solid foundation for a huge project.

Of course, the violence had not been directed against him. Peng Daling felt like a sophomore now. If he tried to settle the score with Ulrich, he would inevitably be treated as bullying his juniors.

Therefore, Peng Daling had found all the rumormakers of the same grade as her. One must know that in the entire Second Year, in addition to Wu Yan and Rick, Peng Daling was the strongest.

In addition, she also wore her Night Demon Cloak. Often, before those rumormongers knew what happened, they would find themselves lying in the sickbed of the Church of Holy Light.

Since then, the scandal between Peng Daling and Ulrich has finally subsided.

The second thing that happened this month. A rather surprising thing.

With the help of the students who were challenging the seniors, Ulrich was able to advance into the second year. Moreover, it wasn't just challenging one, but defeating ten fourth year seniors in one go. For this reason, his statement was once again inspired.

It was different from Wu Yan's personality. He was not the kind of person to keep people at arm's length.

As long as there were admirers or suitors, he would never refuse them. Instead, he happily accepted the other party's kind intentions.

In less than half a month's time, the number of female students in the academy who had spread the rumour with Ulrich had exceeded sixty. To this end, people gave him a very interesting title - the silver "female king".

Abbreviations: Silver King.

Compared to the previous two things … The third thing that happened this month was the most shocking and funny.

Without a doubt, this was the official appearance of Mubart's girlfriend.

On that day, Wu Yan and the others were having a meal together at the canteen. Just like that, Vanderbilt's girlfriend pulled his arm and walked in with him.

This was very different from what people used to think of her as a girlfriend.

Originally, the mysterious man had assumed that the girl who would be with him would be a big fellow as well. Its body was very sturdy. A strong woman.

But that was not the case. Not only was his girlfriend not tall at all. On the contrary, she was extremely cute and petite. Standing next to the unusually tall figure of Mabat, one might even wonder if she was even the illegitimate daughter of Mabat.

As soon as they saw Bart's girlfriend, Mystic and Vieri's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Because they both knew Bart's girlfriend.

Not just recognition. Moreover, he was extremely familiar with it.

The name of her girlfriend was Linda Barthes. Ivanda was the most lovable 'little princess' in the academy.

'Little Princess' was actually just Linda's title in the academy. Because she was born with an adorable baby face. Add a head of long golden hair. He looked just like a princess in a fairy tale.

Linda, Arcanum, and Vieri were also new third year students. Although they didn't greet each other very often, they were old acquaintances. However, what everyone didn't expect was that she would actually become the girlfriend of a grade lower than them, Mubart.

Mysterious, he already had the great beauty Elisa as a partner to fall in love with. The fact that Linda was Bart's girlfriend was not a big blow to him. Vieri's situation was different. Although his looks and family background were very good. However, his foresight was a bit too high. Of course he had pursued Linda before. However, he was quickly rejected. As for the love letter that he asked Wu Yan to pass to He Jian. Furthermore, he had never received a reply. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that there wouldn't be any answer. Therefore, his recent mood had always been one of disappointment. The fact that Lynn had done it for Bart's girlfriend had hit Vieri once again.

"Hahaha, I say, dorm master, you can only blame yourself for having such high standards." If you only want to find ordinary girls, you just need to pick out one of the love letters on your bedside table. You're pretty famous in our year, aren't you? " Arcanum patted Vieri on the back and laughed.

Linda and Barthes were sitting across from Arcanum and Vieri. Even though he was trying to push Linda away from him. However, Linda's delicate arms seemed to emit a huge force. No matter how he struggled, he was still unable to get Linda away from him. Helpless, he could only compromise.

At this moment, Wu Yan finally walked into the cafeteria.

"This way, this way." Arcanum stood up and waved his hand towards Wu Yan.

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